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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by splinter

  1. Just discovered this thread. Thanks Jason for creating this build thread, it will help greatly having decided my next build will be a Imperial Security Officer.
  2. Jill how is your swampy build going?
  3. Thanks for the reply. It's in the special notes. Cheers for your work on the CRL.
  4. splinter

    Hi all

    Hi Patricia, I will take a photo of the color of the vinyl used in my boots. But I think yours looks very close to that used by @Gaugerage with his boots.
  5. Just checked it out and looks fine to me, thanks.
  6. Unfortunately, Craig passed away Jordan. But the Redbacks completed the build for Craigs wife.
  7. Absolutely fantastic brother. Congrats and welcome.
  8. Looking good mate, I can't wait to see another Swampy in the Legion.
  9. Fantastic job Stephen. I can't wait to see you approved brother.
  10. Thanks Barry, I did think so. The Jered are soooooooo hard to find.
  11. Does anyone think this would be approvable for a base boot? Obviously there is a need for some mods.
  12. You've done an awesome! I wish I could track down the Doc Martens.
  13. Hellllooooo Derek! Glad to see you on Spec Ops. Can you throw one of these babies in with my FOTK bucket?
  14. And we are APPROVED! A big thanks to Chef for his fantastic swampy kit!!
  15. Thanks Steve, The crotch area and knees have been darkened to match each other and I have cut better foam for the pouches and will weather them tomorrow. The cummerbund will also be weathered. I have also attached rare earth magnets to pouches so they close correctly. Hopefully re submit photos again on Friday.
  16. Thanks guys. Do you think I should darken the grey area of the crotch? I can't hide anything from you Rob. Yes the strapping is 25mm. I'll change it to 38 as I would like to go for specialist. Any comments on weathering? Should there be more?
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