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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by danrodjr

  1. I still need to photograph and add a few more parts
  2. Hopefully it was look better, the helmet is awesome tho.
  3. I started posting pictures of the parts and bits in my other thread. I also have my TFA blaster on the way.
  4. Rodger that, I have been taking them. Want me to post them here?
  5. Spats raised slightly as suggested by another trooper who does the TFA Stormtrooper in white.
  6. Made improvements to the suit I extended the striping
  7. I went based on the Disney art which it seems does not have the striping going down with the hook, but with the arm in the way one cant tell. However where the stripe is on the yoke of the armor it appears that it does not hook down. I believe that the Disney art would be a better representation than the toy.
  8. Sounds like a plan, I think we should hit Brian Anderson up before the change over of command. I will get more pictures taken.
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