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Question about Del Meeko belt

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Hi everyone, 

I am Jean from the Chilean outpost and I am working on my Del Meeko. Wanted to ask you some questions if it is possible

1-Regarding the over belt, what would be the correct size?. The CRL and the discussion here says that should be about 4 cms (1.5 inches) but comparing the proportion of that size with the regular officer belt (which is between 5-7 cms), seems to be wider (included a picture here, my officer belt is 6 cms). Is it possible to have a 3 cms over belt?. Included a picture that got from the CRL discussion.

This is also because the size of it seems to be the same than the one that is used in the connected belt (also says 4 cm), but the one that I have here has a hole of 3 cms (picture below). 

2-Regarding the thermal detonator. How do you attach it, is it attached to the over belt. I have not seen any picture of it, seems to be floating. Would it be allowed to glue / velcro it to the over belt?. What color would be allowed for weathering?.  I have seen brown.

3-Regarding the 8 rivets, what would be the best color?, silver or darker?.  

4-regarding the helmet. Is there a picture of a functional pill box?. 

5-Anyone could share a picture of a separate vocoder?

6-Regarding the patches, was thinking about getting some from Endor finders. I think that they should be more accurate.


Thank you very much in advance for your help because these answers would be great to go to the next step


Captura de pantalla 2021-09-19 a la(s) 15.24.59.jpg

belt box.jpg


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7 hours ago, jean said:

Hi everyone, 

I am Jean from the Chilean outpost and I am working on my Del Meeko. Wanted to ask you some questions if it is possible

1-Regarding the over belt, what would be the correct size?. The CRL and the discussion here says that should be about 4 cms (1.5 inches) but comparing the proportion of that size with the regular officer belt (which is between 5-7 cms), seems to be wider (included a picture here, my officer belt is 6 cms). Is it possible to have a 3 cms over belt?. Included a picture that got from the CRL discussion.

This is also because the size of it seems to be the same than the one that is used in the connected belt (also says 4 cm), but the one that I have here has a hole of 3 cms (picture below). 

2-Regarding the thermal detonator. How do you attach it, is it attached to the over belt. I have not seen any picture of it, seems to be floating. Would it be allowed to glue / velcro it to the over belt?. What color would be allowed for weathering?.  I have seen brown.

3-Regarding the 8 rivets, what would be the best color?, silver or darker?.  

4-regarding the helmet. Is there a picture of a functional pill box?. 

5-Anyone could share a picture of a separate vocoder?

6-Regarding the patches, was thinking about getting some from Endor finders. I think that they should be more accurate.


Thank you very much in advance for your help because these answers would be great to go to the next step


Captura de pantalla 2021-09-19 a la(s) 15.24.59.jpg

belt box.jpg


Hello Jean, welcome to the forum.  If you have worked through our discussion you know that its quite extensive and there was a lot of discussion and measurement on the belts, and that overall this costume is made of smaller than standard components. 


On the Belt since it was @TX-20113@MahXPrime who did the discussion and measurements, I will let them answer, since they understand this costume more intimately than I do.

On the Thermal Detonator , after rather extensive review of the components, and how the game illustrates that it is attached, we chose to leave it to the wearer to determine how best to mount it.  So, its up to you. Game use magic electron glue, but the real world has to figure things out. Talk to your GML and find out what will be acceptable.  Magnets have been suggested for a lot of things, and perhaps it would work. 

The 8 snaps should appear silver, and appear bright in the game, with little to not weathering. 

I have a functional pillbox on the back of my TIE helmet, its a stl file so that it opens and closes like the real plectrum box that was used on the original TIE helmets in '77.

The separate vocoder was discussed by Captain Radu who made the helmets used for the Star Wars Show, and that is discussed here.

The EF patches appear to be correct based on L2 of the CRL, but I will say that their patch appears to be on a square weave twill that appears to be more boxlike than vertically oriented.  @TX-20113 or @MahXPrime should have a better answer than I can give now, the patch is not listed in the Vendor list for Del Meeko. 

OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable):

Patches are vinyl on textile with no edge border. If twill is used for the patch material the fabric texture will be vertically oriented.

I hope this helps.

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11 hours ago, jean said:

Hi everyone, 

I am Jean from the Chilean outpost and I am working on my Del Meeko. Wanted to ask you some questions if it is possible

1-Regarding the over belt, what would be the correct size?. The CRL and the discussion here says that should be about 4 cms (1.5 inches) but comparing the proportion of that size with the regular officer belt (which is between 5-7 cms), seems to be wider (included a picture here, my officer belt is 6 cms). Is it possible to have a 3 cms over belt?. Included a picture that got from the CRL discussion.

This is also because the size of it seems to be the same than the one that is used in the connected belt (also says 4 cm), but the one that I have here has a hole of 3 cms (picture below). 

2-Regarding the thermal detonator. How do you attach it, is it attached to the over belt. I have not seen any picture of it, seems to be floating. Would it be allowed to glue / velcro it to the over belt?. What color would be allowed for weathering?.  I have seen brown.

3-Regarding the 8 rivets, what would be the best color?, silver or darker?.  

4-regarding the helmet. Is there a picture of a functional pill box?. 

5-Anyone could share a picture of a separate vocoder?

6-Regarding the patches, was thinking about getting some from Endor finders. I think that they should be more accurate.


Thank you very much in advance for your help because these answers would be great to go to the next step


Captura de pantalla 2021-09-19 a la(s) 15.24.59.jpg

belt box.jpg


Hello and welcome to the forums ? let's see if i can help you ?

#1) i checked out the CRL in this point. It sais that the width of the Belt can be between 51mm and 76mm. And the over belt is 40mm. I would keep those measures if i'd be you. If the belt is just 30mm you probably can get some problems with the attachement. The holes on that hanging box (its from Jim Tripon, right?) Are to small, i know. You'll have to cut them out. Make them 40mm.

#2) for example, i glued some strong neodyme magnets on the belt and also on the detonator. It works pretty good. You can't run because it would fell down, but you can put it on and off pretty easy. But to be honest, there is no "official" way to attache it. Its just important that the way of attachment is invisible. The weathering on every piece of the hard parts should be just scratches. No silver or grey weathering is ever seen on any of those parts, so its not accepted. I would advise you to make it all "clean"  just some scratches on the red marks. The scratches on the black parts will come over the years and will look more authentic then ?

#3) silver is best for the rivets

#4) not that i know. I will check that for you. 

#5) you mean a screenshot? I will put some in. PS_App_20210524_022251.thumb.jpeg.005c4fe5d5f9013bd0e8a7a4779fa3ea.jpegPS_App_20210524_022235.thumb.jpeg.17e16482739391a9d1162bdaf8c982d2.jpegPS_App_20210524_022229.thumb.jpeg.e25994b08d0d9f739528d163d15e79a0.jpegPS_App_20210524_022219.thumb.jpeg.d4e3da37c23a034ac686f3c4ea4736b3.jpegPS_App_20210524_022114.thumb.jpeg.6ea7152ffa56ac1a66652bc9dd98afb9.jpegPS_App_20210524_022109.jpeg.f2dcb487db4ef44362d2b89534882b96.jpegPS_App_20210524_022101.thumb.jpeg.a8e2e58cc1b465e6e7c52dfe23217565.jpeg


#6) i took the patches from endorfinders. They look just amazing. Thick vinyl print on on fabric with vertical webbing. Absolutely Level 2 pieces. Just one thing to know about them: they are not with velcro. So you would have to sew the velcro on their back, which is not Level 2 anymore then, or glue the velrco on the back. 


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Okay. Right. There is not any moment in the game where you could see Del's pillbox open, but there is clearly visible mechanic to make that it can be opened.





If you need any more help with your Del, feel free to message me in private. Greetings

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Thank  you very much for you info and help. 

1-I made some modifications on the belt box, so now the  lateral hole has a 4 cms and looks  better. Considering the pictures posted in the new CRL discussion the rectangular depression seems to be smaller than the one of Jim´s box, so, I am thinking of making it smaller, what do you think about?

2-Regarding the snaps / rivets. Got 2 different in  silver, one is flat and the other has a bump. I think that the one with the  bump looks  better

3-Regarding  the patches, I  have the last version of Gio Jumpsuit with all the  updates but decided to get the patches from endor finders, so  they should arrive soon. 

4-I have 2 questions regarding  the helmet. I have the one from intergalactic supply, it is the new version and I will change the hose connectors for aluminum. Have you seen it?. The first question is regarding the pill box. I understand that  the CRL just changed again but  what would be the reason to have a functional pill box for level 2  ?(only asking). I understand the point of helmets from the original trilogy which are  from real life, but is  there any image of the game were this is functional?. I have one  box non functional that has the same shape as  the game but is not functional. The other question is the separate vocoder. Do you know were I could get a separate one to put in my helmet?.

Thank you very much  for your hep and info

This is the link with the pictures https://imgur.com/a/yZnkcnf 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anton probably has the better answer but I will add what I can, 

I agree that the rounded rivets will look better than flat rivets, thats the visual I get from looking at the pictures posted. 

L2 is intended to be harder to achieve, and you can get a functional pillbox on thingiverse and print it out. I have one on my TIE helmet. My helmet originally came with just a bump in 2008, so I upgraded it. 

On the vocoder I saw a pic, and IIRC it was from Radu when he was developing the helmet for the tv show, and the vocoder was separate.  I had discussed with staff making this, as a separate piece.  Personally, and this is just me and my very old fashioned brain, I would use thin black tubing like either RC fuel line tubing, or even heat shrink tubing, and then run a heavy wire through it and form it. 

I hope this helps and look forward to your build progress. 


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The ones with a bump are better. 


About the pillbox: well, i really don't know why this part of the helmet could be functional, but i think logical and so it could contain a port to upload the pilot's personal data or to charge it ??‍♂️? 

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Thank you very much again guys for your advices. 

Will have to make the changes in the helmet and  this weekend  will  finish the belt. The last question before including these rivets. I made a small depression  on  top of  them to looks like the ones of the game. 

Do  you think  that I  can use these ones with  this "variation"?.  Thanks!!

del meeko.jpg

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it looks screen accurate to me for sure.  just remember that your GML will be looking at the CRL photos and you can supply these as well when you submit the costume for approval. 

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  • 3 years later...

Hi at all.


I have to request the width of the Overbelt again.


In the CRL it states 4cm width but this can't be if you compare the ingame reference with the real costume parts. 


I've used a 4cm till now but as you can see in my pictures, it doesn't match the width of the ingame shots.


Can this may get changed in the CRL to 3cm-4cm as 3 would look much more accurate as just 4cm.





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3cm and ingame shots for comparison


So if you compare 3cm width with the ingame shots, it's definitely more correct than 4 cm width. 


What do you think and can this may get changed in the CRLs?


Thanks in advance 











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this is answered in the other topic, but I will refer you to Anton's discussion at the top of this topic.  

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