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Verification of a finished IAT cosplay

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Hello fellow troopers!

My name is Cyprian, I am from Poland and with close cooperation and immense help from @Jankes, I've finally managed to complete my lvl 2 certificate set of an Imperial Army trooper. After doing so, I wanted to ask you all about your opinions and verification of whether the set is correct or if I need to change something.

Here is the whole set with two photos of several pieces of individual equipment, which may not be as clearly visible.

I hope you will like it!




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Hello Cyprian


Lets get your Trooper into the Specialist prorgram. Overall you look good on quick pass, but we will need detailed shots of each component as well as measuremnts of your goggle straps, your TU on your helmet and a lot more detailed photos 


here is the link to the program

The "Specialist" Program - 501st SpecOps (specops501st.com)

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Thank you very much! I am really proud of your approval and an invitation to the Specialist Program. As soon as I'll be able to get myself acquaint ant with all the requirements, methods of measurements and documentation, I'll send everything in details :D

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