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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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RAIDER last won the day on January 24

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  • 501st Garrison
    Florida Garrison

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  • Costumes
    Shadow Scout
  • TotM Datestamp
    Jul 2021, Mar 2022

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    2016 - 2018

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    Fort Meade, FL
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    Star Wars, Marvel, Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Las Vegas Raiders, UCONN Huskies Basketball, LEGO

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  1. @DarthBerry Cod looks much better. Regarding the helmet decals, just to be sure you're looking at the correct draft...the finalized text reads this for Level 2: Details are the correct color and placed as shown. I think specifying as black is fine but there isn't any mention of gray...the "placed as shown" would direct to the CRL photos which should have the black regardless to match the reference images. This would leave the boots...I would like to see a side profile of what you're using for the base boot to make sure that's going to work before you get to far into re-doing them please. And then lastly, the DCA team has looked at your build so far and, to be transparent, the camo paint method using a sponge is being discussed. My personal imput...there are parts where the camo looks pretty good...and then other parts where you can tell it was sponged on. When looking at the reference images, I personally feel possibly airbrush would be a better way to match...with some subtle "splotches" (mostly on the chest)...but generally speaking it isn't that "splotchy" imo. I think you are spot on in that this isn't a camo style like the Kashyyk Clone...so you're definitely on the right track. Possibly other DCAs can chime in, but that's my 2 cents fwiw.
  2. @DarthBerry Thank you for the extra (edited) pictures. I can give a more detailed look later this week but at initial glance the main areas I think we will need to see some adjustments on are the boots and the bund (particularly the crotch). Boots, that black vinyl needs to be much tighter…and Im not sure the base boot your using is going to work. I need to double check later the upper parts of the boot vs the text later. Crotch…looks like a “wrap” of sorts covering the old black crotch piece (?). It should be matching fabric as well but the weave on those doesnt appear to be the same. I feel like this is going to need to be redone. The curve stitch detail needs reworking also. And then this isnt as big a deal but it will need fixing…I believe the visor side decal should be black (not grey)…as well as the snout bridge decal…no grey in the references. It is more just the black lines with the camo visible in between. If you are looking to meet level 2 standards, let me know because there would be other adjustments needed for that.
  3. @IcyTrooper Do you need me to give this a review for any adjustments needed vs the text?
  4. How did I miss this thread? Nice to see this one so close!
  5. https://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Tx_shadow_scout_back_greeblie.jpg @Aesmodan if you look at the top panel you can see there is no greeblie. It is flat on top of the tank.
  6. Tank topper…for Specialist Level 2 shouldnt be there at all. If you install it, you will only be able to get Level 1 basic approval via your GML (which is entirely your call as to what you want to do).
  7. My guess would be this would end up w/ FISD… @IcyTrooper knows the current process much better than I these days though about how to present a new CRL, getting placement, etc.
  8. @Aesmodan Regarding the tank topper…Kev converted a shadow scout to the weir build, so his tank topper is in the CRL pic (CRL models do not necessarily need to portray the Specialist build…we prefer it but it isnt always possible) as it was already installed for his shadow scout. We allow the topper for Level 1 as there may be (have been) others making the same conversion. However, it isnt present in the comic panels and so it is a Specialist requirement to leave it off. Elastic on the knees dont necessarily need to be riveted in for basic approval. For Level 2, the wording says they should be…not the illusion of being riveted. Think that covers everything you asked about so far.
  9. I dug through my old texts with kev and it looks like he just used velcro on the back plate there to attach the red straps at the bottom. I think thats what you were asking
  10. Pictures or it didnt happen! 🤣 Kidding…but not really…would love to see the progress!!!
  11. Nice! I only notice 2 things… - Base level req, third level. bulletpoint 2…looks like a repeat of Level 2 req. HOWEVER, I dont see evidence in the panels for those cutouts to be lit unless Im overlooking something. If not, would recommend removal of this at both Level 1 and Level 2 reqs. NOTE: @Threeve these cutouts look pretty thin in the panels and if they arent lit they might look better/more accurate where they arent as thick as you currently have em Just a thought - Base level req, fourth level, bulletpoint 2 looks like a repeat of Level 2 req. It exists in panels though, so I guess the question is keep this in Level 1 or Level 2 req?
  12. Yea this looks good. I would say the curve here of the thrusters is much less. Id add that I think if you didnt want them to face straight out you could angle them down a tad so long as no more curve is added to the pipe itself if that makes sense
  13. Been catching up on my comic reading and ran across these troopers. Black armor w/ red highlights and a breathing apparatus pack (Vader's Magma Troopers?). They are stationed on Mustafar at his personal fortress. They aren't named, and there are more panels with them...but figured I'd drop the panels here if any are interested.
  14. The pack is an awesome addition. Issue #61 should be a good reference since they are still stranded on the same planet that they were on in 59/60…but either way I think it could be added using the earlier arc references as an optional piece of gear. For the purpose of a CRL and reference images we would need, just a few things I’d point out: -There is no evidence of aurebesh etching that I can see in any panels. -I dont see any blue-lit sections on the main pack body. -The thrusters dont appear curved in the panels. This one might be a lil nitpicky but figured Id mention it…they all seem to have a straight “tube” shape
  15. Hey there. The scout base figure was a Black Series release (in a pack w the Shadowtrooper and a black speeder bike). The pauldron was not a part of that set nor the blasters pictured.
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