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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by LaziFox

  1. We had a great time at the Phoenix Comicon. A couple pictures of our squad.
  2. a couple more pictures from this last weekend crunch. Have a few more things to finish up, but looking forward to getting out there for PCC this weekend.
  3. Do you have a contact for the backpack? How much did it run you for the kit? I still need to get that locked down myself.
  4. Really digging your voice over. In my opinion it's the most important aspect in selling Vader's character on film ... many times it's off and a film/animation loses all credibility from me on it. But you got it down. If I was to offer some constructive criticism, the ONLY thing I would say is that it sounds a little trained. As in, I can tell you are focusing hard to make sure your inflection is as spot on as you can make it. That might be because I feel the pacing is a tad slower than Mr. Jones does it. The couple bits where your tempo is a little quicker sound better to me. Again, being HYPER critical here, I think you did an awesome job. I do video production all day long for work, so I have that hyper sensitive eye/ear for things ... so don't take any of what I said negatively or to heart. Look forward to seeing your film ... I'm hoping to do a few myself once we finish up our builds.
  5. Tube stripes on finally
  6. What about a gold grill? I'm gangsta
  7. Should have torso assembled this weekend. Things are coming together and it's exciting ... feels like the end is in sight! In other news, discovered we (Dune Sea Garrison) have another Novatrooper ready to make his debut at Phoenix Comicon as well. We are gonna have a nice little squad walking around sporting the TX brand in Arizona very soon.
  8. Some more build party pics ... we had a couple sessions this last week. Just keep plugging away.....
  9. We are shooting to gear up for the first time on May 30th for the Phoenix Comicon. Setting a deadline to light a fire under our butts. I won't have my backpack done by then nor a blaster, but should be able to assemble everything else.
  10. These came in the mail on Friday. Wahoo!
  11. and one more... Me taking a look at my brothers masking job. Naturally I needed my thinking cap to perform such an action.
  12. oh well! He needs to clean up his masking lines anyhow
  13. Used clear coat on the Silver for the Nova Sentinel, man that killed the chrome ... came out grey. So we are going to have to repaint that and ditch the clear coat for his armor. Or maybe we just over applied it.
  14. I used the clear coat eventually. Without it, the paint was sucking the grease out of my hands when I handled the helmet trying to get my lenses in and it ended up looking gross. Personally didn't see too significant of a color change if any. Question: what dimensions are the striping on the standard nova. My brother is behind but finally at a point where we are gonna start putting some silver stripes on his bucket
  15. Thanks guys. Just an update: My guys and I have been plucking away at stuff every Wednesday evening for a couple hours. We figured if we set a specific time and day, and did a little at a time, it would get us steps closer to our goal. As of right now, we are all trimmed up for the most part, gonna set up a meeting with our GML to make sure he gives his thumbs up on everything and get insight on how to properly assemble and fit it to our bods.
  16. oh. dont worry. i had my fair share of screw ups. i actually had to replace my top dome piece because i screwed up so royally. Gotta get my tube stripes on there though.
  17. So on Friday I went to Lowes for the gold paint and I couldn't find Rust-oleum. But they did have valsper. So I got that. Did a test on a piece of extra plastic and it had a more brownish copper tinge to it. So! Went to home Depot and got the Rust-oleum. Way better! That gold looks awesome on the black. Taped off my tubes last night and painted them. Will almost certainly do center stripe next later today.
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