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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by LaziFox

  1. Did you guys use a clear coat finish on top of it? I think I saw in Izzi's build on some other forum that he used it. Is that a good idea or does it matter much
  2. Yea GML mentioned the S seal for movie accuracy. That's an easy change. The other stuff was on hand for the temporary. And the dog hair answer is Wed have to vacuum every day to keep it all away ;p. The gear box I got should be good to keep the armor clean though... At least I hope. Otherwise I'll have to visit the car wash for a high pressure air blower frequently.
  3. Oh and for fun... This was us at TK 82287's house checking out his gear prior to getting our own. Below is Chris trying out the helmet and wielding the hyperfirm dlt. Me trying on the bucket
  4. Did a side video project on Saturday for a friend so that I could immediately turn around and go buy this for my Trooper Box.
  5. Playing around with padding mods for the helmet in bed while my wife yells at me to "put that stupid thing down and go to sleep."
  6. A trooper and his dags. These were taken as I was deciding if I liked how everything was fitting. Decided I trimmed the brow too short so that got replaced with one that had the extra centimeter I felt I was missing The wife in her leopard robe playing sims in my helmet Seeing how it fits...
  7. Testing night vision on the spec ops helm Bought a mini me for inspiration. ($24 on ebay ... nice considering it averages $50+ after shipping everywhere else I've looked) Bucket Stack GML and a 501st Sandy showing the guys how to do their helmets (Mine was already done prior to showing up) The new TKs showing off their newly assembled helmets Chris (Shadow Trooper) and I (Nova Elite ... the guy in hat with weird face) were standing in that position for about 3 hours trimming our armor down.
  8. Ok cool ... I was eyeballing that one. I actually have a lot of your (Jerry) images from your build saved in my reference folder. Is there a specific width dimension for the center stripe on the helmet?
  9. The garrison has taken us graciously under their wings so that we build correctly for approval and get the answers we seek for the many questions we have, and in doing so, hooked us up with ABS ATA at a great price to get us rolling. We had a big buildathon on Saturday which was fun. Had 4 sets of armor going and all hands on deck trimming and assembling it. The GML was there as well as 3 other 501st members, and then we had 4 newbies going (myself included), 2 TKs and 2 TXs (my brother had to work so he's a little behind now). Was a fun time. Helmets are assembled. I did mine myself prior to our build-off cause I'm eager and impatient. Was pretty proud of the job I did on the ears personally, and was glad the GML didn't give me any grief about how it came out. Toddo: What Gold paint should I be using for my stripping? Does any metallic gold work? I have Fridays off work and want to finish up my helmet, ie get lenses in and perhaps do my striping.
  10. Ah okay that makes sense. I was just skimming through the Imperial Dragons thread to look at all the pictures posted and noticed guys had them and was curious why.
  11. Shadow trooper crl says black tube stripes but I see lots of troopers with blue stripes? What set up is that? When are the blue stripes applicable? Is that in a different CRL break down that I'm not seeing? Just curious! Thanks
  12. Since we are on the subject, I have a follow up question: "TX Kits" come in the black plastic. Is there a preference that the plastic keeps it's natural color? Do you "lose points" if your armor has a full paint job? I'm a newb, this is my first set of armor, and I figure there is a high probability I'm bound to have at least 1 accident while assembling it. In analyzing the flash and scrap plastic i see that it has the potential to grey if split or stretched at the edges when snapped off. Primarily my concern is what could potentially happen if/when I go to sand it. If I can do a finish coat after the fact, then I guess it doesn't matter ... but that leads me back to the question on whether it matters or not if the armor maintains its original finish or if it's fine to paint it afterwards. Or maybe I'm over thinking it ... better ask the experts I always say!
  13. Was watching the trooperbay helmet build on YouTube. It had me wanting to reach for an exact knife.. but too much going on with the holidays. Need to be patient! But we will definitely take pics and document it.
  14. Still need to see whats under the Christmas tree. Like a proper 32 year old child I told everyone I wanted the soft gear and other essentials (ie pauldron, boots, etc) for Christmas this year. Need to see what, if anything, they actually bought for me.
  15. So this happened last night. 1 Nova Sentinel, 1 Nova Elite, and 1 Shadow Trooper getting ready to rock after the new year
  16. Try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/ifubirpzafz3y81/helmet.DWG?dl=0 ... you'll have to check measurements though. not sure it is to scale.
  17. This would be a pricey investment for a prop gun lol http://www.ebay.com/itm/WW2-German-Luftwaffe-Doppeltromel-Saddle-Drum-MG15-NICE-/390857432272?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5b00eb1cd0
  18. Yea I saw those also, but don't see any to scale plans. The one guy does link this, so it's probably my best bet I suppose. http://www.tk409.com/images/mg15_measurements.jpg Still going to try and track down those blueprints the guy in the first link I posted had though
  19. Not seeing dimensions on the grips or drum though
  20. Anything better than this? http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/16763-mg-15-templates/
  21. So, whilst I wait to clear some funds from the wife in order to buy my kit ... I'm researching the other essentials for my gear, primarily the blaster. I'm searching for an excellent RT-97C tutorial. I know they exist, I'm just hoping one of you have the bookmark for it already saved somewhere to make my life easier. I see some awesome builds already online, but of course, the ones I'm finding aren't linking their start up materials ... see the following: http://forum.mepd.ne...showtopic=13060 ^^ He's getting some awesome results, but I need his start up plans and he doesn't link them - to which it's another forum I have to join in order to just ask! Can you guys link me to some DIY weapon build spots? I figure the blaster is definitely something I can build for fun to save cash. Graci!
  22. I think Mindy is implying she needs it to fit more snug not the other way around, so currently it feels too "big". If I'm understanding her correctly that is
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