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Aes' General Weir WIP


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What @Chaos said to tack them down is good for that. There was a rear reference image that we have that showed a wider strap on the back into a smaller strap where the boxes attach, which is why the L2 detail is smaller for that strap.


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@IcyTrooper for sure, was just mentioning the 3d printed bandolier boxes from @thisiskevin have a 1.5” slot, the CRL model pics have a 1.5” webbing passing through them joining to the broader 2”, but the CRL text states the more narrow webbing is 1”.


Wasn’t sure which was correct  :)


Bandolier thoughts:

It appears to start the boxes on the tops of the yoke of the breastplate, I might put a strip of velcro on top of the fabric that hides the forward/back plate connections and stick the bandolier to it (black and red velcro).  This avoids putting Velcro on the plates.  The boxes end just below the breastplate on either side of the pecs, so I’ll space the boxes evenly across this width.  Also thinking of backing all the boxes with thick red felt so they won’t scratch up the breastplate… will also think up a way to keep the cross across the chest so they don’t slouch.

Question: this leaves the back attachment. How does one attach the bandolier at the lower back?  Velcro on the bottom of the breastplate?  Perhaps the cummerbund…

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Had a first suit up today!

Update / ideas / to do:

1. Just did bondo, drying on helmet - added liquid fibreglass resin to bondo mud for smoother finish and strength (adds some weight…)
2. Ordered lenses from Trooper Bay (tried automotive vinyl had lying around, looks trashy)
3. Need to hem flak vest sleeves, fixed the bell positions with zip tie anchors
4. All armour pieces will likely need velcro on flight suit to keep them in place
5. Add elastic thumb loops / stirrups to sleeves and pant legs?
6. Take pics of pieces with measurements - start documentation
7. Place 1” velcro under the lower part of the breastplate attached to cummerbund to keep the breastplate in place
8. Might install a pocket on chest of flak vest to be hidden by breastplate to hold wallet during troops
9. Glued magnets into the boot holster to keep the holdout blaster in place
10. Add 2” velcro to the top of fabric covering breastplate yoke to attach upper part of Weir’s bandolier
11. Place 1” velcro at lower part of breastplate to attach the lower part of Weir’s bandolier
12. Back the bandolier with red felt; add some red velcro to mid boxes to keep them crossed and fixed in place
13. Line the lower part of knee armour with EVA foam to reduce the armour bite and help them stick out
14. Need to alter the flight suit, take in legs before applying suede saddle
15. Hand sew 2” velcro at rear of cummerbund for supporting codspiece
16. Still need wire for TD
17. Line the lower part of arm armour pieces with black felt to prevent scratching from overlaps
18. Added about a foot of red paracord to boot heel loops to help ‘shoehorn’ the boots on during troops, might add grommets to the boot tongues with more paracord (easy to hide inside boots)
19. Black chin cup, black steel brackets (presume chin cup attached to visor bolts?) and slick red strapping acquired to add to inside helmet


Handy to refer back to, documenting thoughts in the event this helps someone with a Shadow / Weir in the future!

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Advice needed! @Chaos @Dropkick @RAIDER


Second attempt at rivet in the bottom of the back tank.

It’s creates a bit of a divot in the plastic... a passable job? (First time using a rivet gun).

(All rivets to be painted over with black nail polish bought from the dollar store).

Also, if I understand the reference, the CRL for Specialist says not to put on the top tank greeblie?
(Model pics have the greeblie on).

Cheers mates

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