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Dark Trooper - Generation 3 - Mandalorian - CRL Discussion

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Die Frage des Konsens stelle ich mir auch gerade.

Ich werde meinen Darktrooper jetzt weiter nach der Hot Toys Puppe weiter zusammen bauen.

Eventuelle Abweichung können dann später diskutiert werden, und gegebenen falls bei Bedarf geändert werden.

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I think that sounds good for the Hand & Finger Armor text:

Hand & Finger Armor

  • Hand armor and fingers are gloss black except where annotated.
    • May be separate from or attached to the gloves.
  • The hand & finger armor may be slightly weathered but must be uniform with the rest of the costume.
  • The hand armor consists of two distinct pieces; a base piece and hand plate.
    • The base piece which sits over the back of the hand is slightly curved across the back of the hand.
      • May have an outside (pinky) edge which is angled down and wrapped around to the palm.
      • May have an inside (thumb) edge which is shorter beginning just aft of the thumb joint and wrapped to the palm.
    • The handplate is flat and elongated with eight sides.
      • There is a square notch in the fingers end of the hand plate.
      • There are six raised elongated rectangles along the outside edge.
      • There is a raised pentagon on the back edge near the wrist.
      • Raised details are painted metallic black, matte black, or dark gray.
  • Fingers are armored in 2-3 rigid pieces per finger, proportionate in size to the fingers, with the fingertips ending in contoured trapezoids. There may be small circles on the fingertip pads.
    • The joints between the pieces are segmented to allow movement and have a circle detail resembling a mechanical joint.
    • Mechanical pieces may be present giving the appearance of the finger pieces being attached to the hand base piece.
  • The palms may have flat armor plates attached to the glove’s palm.
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Next up!

Revision 0
Abdomen Armor

  • Gloss black in color except where noted below.
  • Shall be centered under the chest.
    • The outer upper corners are tapered and angled up and out from the center.
    • There are two vertical details that are angled outward and have 18-20 raised horizontal ridges. They are positioned outside a raised center section. Details are painted metallic black, silver, or dark gray.
    • There is a raised center section which has a raised circular ring.
      • There is a half spherical recess in the upper right corner of the center section.
      • There are two small elongated vertical rectangles along the top of the raised center section.
  • The Abdomen and Lower Back side extensions, if any, may meet flush at the sides.
  • Two pistons may be present. If present, the ends must have the appearance of being attached to the abdomen and extended to be hidden by the belt. Pistons shafts will be painted metallic black or silver.
  • Abdomen section may be slightly weathered but must be uniform with the rest of the costume.


  • 13aAbdomensupportingphotos.thumb.jpg.716f07f3fa516d127a1d3271e8fb621f.jpg
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