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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by ACJay

  1. No Facebook but I'll keep an eye on this post
  2. Email sent, thanks for the superfast reply!
  3. Looks like Christmas will be early this year!! Amazing work!
  4. Good to see you Jim, That's awesome the original held up so long!! I might slip on over to update that thread. Got some new stuff on her kit and one of my own now
  5. It's sooo good to be back here with my specops peeps! I missed you guys. So if you don't know me which you probably don't I did two Nova troopers back in the day and even got the honor if being the first Elite Nova Specialist and the Elite Nova in the CRL's. My very first 501st costume happened right here in SpecOps and even though I've done a half dozen others since then, my heart has always belonged here. This forum community has a special sort of camaraderie that I have never seen anywhere else in the 501st. OK all tears and handshakes aside this thread is being set aside for my next project TFA Flametrooper. I had no idea SpecOps would be getting the flametrooper over the other attachments but the second I saw it I knew I had to build it. The fact that it is part of this det only makes the pot sweeter. I will update when I get something going but until then I'm just glad to be an active part of this awesome community once again!
  6. Van'sa returns!! I've been slowly working on my wife's armor and just recently purchased a new helmet for her kit. She will be a Twi'lek Mando very soon as I have also got a set of lekku on tap from none other then Twi'lek Pam! Here'e the new lid so far as well as a shot of her rockin' the new Verpine Sniper Rifle. I have also decided to take the plunge myself and have been quietly working on a Legacy mandalorian of my own. Thread coming soon...
  7. Looking damn good brother!!
  8. My two cents... I used metal snips. They cut through the plastic like butter. the only issue I had initially was jaggys on the cuts. After the cut was made I would use my dremel to sand smooth the jaggies. The friction would create enough heat to fuse the micro-splits in the plastic on the edge so there would be no future durability issues and also crated nice clean lines. Good luck and Congrats on the Big Brown Box
  9. Shoulder pouch looks perfect to me The belt pouch could maybe be a bit lower but I think that's just personal preference and the way you've got it seems totally acceptable so again
  10. Lookin' sharp my friend
  11. Fer sure just gotta get some tickets been procrastinating... I'll be in my Empy most likely and she'll be rocking the FemMando as her Bo Katan is out getting molded for mass production right now
  12. Ha! that's me and my wifey at Wondercon Anaheim. Already moved on from the tusken though... Someday I'm gonna have ta stick with a costume for longer than six months
  13. Black and Silver... Hmmmm gah!! must finish current projects must... finish... mmmm... black and silver...
  14. As far as "mypropcollection" goes he is a reputable seller and I can vouch for not only his armor quality but his character as well. He is based out of Southern California Garrison and is not a recaster nor is he an unsavory person believe me I arrest unsavory people on a daily basis so let's just say I've got access to information of that nature. I purchased my second kit from him and it was his AM. Very thick plastic and the sharpest details you can find. The armor itself is what I would call the "ideal" trooper or "real world" trooper. This makes every line clean and symmetrical. Unfortunately it is nowhere near screen accurate as all onscreen troopers are wonky and assymetrical. His kit is also very large to accomidate bigger troopers. I've met the guy in person and he is at least 6'5" 275 so you can understand why he would make such a large armor. As was said he is also a seller of pauldrons and TKBoots which are far and away the best boots in the legion period. As far as painting his armor white there is no need. He sells the exact same aromr in a High Gloss white that reflects light just like his black set for the same price. The helmet in his armor is original AM as well so unless you've got a huge dome I would recommend getting his armor and outsourcing the helmet from Arakyel or ATA at ATAworks. I can attest that Arakyel's helmet shine matches the AM armor's shine perfectly. Example: Oh and Peter if your really interested in AM armor the guy is a stone's throw away from you in Anaheim, CA If anyone else wants to buy direct outside of Ebay his Email is troopersupplies@hotmail.com Hope this clears everything up
  15. Just FYI these are not a quick and easy nor cheap setup. If there was one for sale your lookin' around $1500 minimum for a decent setup.
  16. Ouch.. tells you how far I've come in 3 years. I'm about 95% positive it's my old kit. If you picked it up from Suulyar here on our forums it's definately mine. Of course I sold it to her almost two years ago now so I'm sure she did some modification along the way before moving on to something else. The best way to know or sure if it's mine is the helmet. I used black tar stuff to seal the earcaps to the helmet instead of caulking which would have looked so much better and there should be a small square of black toward the back of the gold helmet stripe where I had some over spray. I did the best I could back then but learned alot in the process. Oh and one of the biceps armor pieces should be broken. She emailed me that she accidentally broke a peice off trying to mod it for thinner arms. Anywho let me know if you need any help PMs are welcome
  17. I think I used Industrial stregth Velcro around the eyes. I stuck the hook side on the lenses and the loop side to the area around the eyes on the inside of the lid. You can use glue though if you want something more secure.
  18. You're never gonna believe this brother. I am pretty sure that you have my original Nova! Small world man
  19. Glad everything got figured out with DB. He is an awesome seller and I would recommend him as well! Back on topic though, is the piece missing the bee stinger or the tub thing on the bottom of the pack that the stinger would be placed on? If it's the tub thing (faucet cover) hit the hardware store its a super cheap part. Just buy two L shaped brackets to go with it and use those to attach it to the bottom seed tray. If it's the stinger itself I recommend a door stopper spring. It keeps the stinger flexible and less likely to break but also looks the part when painted black. Also on the mortar tube you can use a poster tube filled with foam to keep the pack extra light. check out panda troopers pack build for some great tips on that and more! http://forum.mepd.net/index.php?showtopic=6942&st=0 Good luck Future Nova Brother
  20. Both of those area available at Home Depot. I believe the bottom peice is called a sink tub or something like that and the mortar tube is just PVC pipe. If your pack is a Dirty Boy he may have excluded the pipe for shipping weight purposes but I don't know about the bottom piece. But like I said if you want both pieces are at the Depot or Lowes in the plumbing section. Shouldn't run you more than $10 all together. As far as the seed trays go I'll see if I can dig up a good thread showing how to attach them with zipties instead of glueing them together. It holds them much better and keeps them pretty flush plus you don't have to worry about the adhesive letting go and dropping everything thats attached to them. Also I use photobucket for all my photo needs. Just log in upload your pics to an album then click on the IMG code. this will copy the link, then paste the link on your reply and viola
  21. I'll get you an email. I believe they are based out of my garrison actually
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