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Everything posted by ACJay

  1. Sci-fire also offers a hyperfirm RT that looks ridiculously sweet!!... if you've got the credits. A good place to go for great deals is mepd.net. Get signed on with them and it'll open up tons of Heavy blaster FS threads.
  2. No, measurements like that are to fine-tuned to be possible from so far away. Steve was suggesting that if you purchase the helmet with padding you have ARAKYEL leave it out of the bucket for you to install later sort of ala carte. That way you can get the pads in there the way you need them to have the bucket fit you like a glove. I just got lucky that the way ARAKYEL put my padding in fit my head just right
  3. Yessir it did. I'll probably buy another bucket from Arakyel for display purposes someday. It was a beautiful piece of Artwork
  4. Don't know much about trimming the lid but if you put it together yourself you can put padding into it that will fit whatever size head you have. I bought my second lid from ARAKYEL and it was awesome but I put my first lid together with no costuming experience and it turned out pretty good too so either way you should be fine. If total cost is the issue go ATA. If your really worried about assembly go ARAKYEL.
  5. Unfortunately I currently don't have a bucket to tell you if those measurements would suffice. But, I'll tell you this, an AM sized lid I'm pretty sure would fit even Andre the Giant if he were ever to dawn a TK so no worries there. An ANH sized IE: ARAKYEL is tight on pretty much anyone. WhenI would put mine on I would turn it sideways, slide it on and then slide it back into place. I had almost no nose room but it still fit me and looked much better on my 5'10 frame then the AM. There's positives to both sizes but in the end it all depends on what your looking for.
  6. ARAKYEL definately has the best TX buckets out there... If Mightytank is in the same garrison that you are hoping to join maybe you can swing a discount on shipping and such. Either way Good Luck with your build and if you have any questions feel free to drop me a PM
  7. I apologize for the confusion. Totally my fault. The correct terminology would be "ANH derived" armor. TE2 and AP are sculpted based off of "ANH" armor which was made for a 5'10" 165lb male. If Mightytanks kits are based on AM armor then it is best fit for someone 6' 200+. both kits can fit any size trooper with the right amount of trimming and shaping with a heat gun but you'll end up with less work on the smaller armor. Also, the "pretrimmed" word I would assume means the flash (excess plastic from the vac-forming process) is trimmed off not meaning trimmed to your size. If you go with the larger kit be prepared to do alot more trimming and heatgun shaping as the arm/leg armor will probably be too large to fit flush to your body without some reshaping. You'll be cutting off inches versus centimeters on the thigh's guaranteed. Like I said before I've worked with both and I would definately recommend the smaller armor at your height and weight. ATA does in fact offer a light kit but if you want to save cash get the whole kit from one guy. The lid may seem difficult but there's some great tutorials on FISD.net that would walk you right through with no problem. Also, if you do buy from arakyel and ATA be sure to find out exactly what type of paint ARAKYEL uses to make the gold stripes so you don't end up with funky off color stripes on your helmet and armor. Hope this helps
  8. He's not in the Junk Yard here unfortunately but here's his email address: ataworks@yahoo.com Email him as soon as your ready to purchase. Good Luck!!
  9. If you haven't already purchased from ARAKYEL there is always ATA. He offers full ABS kits that are TE2 sized. That way you get the super glossy/shiny ABS and its armor that most likely will fit you much better at a lower overall price. I used AP sized armor and an ARAKYEL lid for my second build and I must the the ARAKYEL lid is without equal but I'm 5'10 200 and the armor needed major trimming to fit me. My first kit was a TE2 recast and it fit like a glove but it was not glossy like the AM kit and the ARAKYEL lid. I totally endorse the ARAKYEL lid but someone of your stature in my opinion should definately go with a TE2 sized option on the armor and with ATA offering a full kit lid included in ABS at a low price ($530 plus shipping) you can't lose. -Good Luck
  10. App pics sent!! Been working on the makeup too
  11. I would but that little piece creates a pretty sweet light show when the blaster is fired. It's definately corny when stationary though.
  12. Sorry about not posting this before but Van'sa Gratiir was approved on the first App attempt. A few upgrades have been made to the costume since then. The Cape was split in two with one part becoming sort of a scarf and the other streaming down the right shoulder. I also installed a circuit board in the right ear piece that can be seen through grating. In the circuit board I installed a blue led and a pulsing multicolor LED for a cool comm device effect. I'll try posting a video of that soon. Until then Cheers!
  13. Sorry I haven't been around much folks. In January I had a plan to build a set of white TK and a set of black TX. I had everything budgeted quite nicely and started by purchasing a hyperfirm E-11 for use on both costumes then a Mr. Bungle build thread on thrpf.com caught my eye and I got hooked on a costume I've been dreaming of from the gte go but didn't see anything out there that looked good enough to fulfill my desire for how the costume should look until that WIP thread... So needless to say I sold the E-11 and everything that was budgeted for the two armor sets was set aside for this one costume. I am currently only waiting on some makeup for my hands and adhesive for the mask but I am hopeful that I will be approved before the month is out. Don't worry SpecOps buddies I'll be sure to keep a TX SOS patch in the robe close to my black heart
  14. PM Sent here's a great link for just such a question Good Luck!!! http://forum.whitearmor.net/index.php?showtopic=11538
  15. Pre-App Pics ;D I present Van'sa Gratiir
  16. Helmet paint complete. I picked up a Shade 5 Visor today at local hardward for $6. I will be installing it tomorrow and should have approval pics up by the weekend. There is one tiny detail I neglected to add till this build was truly complete (minus future upgrades) see if you can catch it in the approval pics ;D
  17. All right, I have been working on something for a little while now and I am finally confident enough in it's appearance to show it off. As you can probably tell I did not measure twice cut once. I measured at least a dozen times and still ended up cutting twice in most areas but it's all right as the areas that have holes, bolts or rivets will all be covered by the time the lid is finished. I will be adding trim to the brow and the "T" as well as around the back that will be secured with e6000 and the gaps that are left from where the rivets or bolt heads stick out will be filled with either caulk or bondo. I will determine this after some experimentation. The front bolts will probably just be placeholders until they are replaced with rivets like the rear of the helmet but we'll see. The side bolts will also be hidden after I have dished some earcaps in the same way that I shaped the protrusions on the gauntlets. I will leave a rectangluar lip on both sides of the earcaps then drill holes to match the bolt placement when the "lips" are folded inward creating a box. The earcaps will then be either bolted or riveted. When I am finished I hope to have a seamless Legacy bucket with all rivets and bolts hidden from view. At this point no earstalks are planned and I am trying to achieve a hybrid of the Legacy V1 and V2 in all metal.
  18. Third pic down and he's also the one blinding you in the bottom pic Van'sa Gratiir
  19. I was able to finish every piece so mechanically the armor is now complete. Of course there is the re-paint of the chest and the adding of the Riflemans Creed on all Black parts as well as covering up the left knee detail. It used to be the shoulder armor and still has the Mando Spec Ops symbol on, though now it is upside down. The paint job will probably happen over the course of a few weeks. We are currently discussing whether the pack will make the final cut or not. I am devising a new way to attach it as of now. The ammo pouches were cut down to two and placed on the back to clean up the front area and make room for the thigh-mounted Pistols. It's also good for "real-world"ness as a Sniper would probably be in the prone postion for a majority of shots and having the extra ammo on the back would be the most comfortable and accessible. Don't know if you can see them but inside the pouches are .50 Cal rounds I bought at an airshow a while back. I figured that add that extra touch for the Sniper Mando. Oh and look who's back Without further ado here she is. Only a helmet away from being official I hope Doh! just realized my camera/cpu/memory card took a crap and lost some of the side view and rear view shots.
  20. All right, Pretty much super psychotic pissed right now!!!!! Just spent about thirty minutes taking a bunch of pics with all the views ie: front, back, sides. Plus it's ninety six degrees and ridiculously humid today. All the pics looked great but during transfer from card to CPU 75% of the shots completely disappeared. Kids are awake from naps so there's no chance of retakes today and I go back to work tomorrow. Bleh!! Here's some for fun pics we took after the important shots. They give an idea of the armor but I only have one good Pre-Approval type shot. Guess we'll have to try again this weekend. I'll try to finish the leg armor and new knees by the time we take more shots. Then the only thing left will be getting the "Saz" lid whenever it arrives. And of course the rest of the Rifleman's Creed and the chest plate repaint.
  21. The Back plate is fully painted... only problem I'm only half done with the creed. I've still got the shoulders knees and probably now the gauntlets but if I still can't fit it I may repiant the chest and collar armor. We'll have to see what happens. I was also able to attach one thigh plate. After some trail and error and washable paint to mark where snaps were needed it looks good. Took longer than I thought it would but the next one should go much faster now that I have a technique down.
  22. I looked at some pics of starkiller and I noticed there is a seam down the spine of the plates. We could actually put a hinge right there and used two plates on each side to make his shoulder/neck armor from metal. It's gotta open somewhere because the front area is to thin to go around your thoat without opening and closing otherwise. That's totally a doable project. Just let me know when you ready to start and I'll definately help you out.
  23. Allright finally shaped the collar armor well enough to attach to the backplate. Still a few slight bends needed toward the very rear of the collar but got some good pics for "fit". I was originally going to attach the plates via magnets but I would have had to dish an area for the magnets to sit and since the plates wwere already shaped I didn't want to ruin them and have to start again. Instead I used a trusty Stormtrooper goto and used hidden industrial velcro to connect the two pieces.
  24. Oh and the mandalorian writing on the paper is "The Rifleman's Creed". I will be filling up the thighs, back and possibly shoulder and knees with its text.
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