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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by muppet

  1. ok,ok My application was right before yours. "196. Ken Seymour as Shadow Stormtrooper--Approved; Well fitted, and constructed. 197. Matt Mills as Shadow Stormtrooper--Approved; I like these in pairs. Again solid build, well fitted, no curve balls"
  2. Have been approved on the EU thread, Could i have my spec ops membership upgraded pls
  3. congrats mate, and you received good comments from Thomas, I've been approved as well
  4. Easy way to shape the thigh, bring a large pot of water to the boil, large enough and deep enough to allow the lower part of the thigh to be submerged. You only need to hold it in the boiling water for 15-20 seconds, pushing the thigh piece together to give the front a more rounded shape, then as soon as you remove it from the boiling water, place under cool water, or a pot of cool water. It will retain the shape. Best to try it a little at a time, to get the right rounded shape. Ken
  5. TK's dont go thru the same approval process and are approved by your local GML, EU and new to legion characters have to be approved thru Thomas, which can take on average 2 weeks. As a GML, i can see the applicants waiting on approval on the EU thread. Thomas did a big backlog of approvals after Chicago, so there arent that many in the queue at present.
  6. Looking good. From the other Shadow Stormtroopers that i have seen submitted, you will need to remove the silver from the det, and you may be asked to work on your left thigh to make it more rounder, a common problem with FX armour, But as Michel has said, need brighter pics.
  7. Also the Redback Garrison have a Novatrooper Commander nearly finished, plus Tachyon's Scubatrooper, and we have 1 Shadow Scout
  8. looking good Alex, will have you trooping around the Great Barrier Reef in no time Ken
  9. Thanks for the welcome people. I cant wait to get out on my troop in the TX, There is another TX in the works here in the Redback Garrison, so hopefully we start to grow more. Ken
  10. Thanks mate, yeah your application and pics are posted right after mine.
  11. Gday there, first post on here, and im glad to be able to post up pics of my Stealth Trooper. I picked the armour off a fellow member, and after a couple of little mods and a good polish, i then had the misses take some pics. Im the GML of the Redback garrison, and have submitted my pics for the LMO's approval. Ken
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