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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by muppet

  1. Scratch that, just read your post on GBFans, good choice
  2. More like shuffling , you putting lights and sounds in?
  3. Holy crap, man you have been busy. Nice work. On a side note, trooped with my pack for the first yesterday http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=5ukoUHdtX6s&feature=youtu.be&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D5ukoUHdtX6s%26feature%3Dyoutu.be
  4. spot on!! Nicks shell has more bits cast into it. If you need any pointers, just ask, while its still fresh in my mind I liked MMM resin clippards, the even come with a working screw on them!! and he provides the bolts and thread inserts for it.
  5. Will post up some pics ( after uploading some to my PB account) I went with Crix's sound board, and R2Devo light kit. Its daunting at first, just working out what goes were, but once you research it, it makes sense afterwards. Im pretty happy with mine, sound and lights worked first time!! which surprised me even more. My shell and ally motherboard came from a New Zealand maker. Its fiber glass and came in 2 parts. It needed a bit of work, it was thin in places and had to add extra glass to strengthen it. Being in 2 pieces also made for more work. The ABS shell came from D42. I also used a sheet of ABS for the mobo as well. Trying to keep the weight down as much as possible. It comes in 2 pieces as well, just like SC's one. SC doesnt come with a bumper. D42 comes with the bumper and Ion arm. But i didnt like it so used Nickatrons For the wands, i purchased 1 kit from Nickatron and 1 from MMM (multimediamayhem) Now Nickatrons is more accurate but was a more work and it a little smaller internally, fitting the lights and sound is a bit of a pain. You also need to purchase extra threads and bolts for fitting. MMM was sooooo much easier. It came with everything you need!! I wished i bought both from him. If i was to purchase a new shell, i would definately buy 1 of Nickatrons new ones. Have a read of his builds. Make sure to sign up for emails, when GBFans restocks bits, try and purchase the repro fittings etc, so much better then the resin bits. Will try and upload some pics Ken edit; Videos Photos http://s4.beta.photobucket.com/user/seymour_76/library/ghostbuster%20build
  6. Great start, Im nearly finished my 2 packs, and ABS one for my son and a full fiberglass/ally one for myself. I dont think anyone could tell the difference, until you pick them up At the beginning, there is so much to take in, and there are so many individual pieces. Which makers are you going with, for the pack/wand/sound and lights? The worst part is fitting the electronics, can do your head in. Ken https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=414013318685030&set=vb.100002290975891&type=2&theater
  7. Hope you're ok with me posting your pics up Adam
  8. Thats a little rough isn't mate?
  9. After your break, how about a Novatrooper?
  10. Just realized, that once Adams Magma has been approved, our Garrison, the Redbacks will have all TX bases covered, (hopefully with Alex's Sea/scuba/merman trooper finished will have all )
  11. Have posted up your pics Adam, looks like your det is still white, will need to paint to grey. Also maybe paint the back of your front belt, where the press stud is, and maybe a little paint inside the helmet. But i dont think these should hold up your approval. Fingers crosssed Thomas looks over your pics soon. Ken
  12. For the Dreamworld Star Wars weekend troop, only approved costumes can troop. That was one of the conditions we made for this event, to keep the costume standards high. This also gives our members encouragement, so they have a goal date to aim for, for finishing off costumes.
  13. How long is he in TSV for? Im up there next week, there is an AP get-together next monday evening 31st Jan, if he wants to come along. Oh and have fun sanding
  14. Tach is right, im still waiting on a response for him from the LMO and on another issue for another member. You just need to copy as close to possible to the references for the character, and go with that.
  15. Adam, stop keeping everyone in suspence. Post some pics already!! The Redback Garrison, will be full of stealth
  16. well add me to the unofficial list for a helmet Alex
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