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Where to source Olive green flightsuit for imperial army trooper

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So I'm a current 501st member and (at least for the moment) casually interested on eventually doing an imperial trooper outfit. I'm just curious if the olive green flight suit is specially made/sourced from somewhere.

I already looked up wampa wear but they seem to have every color BUT olive green. And I know that a normal green flight suit probably isn't going to be the correct color. So if anyone has any trusted vendors for it they can suggest I would really appreciate it!

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  On 11/2/2024 at 10:35 AM, SirCalcium said:

Herotek X make ready to go coveralls.

Other than that you'd either have to modify an olive green coverall into the required design, or make it from scratch.


do you have a link to their website? Google isn't coming up with anything for Herotek

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  On 11/3/2024 at 8:54 AM, SirCalcium said:

They operate primarily from Facebook, and I know they have an etsy, also I did cabbage the name slightly, Herotec X


could you please provide a link or something? I can't find anything and the flighstuit/coveralls search is turning into the biggest PITA to get right!

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FB link 


Etsy shop, they don't sell the flightsuits from there, however you could use it to message them



Best of luck, and don't hesitate to ask/pester if you've got any further questions 


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I have my old set of coveralls for sale in the sales topics, cleared L2.


If nothig else you can modify a white pair of coveralls and dye to te green shade. 


Im  workig wth Wampawear to develop the correct green that we need, but prototyping is a VERY slow back and fort process with the manufacturers.  

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yeah the typical pilot style flightsuit does not give us what we need honestly. The pockets are all wrong and its a LOT to remove, plus taking those cuffs off is a total mess. AND they arent green. But im working with Wampa on it. 

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