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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by defiance7x13

  1. I looked @ this suit before I even made my first purchase. And I was so gun ho about buying a suit & getting into the 501st I came very close to making it happen. (I have friends abroad, who come back home now & then). But Matt makes a very good point. You cant expect something that is suppose to be as form fitting as "Armor" to your own individual body type, shape & size to come out of a box that has been "Mass Produced" for the masses. This is the same reason that you don't walk into mall and pick up a "Star Wars" costume (I use the tern loosely) & and say 501st here I come! They aren't made with any pride or quality. (However its amazing how the two are poured into the construction of you own suit) I know it can seem over whelming to try and research your first suit, but if you tell us all about yourself, & ask plenty of "stupid" questions (remember there are no stupid questions) someone if not everyone can point you down a better path. And don't worry, no one is going to call you a noob or think less of you. Until we all found our way here or any other genuine community based boards, we were all adrift on a sea of disinformation. At the mercy of those looking to make a fast buck off a sucker with a fist full of cash. I really mean it when I say, we have all been there! For the amount that suit is going to cost you, I was able to get a brand new full kit, new lid, custom blaster, gloves, under-suit, neck seal, shoes, fans, belt, all the little extras I needed & still had money left over to put towards a second kit. Buying your first suit is a big decision. I took my good friend last night to buy his first suit. And trust me, even though I he had watch me build & finish two. He still did his homework & researched the advice on these boards before finally putting his hard earned money down.
  2. There are better kits that can be found, & for way less than this rip off sells them for. And the buttons are suppose to be all black I think
  3. Looks great so far! Good Luck with your submission!
  4. This picture looks like it came from Stormtrooper-costume.com or Jedi-robe.com. If this is true, stay far far away! That dude/sites is a huge scam & way over priced! You can get yourself a real quality kit, from a quality source, who wont attempt to burn you along the way for much, much less. Armor isn't one size fits all like the website tries to sell it. The best looking suits are the ones that have been custom tailored to the individual wearer, or in other words taking a raw kit & customizing (sanding, cutting, trimming) it to your unique body shape. And for the insane prices he charges, I was able to put together a complete suit, with all the extras (helmet, blaster, shoes, etc) & still had extra money to start a second suit, for less that what I was being quoted. And that was before the insane exchange rates & shipping charges. There is a very nice suit offered in black here on the boards, also it might be a good idea to pop over to the FISD (First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) boards to brush up on the different suits that are out there, how they stack up against one another & finally who offers suits in black, or find a nice TK & just paint it... Hope this helps, & please make sure you ask plenty of questions & do lots a research before parting with your hard earned money.
  5. That pack is sick, Great work so far!
  6. The padding in the Efx is just wrong. As most anyone who owns one will tell you, you're better off ripping that crap out, and replacing it with some actually helmet padding But if you are looking for a bigger lid, my RT-mod (though you would have to paint it) is bigger inside than my efx but I still have to twist both on an off. However on a side note, my buddy who is about 350 lbs can put on and wear the Efx, but cant even get the RT on past his forehead. Go figure....
  7. Great Work man! These nova's are really turning out nice!
  8. Ive been kicking around the Idea of picking up an black grappling hook box and com link for my TX. I figured I could rock them at cons and non 501st events at the very least. But since a TK is allowed the configuration does them mean so are we? I mean its not like i'm asking to carry a light saber or anything.... Though a few more blasters wouldn't hurt me thinks, you can never have too much firepower .......
  9. I got my approval on my build this morning!!! This is so awesome! GO AM/Efx! A big thanks to everyone around here! You were all a Huge Inspiration on my build. I would like to completely redo the inside of the lid before I take it out in public, but knowing me I will suit up the first chance I get once I get new padding inside. Now I really need to get my butt moving and get some power cells for my blaster! That's all that is really left to do....
  10. the only thing that I trimmed on the butt plate was the super long groin tab.
  11. I am I just need to add the third set of screws to my lid and get some power-cells for my blaster I think
  12. Looks awesome bro! I don't see why you should have a problem.
  13. That's how I got it from Rt-mod. Its where the faceplate and dome top come together. I have never really given it much thought. Is that not common?
  14. My Approval pics have been sent off to my GML, Check it out And check out the Fans I built. I have new padding and lenses on order, once those are in hand Im going to go to town on the inside of my lid, man than thing sucks inside all stock. I know, I know its white......
  15. Inner Drop boxes have arrived and been installed.
  16. To give my lids a interior coat and layer, which if any of these would you guys use? 1 2 3 4
  17. The lighting sucked as it was starting to rain, but look what ive got here As for the details, Lids an Efx #034, AM black kit, Dyed TK boots, Blaster and holster were provided by Vern, on the FISD boards and finally the belt is by Rob, TKkittle. I know, I haven't fixed my shins to my boots and you can see the boot popping out, and the chest is caught in the torso seam. Also I need to start wearing my black balaclava to hide my neck under the efx. Once the weather clears and Ive got the time, I will take a final set for 501 submission. Till then, anything you guys catch that I should address?
  18. My Thermal Det is almost finished. After I got them glued together, Ive spent the last 3 days laying down coats of primer and then lightly sanding, rinse, repeat. Here is what those pieces look like now And someone needed some advice on putting together their biceps, so I snapped some pictures of my finished pieces after sanding the return edge and taking a heat gun to them Of course, thank you all for the positive feed back and Matt, Im on your heels, I'm just a couple screws and inner drop boxes from submitting my specialist request .... But most of all Im glad to see you made it possible! I was rooting for you my friend.... Of course it doesn't hurt that I'm working with the same Armor and lid you passed with .
  19. I got my boots back today. I now have to my knowledge, the first black "TK Boot" prototype. Check it out...... I am extremely happy with the results of the experiment! This crappy camera just doesn't do them justice. And looking at the boots next to my suit, I can wait put the final touch on this rig and get suited up.
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