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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by defiance7x13

  1. I used the "butt-joint" method on both my AM suits & im doing the same on my friends build. Works like a charm
  2. That turned out so Sweet, bummer you don't live closer. We would make an awesome Han & Chewie team.
  3. I wasn't happy with my belt, so I remade it... But after that I finally got my soft order in & was accepted to the RL I swear Im really just a Imperial spy
  4. Great job Art! Good luck on the app!
  5. Alright update time! I stopped working on my current belt & decided to start over. I wasn't happy with how things were going & not to mention I forgot to dye any of the orginal pieces before starting. So I started over with extra material from the over kill I had originally purchased. Since then, I have pretty much completed my belt & holster. And I am currently finishing the tool sets with a final coat of paint a sealer. I have a evolution props droid caller & a Elvis trooper disk en route as this is being written. First attempt Starting over Late night shoot before leather conditioner And done
  6. I have become a reference point, how exciting! While I dont think that the empire is building & handing out Lightsabers, it does make perfect sense that a special ops solider of any type would be well schooled in the use & tactics of a wide range of weapons that might be found on the battle field...
  7. Update time I picked up some scrap sheet metal & decided to try my hand at metal working. Belt Buckles just about complete. Next step is to get some leather & tools & try my hand at leather working
  8. Much better suits can be found for much less, imo
  9. I got the resin parts from a guy on ebay. I guess he makes them, then sets them for auction. But I was able to get mine directly from the supplier, no ebay required
  10. Thanks guys The belt I found online. Though I ordered the belt with just 3 rows of plain punched holes, it came with a grommet in everyone. So that's were the pile came from. The base gun is a Die cast non firing replica. And for now all the extra parts are are resin cast of original screen accurate parts. In the future im going to replace them with machine metal parts. But its the difference between $40 bucks & like $200, not to mention the supplier was out of stock at the time I was collecting odds & ends. My next step is to get all the leather, dye, and metal/"blanks" (for the holster rig set up) And construct Holster & rig around my Recently finished blaster. I have the "tools" & accessories that also go into the belts many pockets awaiting final touches. Im still on the fence about the droid caller, but I found a cool one, though not screen accurate, it has a working flashlight & vibrating motor in it. (great to show off at events). I will post more hopefully after an upcoming armor party!
  11. Since I already had the boots, & not wanting to waste them. And while I plan on making an Imperial Officer down the road, I figure it was time to pay homage to the man of the star wars universe. Han Solo. So I've started on a ANH Han Solo. Not only have I not seen a local Solo's, but also already having a TK allowed me to also apply a secondary costume with post trash compactor Han. So here what Ive gotten done so far. Ive order the clothes from a tailor.And while I was hoping to be done before SDCC but its looking more like It will be done in time for Halloween. Belt Before During After DL-44 Blaster Die cast non firing replica base Resin Cast Parts
  12. Damn Brother! Going metal! That is so bad @$$. You craftsmanship is crazy! As far as the heat concern, Coat the top with paint to help reflect the light/heat & pad the inside with foam or cloth much like traditional metal armor. I still think its a great idea, no worries about ever cracking
  13. I like the padding inside, that looks nice!
  14. dang man, at this rate do you think you will be done by legoland SW weekend? It would be really bad ass to have more Spec Ops there... Especially since they are allowing EU guys to come out and play this time aroundl...
  15. Just a thought, but if you took a few file folders & some blue tape, you could make patterns based of shape of the lid for your stickers without much cost or the warps.
  16. I did have it set up for a while where I would just moved the padding back & forth, between troops as needed. But have since got a second set of padding. I also have 2 small fans W/ battery packs that I made with parts from the local electronic store. Those just attach with velcro to the inside.
  17. Ive talked with TK boots in person. The volume of boots he would have to order, to be able to get black would as he put it would "Have me selling boot for the next 15 years to unload them all" However it was less expensive to pull together my "black TK boots" than it was for my plain old TK boots.... It can be done on the cheap for the pennywise TX But its true, I dont have that glossy finish of CA boot. The leather buffs out well enough anyhow.
  18. WoW talk about a price gouge. Great find to you sir! Those really do have a nice shine to them. but I will stick with my Dye method.
  19. I also hear tell, that there was a "black" suit & "red" suit pulled from color abs sometime back in the late 90's early 2000's at what I would guess would be around the birth or the infancy of the 501st here in Southern California. I have only heard this from the horse mouth & have don't know anyone who could back it up, but it wouldn't surprise me if different variety of TK have been made over the years on a strictly an individual fan level. Without help from LFL or SDS, & without general knowledge of its existence within the community,
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