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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Splattum

  1. Sup my homie? *Makes name sign for "Splat"*

  2. At the very least you're not rushing to get it done before CV now. You can take your sweet time and do it right. The one you sold me is still in the same great condition I got it in, minus a few minor places of wear and tear that are the natural result of lots of trooping. The only thing I really need to do is re-do some of the velcro adhesive as the few troops I did on hot days made them slide out of place a bit. I look forward to some really cool double-magma troops with you when it's complete.
  3. I'll be watching with interest as well. I need to see how AM goes together right.
  4. Unless I missed it somewhere another thing to consider is how it will fit on your head. Padding and / or hardhat suspension liners will take up a little bit of room too. I can fit my head inside an AP bucket with barely enough room for the suspension system. It's a perfect fit for my head. On the flipside, I've got a suspension system, hoses, and fans in the FX based Magmatrooper helmet and still have room for a duffel-bag. While it looks pretty good from the outside it feels huge on me. I've gotten used to it, but for those who are looking that is something to be aware of.
  5. Heck yeah! I soooo want some of this stuff for my Magma. It looks great with the regular black, but I'm visualizing how much sweeter it would look with mirror / chrome lenses. Just out of curiosity, would doing something like that affect my standing in the 501st? It's not technically accurate but I've been approved through the regular channels with the regular dark lenses.
  6. Padding and / or suspension liners are invaluable for people like me who's head will actually fit into an AP style helmet, but don't have the option. I could fit my luggage in the FX helmet without the liner, but since I've never seen, or heard of the smaller style helmet being pulled in red ABS I'll make use of the one (FX) that came with the kit. If I ever find a smaller one in red ABS I'll probably pee myself from excitement.
  7. This link ( http://www.michaelbernhardt.com/501st-Photo-Library/Caldwell-Library-July-21st/13026122_MPWjE#943179548_YdZ8f ) has a few pictures of a Magmatrooper that looks like a set of regular armor painted red (I could be wrong but that's what it looks like to me). I think it looks really good. I'm guessing it's not as translucent as a set of armor originally pulled in red ABS. Once there's a body inside the armor you can't really see a big difference though. If you put this set of armor next to mine you might notice a different finish and maybe a different shade of red if the color didn't exactly match. Color matching would probably be the most difficult part. -Splat
  8. YES! I had to sell one of your kidneys to pay for it. That's why you woke up in a tub of ice......well, that and me wanting to see if you'd pee yourself. ummm.........yeah, it's just not the same.
  9. If you need more / different / better reference pics (of an existing costume, I mean) I can suit up again and we can take some. I'll probably need more anyway if I ever get to the point that I can do some trading cards. btw the kidney banter was half my posts. Thanks a lot iz. hehe
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