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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by danrodjr

  1. Updated CRL: First Order Elite Stormtrooper CRL Helmet For 501st approval: Lenses are smoky brown or gray in color. They may be bubble in shape or flat and must be sufficiently dark enough to obscure the costumer's eyes. A single silver aerator/mic tip cylinder is on lower left side of the wearer's chin. The entire helmet is solid gloss black. Seven cut out tube stripe slots are on each side of the helmet Two clip greeblies are present over the traps on the side Two clip greebles are present on the top of the helmet, parallel to the trap greeblies There is a slight groove that circumvents the helmet above the brow There is a slight grove that circumvents the helmet along the bottom and over the chin Neckseal For 501st approval: Black with horizontal ribs, fitted to the wearer, and extending from the base of the neck to conceal the entire neck. No hair or skin should be visible around the neck area. Chest Plate For 501st approval: The chest plate overlaps the abdominal plate The entire chest plate is gloss black. The center-top of the chest plate is recessed and black on the side and upward facing edges. A smaller clasp greeblie shall be present on each side of the chest, just inside a small indented area the size of the greeblie. There is a slight groove running vertical on each lateral side of the chest that angles toward the center The red Special Forces making is on the left side of the chest. Six recessed black ovals are on the wearer's right side, left of the greeblie. Back/Yoke For 501st approval: The back plate contains a "O II" . The back/yoke is one seamless piece The yoke portion extends over the wearer's shoulders and curves under the armpits On the left side of the yoke is the continuation of the Special Forces marking. Thermal Detonator For 501st approval: The thermal detonator mounting plate sits under the back plate and rests above the belt. The entire unit is gloss black in color. The lefthand end cap extends from the detonator assembly and is black all around the cylinder as well as the end surface. There should be no visible seams. Shoulder Gaskets For 501st approval: Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges The shoulder gaskets must cover all exposed areas under the shoulder bell, between the bicep and chest, and between bicep and back. Shoulder Bells For 501st approval: One on each shoulder. The shoulders are considered effectively symmetrical. They may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders. Shoulders have small round extension at the top under the bell itself that butts up against the yoke. Biceps For 501st approval: Biceps have only one seam on the side that faces forward. The rest of the bicep must be seamless. A clip greeblie is present low and across the seam Elbow Gaskets For 501st approval: Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges The elbow gaskets must cover all exposed areas between the bicep and forearm Forearms For 501st approval: Forearms shall have have ridged rail, similar to a picatinny, embedded on the inside of the forearm, roughly covered 1/3rd by a box shape. Forearms shall have a box on the bottom the wrist end. Each forearm shall have two 'clasp greeblies' on the outside facing surface, near the wrist. Detail box includes black rectangle on small edge perpendicular and closest to wrist Gloves/Handplates For 501st approval: The gloves are all black. Extend underneath the forearm and are wrist length at a minimum with no labels, clasps, etc. Handplates are rigid square boxes and the hand plates are mounted securely over the back of the glove. Abdomen Section For 501st approval: The abdomen section must wrap around the wearer's body without a visible seam. The abdomen has 7 boxes attached that matches the order and placement shown and sit flush against the armor. Codpiece For 501st approval: The codpeice sits below the abdomen and under the belt. Posterior armor For 501st approval: The posterior armor sits below the abdomen and under the belt. The top portion of the part shown is hidden by the belt and used to connect the plate to the abdomen armor. Belt For 501st approval: The belt is ribbed and made from a rubber or a rubber like material. Five black rectangular boxes and one pouch sit on the belt. There are 2 horizontal boxes on the front, on each side of the center. There are 2 vertical boxes on the right of the wearer. There is a large vertical black pouch with a black cover behind the left side of the wearer. A small black cloth pouch is worn on the left side and hides the buckle or remaining belt material. Undersuit For 501st approval: An undergarment must be worn such that the space between the thighs and the belt shows a black material. The black material may be shiny or matte. Thighs For 501st approval: There are seams on the inside and outside of the thighs. A clip greeblie is present high and across the outside seams of each thigh. The right outside thigh (to the wearer) includes a base for a holster. Knee Gaskets For 501st approval: Gaskets shall be rubber or a shiny black material with ridges The knee gaskets must cover all exposed areas between the thigh and shin Knee Plates For 501st approval: The knee plates mirror each other and are placed evenly between the thigh and the shin. Convex edge of knee plate faces upward. Shins For 501st approval: There are seams on the inside and outside of the shins, with the opening on the inside. A clip greeblie is present high and across the outside seams of each shin. The wearer's left outside shin includes two vertical thin boxes that are seamless. Spats For 501st approval: The spats wrap around the lower ankle, just below the black ankle rectangles. The spats are enclosed on the outside of the ankle with a greeblie that overlaps the open side. There is a visible seam on the inside of the ankle. Boots For 501st approval: TX boots are allowed but not recommended. If other boots are used: The boots are above ankle height and made of black leather or leather-like material. There is a seam down both sides of the front that swoops out to the side of the foot. There is a vertical zipper on the inside that spans the height of the boot. There is a black flat sole with no heel. No buckles or laces Optional Accessories Items below are optional costume accessories. These items are not required for approval, but if present appear as described below. First Order Stormtrooper Blaster For 501st approval: Based on a replica Sterling sub-machine gun, scratch-built, or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster. Details to be painted black First Order Stormtrooper Blaster Rifle For 501st approval: Based on a replica Sterling sub-machine gun, scratch-built, or a modified commercial toy Stormtrooper blaster. Similar to standard First Order Stormtrooper Blaster with extended stock attached. Details to be painted black First Order Stormtrooper Blaster Pistol For 501st approval: Based on a replica Glock 19 repeating pistol, scratch-built, or a modified commercial Stormtrooper toy. Details to be painted black
  2. Cool, so it looks like minor tweaks to the CRL then!!!!! Awesome!!!! We can do that.
  3. My GML says its up in the LMO New to the Legion section now, I will be taking some more pictures of armor parts we need for the CRL tonight.
  4. Not to mention that they are posted on our Garrison Costuming section as well.
  5. Not sure how many pictures I have sent him, but it has been quite a few
  6. He was asking for back and sides, so I gave him more pics for back and sides.
  7. And here is another with the Elite This one is from Wookieepedia http://starwars.wiki...te_speeder_bike And is considered cannon by them.
  8. My armor is now on the Elite Stormtrooper Star Wars Cannon Wiki page http://star-wars-canon.wikia.com/wiki/Elite_Stormtrooper
  9. My GML is asking for more pic's, not sure if its a good or bad sign
  10. Looks like I just found my next project
  11. This one is from Wookieepedia http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Elite_speeder_bike And is considered cannon by them.
  12. Just added to a Wiki, Star Wars Cannon Wiki http://star-wars-canon.wikia.com/wiki/Elite_Stormtrooper
  13. He said it did not look like it matched and flowed properly from the chest to the yoke. Can you check and see if its up in the LMO section yet.
  14. I added more red to the lower stripe on the yoke. My GML is not liking the red striping, he did like the CRL. So because of that I added more red and I think it looks better.
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