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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by LaziFox

  1. So like... We get dibs and 10% off the first batch of Death Trooper offering from Anovos, right? RIGHT?! *cries*
  2. Yea he's the type to jump on it super early. He did the same thing with the TIE helmet. He tends to make tweaks as more content is released before finalizing and producing the finals. He does pretty good work.
  3. And it begins... This is a guy I follow on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Skygunbros-Custom-Creatures-198852806819184/?fref=photo
  4. I wanted to leave these here. I feel like this thread was a good narrative for the armor we built, and feel it's appropriate to show the 360 turn around shots and not just the action shots. I know those turn around pictures were really helpful for my build. Still have some things to improve/fix/adjust, and one day I'll have to get a movie accurate backpack if I ever want to go specialist, but for the time being it'll do.
  5. I agree with Toddo. Excellent job with everything considering you built everything from scratch. I have a pep/bondo mandalorian helmet I was working on and know the time and effort that goes into this stuff. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  6. lookin good Culp ... can't wait to get us black shinys all together.
  7. Well end of the day cosplay is about dressing up and looking awesome. No reason you cannot do a shadow fem trooper and be unofficial for things like comicon and what not. Adhere to canon accuracy for official events and troops. I love the fem trooper armor, hate the helm though. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  8. I think it's kind of funny that they threw the 0ll symbology on the back of the pack. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  9. Our gml would scream at the stitching crease down the side there. Great price tho Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  10. They are supposed to sit vertical right? or does it matter? They come with the diagonal straps so they hang tilted on the belt. I don't want to go making tweaks if I don't have to though. Also do those strips that poke out with the rings on them need to be removed?
  11. I bought these because I wanted leather to match my boots and pauldron. Not a cheap option, but I tricked myself into splurging the extra $$$. I love them. https://www.etsy.com/listing/232556564/mp40-ammo-sandtrooper-pouches?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=sandtrooper%20pouches&ref=sr_gallery_1
  12. Yep all 3 of us got approved today. TX-66918 - http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=19745 TX-66390 - http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=19748 TX-66417 - http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=19747
  13. Got the email just now ... it's official! http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=19745
  14. Lol I saw that comment about you saying it was too huge to him. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  15. Nice. I'm eyeballing his tie pilot helm, but I'm hesitant on getting any TFA stuff till the films are out. For example, I'm sure the TIE Pilot helm actually has a functional visor, and the helm he's making will have it locked in place. Still, it's cool to see the TFA gear in person. We have a Kylo Ren and First Order Stormtrooper out here that are constantly trooping now.
  16. Welp. We submitted our applications/pictures last night. Hopefully you'll have 3 new official members shortly.
  17. This guy has taken a stab at it ... he's doing the TFA Snow and TIE Pilot as well. I really want a new TIE Pilot as my next costume, but feel it's still too soon to invest in that idea until more materials come out for him. https://www.facebook.com/Skygunbros-Custom-Creatures-198852806819184/timeline/
  18. Christmas came a little early today.
  19. started the pack today. Oh boy oh boy. Sent from my LG-D851 using Tapatalk
  20. It's been a while since an update. Ordered pauldron's a while back and have pretty much been waiting on that to arrive. Phoenix Comicon was a fun test run for us, and we've kind of took a break since the event waiting for the pauldrons to get made. Well those showed up today, so no excuses not to get things wrapped up. Gonna throw together my Novapack in the next few weeks and then take my approval pictures. Soon!
  21. Update on our progress: We crunched to get our costumes done so that we could make it out to PCC. We were literally still assembling things Saturday night so we could get out there Sunday. I still need to make my pack and get a pauldron, and we need to get our Star Wars blasters made. We shamelessly spray painted some nerf guns so that we weren't walking around without any blasters. But hey, Spec Ops guys have access to all kinds of prototype guns right? It was a blast. We met up with Tim (The novatrooper with the pauldron) for the first time as this weekend was his debut weekend as well. He actually got his Legion acceptance this weekend too which is awesome. We have a couple things we have to fix still so we can submit our pictures, but looking forward to legitimately getting into the 501st. Feels like we are SO SO close.
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