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Everything posted by DeadMan
Added the S-curve to the biceps and pretty much created a new left bicep piece since it was a good 1.5 inches shorter than the right one out of the kit. The S-curve edges need to be angled outwards yet to about 60 degrees. Should have done that before gluing, but didn't think of it at the time
Painting has begun on a few parts My first time painting with single stage auto-paint, and it looks wonderful! Two of the spats have runs, but now that I have read the proper instructions for my paint about the time between coats, there should be no runs from now on I hope
Just on Amazon (Canada).
I picked up 1/16inch and 1/8 inch automotive pinstripe. Going to give that a shot. Jsin did it that way and how looked real clean and smooth.
Oh wow Kevin, you have me wanting one of these now as well May be ordering one after the FT is complete. Nice job so far.
I'm sure they would stay closed without any extra support. But I will put Velcro straps in as well to be on the safe side.
Finally put my shins together using Clints method, and it works wonderfully! They are now ready for final trimming. Thanks Clint for the wonderful idea Glued side. Inserted side. I only used the trim part from the calf-half as a spacer, then I used some 1/8 inch thick ABS as the overlap part. I should mention that because the 1/8 inch ABS is so thick, I pre-form it to the contours of the part it's getting glued to. Just bend it slightly at each curve and it fits and works a treat. Gives a wonderfully tight fit that probably doesn't even need a Velcro strap inside, but as Clint did, I will add one to be on the safe side. I made it a 1/2 inch insertable part - so when you are trimming, keep in mind to leave an extra 1/2 inch on the calf-half inside-seam for sliding into the new groove.
Good job on the helmet. I'm dreading painting the strips too. Bought pin striping to try out in the grooves first, and if I don't like, I will be masking as well
I really have no idea what the straps would be for :/ It's what it looks like to me on the Hot Toys figure, and I can only hope they had a good look at the costume when they were developing the 1/6 scale figure - which was announced before the movie was released. I'm guessing they give the look of the brace being attached to the belt area, like the side pack, but will be hard mounted to the waist area with screws or something that are hidden under the straps.
Couldn't start painting this weekend, so made this instead. It's the back brace that the tanks will hook on to. I have based it off of the Hot Toys Flame Trooper. I have created an STL for 3D printing and also a PDO template file to print out, cut out and trace around onto some plastic or whatever. I used 1/8 inch ABS for all pieces, and glued em all together. It's a 1/4 inch thick, and approx. 7 inches wide. All estimated sizes as I'm not sure at all what the actual size should be. It seems really small to me, but some others that have built similar are even smaller. From my OneDrive: PDO Template STL Hot Toys pictures: STL PDO template: What I think the Hot Toys one is trying to portray. Will drill out the holes on the two braces once I get a bar to go across the two pieces. There are also screws caps that should be visible behind the 2 braces (from the Anaheim suit) which I will add once I get to the final stages of this part.
Love it. Can't wait Hope that's mine in the middle
This kit does not have those 2 pieces that come out from under the chest armour, and then curve around under the arm pits - pit armour I guess. This is the piece to use, and what I did to make my parts. Not sure on the sizes at all, but this is only a best guess based of the reference pictures. This is the part that comes with the kit. My highly detailed sketch on one half, after I split the main piece in two. The end result. The 2 black lines mark the edge of the chest armour. All that extra will be hidden under the armour and attached with Velcro or glued in place. The tapered ends of the parts will terminate under the arm-pits.
My groovy groove mod. Forgot to take a "before" pic, but here are the results and I'm very happy with it. Gaps and height are now 3mm each (about 1/8 inch). That's not blood all over, just some bondo I dabbed into a couple dimples on that piece.
Done the forearms for now Couple little things to touch up, but pretty much ready for paint.
Almost complete forearm piece. Currently making new detail on the wrist side. Started hacking up the bi-cep, waist and leg pieces to make deeper, more defined grooves.
Fixed the right knee as well, more to my liking. Expanded the gap and tried to square up the edges a bit. Will now have a 12mm gap.
The little holes on the arms were not to my liking, so I patched them and resized the holes. They are now 12mm x 21mm. They should still be more of the centre of the arm, but this looks much better... or it will once painted. Patched the hole, made a jig for the hole size I wanted, cut out the new hole, then mixed a body filler with fiberglass resin then filed the heck out of it.
Quick update. The arms are almost done. Just have to trim down the ends. Wanted deeper, more crisp grooves in the wrist parts. Added 3 layers of scrap for the outside (wider) groove, and 1 layer for the inside (smaller) groove. After filling and smoothing, added a bit of bondo to smooth out the sloped edges I made. The inside groove is 5mm at the base. The outside is 12mm at the base. Have to trim off and round out the elbow areas (rough sketching in pic), cut out the holes, and prep for primer and paint.
Very cool. You pros are so fast at building these things
Purchased these off of eBay. The Y connector is as close as I can find for the hose fittings next to the gauge. Will just chop off the top. The blue parts come off; they are only there to lock the pipe in place. The elbows will go on the lower-inside tank. Had to order 10 of each - and we only need 2 of each - so if anyone wants the extras, stop by and pick them up
Hose shopping day!!! Black hoses for the gun-to-tanks hook up. The couplers are the only ones I could find. Still looking online for something closer to the proper ones. Has anyone figured out who makes the one used? Clear/white hose that connects the 2 small semi-hidden tanks on the backpack. Have to find the connectors that go beside the pressure gauge yet. Some cap-top screws I saw that will go on the gun once I have it. Was the last pack, so grabbed it.
Very nicely done. I love it!
Hose sleeves arrive today. Ordered 2 different kinds from Electriduct. One with the zipper, one with Velcro. Each one is 5 feet long. Zipper Velcro
One forearm and chest/back pieces. Still considering cutting out the centre long part on the forearm to make the edges look sharper, then adding the blocky things down it's length. The arms are half ready to assemble, just have to make sure I measure properly before gluing. Have to glue and bondo the small pieces to the front of the chest part. Will take more pics as I progress on these sets of parts. Before: After:
The indents on the arms are different between the Disney and Anaheim FT. The on-screen FT also has the black (or cut-out) ones.