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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Splattum

  1. Thank you! Fyi this is Adam's son Kicking the old man's butt to get his costume done. I will let him know you said hi
  2. Recently I have begun work on a new crimson trooper and I have hit a roadblock. I have no idea where to find red canvas for the belt. Is there a place I can buy some online or is there a vendor that sells some?
  3. How come you have so many Vader costumes? (see what I did there?)
  4. It's not much, and I don't know exactly what the influence was to get these up but Juan Jose Matamoros (I'm sure some of you are familiar with his work) did a Magma design in the vein of the Notre Dame Fighting Irish logo. He's done other characters similarly but if any of you are interested, here are two links to that one specific design. Redbubble: http://www.redbubble...ldier?p=sticker Neato Shop: http://www.neatoshop...hc_location=ufi
  5. Hey all, I don't think this will be a lengthy thread as I only have one simple question. I'm actually a little embarrassed to be asking this but I haven't had to look for an armor manufacturer in quite some time, and the information I did have has been somehow lost. In any case, I have a friend who's looking to join the 501st via Spec Ops and his costume of choice is the Shadow Trooper. I have forgotten the sources to go to for the armor and I was wondering if there was a link somewhere on this site that has that information. Otherwise, could someone send me a link to a reputable manufacturer.
  6. Not gonna say I hate my FX bucket but I would really like one of these. Stupid lack of money.
  7. But of course! Even though this picture is not of me (I believe it's FLY JEDI) it shows off the awesomeness that is Magma. This one is me..... On the legion roster it only shows 8 Magmatroopers. How many are active is probably another story. It's definitely an attention-getter and (from personal experience) has been known to steal some of Vader's thunder at events. BOO-YAH!
  8. I would offer more help but the truth is that izzi put my Magmatrooper together before I bought it from him. My costuming knowledge is very limited so if you have any specific questions I'd try to reach him.
  9. Edited - the item in question has been discontinued.
  10. Git 'r' done. I need some red support here.
  11. If this effort helps get Rubies out of the picture I'm all for it. Good on ya!
  12. They want ME to be MBO? What were they thinking?

  13. As far as I know there isn't anything going on for red ABS. The only option (that I'm aware of) is to get a white set and paint it red. If I understand correctly, makers don't like using the red ABS because of the longer process. They have to go over each crease in the plastic with a heat gun to get rid of the orange color that comes out and turn it back to the original color of the plastic. II guess my question would be if we have a paint that's a color match or if that's a task that's yet to be done?
  14. I think that somewhere I congratulated you on a job well done but just in case I haven't..... Job extremely well done brother!
  15. I'd say that we'll have a great time trooping while taking attention away from other troopers but we do that anyway.
  16. I'm not sure of the numbers but I believe the legion now has six Magmatroopers. When izzi finishes his that will be seven. In reference to the silver / reflective lenses, I've been wanting them for a long time. I just need to find a way to make them easily interchangeable so I can exchange them when necessary. Welcome to the red ranks brother!
  17. Looks good bro. I hope to get a set of black one day. In the meantime it's fun for me to steal attention away from TK's in beautiful red Magma . MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  18. If somebody actually said Phat Splat, all I would hear would be FAT SPLAT!
  19. Maybe we shouldn't troop at the same time in Magma armor. We'll look like Laurel and Hardy, and guess who'll be the short fat one? hehe.
  20. I'd say you'd be surprised but I know you wouldn't. If people can't distinguish Vader from a Blackhole Trooper then we could paint TK's pink and green and most of the general public would think we were power rangers. I still have yet to adequately pay you back for that. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! If I get the chance I'll armor up for a Red Lobster pic. With any luck they'll let me hold a lobster for it. hehe. But I digress. I'm really looking forward to seeing this kit. I'd love it if we could get a picture of some red ABS and your painted armor together so we could see how well they color match.
  21. Magmas are red, Shadows are black, Join the Spec Ops and you'll be where it's at!

    1. Darth Agnon

      Darth Agnon

      Hard to ignore truth. =)

  22. At a diabetes walk my spotter was told she was such a good person to support her husband the Power Ranger. I'm not married to that spotter and I was wearing my Magma. We both figured we'd never see this person again so we just did the 'grin and bear it' thing.
  23. I don't know if you want to consider this, but if it saves you any extra work we could trade thigh pieces so you don't have to extend a second set.
  24. Just waiting to hit the lottery jackpot, then it's Magmas for everybody!!!
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