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charlyselo's IAT - Andor (Aldhani) WIP

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Hi there!

I am finally going to start my WIP for this uniform. 

I'm going to try to go for version 2 with armor, and even a possible version 3 and 4 if they end up being made with the helmet and waiter's apron, but it doesn't make much sense to go for version 2 without going through version 1 first.

I start from an ICAT costume that I had intended to make but discarded when I saw these, which I like better. That's why I already have some pieces of the armor. In addition, since I have several officers and a TIE pilot, I also have the boots and belt.

I go then with the list of parts and the state:

  • Helmet and googles: Not ordered yet
  • Hat: Jim Tripon (jimmiroquai) - Ordered
  • Code Disk: reused from my officers
  • Jacket: Jim Tripon (jimmiroquai) - Ordered
  • Belt: reused from my officers
  • Belt boxes: Philoprops - Not ordered yet
  • Gloves: still trying to find a source
  • Pants: Jim Tripon (jimmiroquai) - Ordered
  • Boots: reused from my TIE Pilot (jackboots)
  • Armor: Maker unknown (as I buy it second-hand) - already have it, but it's still raw
  • Possible E-11: already have it

As you can see, I'm pretty well on muy way for a V1, I just need to wait for Jim to send me the suit and order (and paint) the belt boxes from philoprops. For the armor I still need to sand, paint, sand, paint, sand... You know what I mean 😛

I will update this thread as long as I have some news. Thanks! 😄

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