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Howling Krayt

501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Howling Krayt

  1. Thank's Todd . i see said the blind man to his deaf son .
  2. Many thanks to the build threads , Domed shoulderstraps for spec req ,Just need black band's Added a chest to ab plate elastic to keep chest down over ab. Just discovered trooperbay .oh my dark lord is my wife going to be unhappy (i seem to be unable to download pics at the mo ,trying from tumbler but cant seem to sort it doh ) ,
  3. Fixed shoulder straps today , Luckily came across pandatroopers build thread which is so helpful . Tried a fit out of the body ,found the chest rides high and needs major tweeking , Bucket seems to sit a a good hieght ? I just have the standard foam insert but ive seen guys putting the inserts or hangers from hardhats in thier buckets for better air flow , p.s do you tuck your neck seal under your undersuit or does it sit ontop ? . .
  4. Redoing the shoulder straps . (The plastic shoulder straps need to be held down in the back via a black elastic band to the black fabric that connects/bridges the chest and back piece.) Can anyone direct me to Fabric that connects chest to Back pl ? Is it a strap on the underside of armour i custom build in ? i cant seem to find any build Ref# on the forum re this . Cheers
  5. Hi Everyone , Thankyou for the welcome ,I am in the right place finally , Just found the specialist requirements and would love to head in this direction with my build , Please feel free to guide / critique . let me know if im doing it wrong , As ive learnt so far ,Don't Rush anything , I'll put a few pics up of where im at . I will have to go back a few steps to go forward I.e (peeling the velcro off the shoulderstraps ) damn velcro . but hey thats half the battle . something something darkside.
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