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Ghostface's IST WIP

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The CRL is UP F-Yeah!!!(https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Imperial_security_trooper#Version_One-0)However, I still have a long time to get everything I need and I am hoping if any member and/or IST can tell me where if these items I need are viable to the trooper or not:

I. when it comes to the tunic/pants which vendor(outside of keeptrooping[for budgetary reasons]) will sell these part of the costume?

II. I saw some boots from crowprops(link here:https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/jackboot-black-booties ) and do they fit the bill for the IST or does anyone know another place where I can find the IST boots?

III. I am getting the 3d printed parts for the Goggles ready and I want to actually make them functional for my costume. for futher detail I would keep the back fixed but the front unfixed, is that ok to do or no?

I will have more questions down the road but these are the ones I can think of now but Ill update when I get the stuff bit by bit and start assembling.

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I know crow makes the boots, but research determined these are German navy issue boots, or equivelant. They are a bit chunkier than regular jackboots. They absolutely come up shorter than the IAT/ Andor boot which rises to the knee. Talk to your GML about motorcycle boots, and adding a leather flap and buckle to give the correct look. 


I dont understand by the goggles being fixed and unfixed? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

for L1 approval the goggles may be removed and worn, but for L2 they need to be permanently fused / mounted / printed on the helmet because on the actual filming prop it was part of the helmet. You can see that some actually had the lens fall out during filming. 

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