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Everything posted by DeadMan

  1. That looks interesting. What are you making that out of? Looks like plastic parts. Is it a kit?
  2. First part done. Going to make a large and small tank before doing more of the brace parts to check the fit.
  3. Little experiment I did. Used spray foam to fill up the tube inserts to give them some extra strength. Blew the top out of one after it finished expanding. The other held the roundness, but made the top bulge a little. Otherwise they are very solid now, which was what I was going for. I was afraid the foam, while still, umm, liquidy-foamy would soak through the paper. It didn't at all. I plan on filling up the brace section and tubes to make them real solid. Just have to be careful how much I inject into each piece.
  4. Had a little brain storming session with meself. Only one per year allowed! I took the SideShow/Hot Toys pictures, sized them them to approximately the correct height of the collectible figure. They are 1/6 scale, so started by using the toy height they have listed of 11.8 inches tall and doing all sorts of fancy conversions and mathematical equations, came up with the actual height of the "guy" at 70.8" tall, and went from there. Using the measure tools in Photoshop and the rest of the pics from the Sideshow site, I went from there. All scaling is not 100% perfect due to the bluriness of the pictures once zoomed in, but should be fairly close. I'd say within an 1/8". I was worried about the scale of my pep files, but after this it seems they are almost exactly right.
  5. Yes, I will start it next week I think. Will have some put together before I am sent off again for a couple weeks.
  6. Here is the file I have been working on all unfolded and ready to assemble. No idea why the CommBox wants to sit way the heck down there, but it seems happy. Just attach it in the right area after assembly Just read the small note I added onto the layout; No need to printout all 90 pages unless your a Pep-Purist. The large tanks are 23.3 inches tall. Still not to sure if this is the correct length, but seems fairly close when measuring down the back. File link is under the picture. Update in post #90: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3468-flametrooper-tanks/page__view__findpost__p__57445
  7. I was thinking somewhat along the same line, except I wanted it to shoot bubbles
  8. Thanks for the tips There are a few pictures in the reference section that show how the entire backpack section connects to the back of the armour in 1 or 2 sections. From the looks, it seems there is something built into the armour holding all this on. I'm guessing some over-the-shoulder hanging system that is all part of the chest/back armour pieces. Put the chest/back on, then the brackets/backpack connects onto the back.
  9. Here it is rescaled to 6" tubes. Made them shorter as well. Think I'll knock a half inch off the small tube. It looks a little big now.
  10. From this picture, compared to all the others we have seen, I'm leaning back towards at least a 6" tube. And around 4 to 4.5 inches on the smaller one. My models are 5 inch and 3.5 on the tubes. This extra 2 inches overall would help with some of the scaling issues that have been bugging me while doing my models. Going to rescale to a 6" tube on mine and see what that looks like. And will try 4.5 inches on the small one. I'm also guessing on a tube length (without the caps on) of 20 inches. Giving the
  11. Here are a couple pics of the complete assembly. I think I'm done mucking-about with it for now and will start the unfolding process. Only the "seals" between the caps and canisters are a little impractical, and are better made with 3 layers of foam.
  12. Wow this is fantastic! Any chance you can send me the object so I can convert it into a Pepakura (PDO) file?
  13. Hi everyone, finally back from my very extended "2 week" work trip. Needless to say, I didn't get to far on the rest of my armour ON the bright side, made it back for opening night Did manage to get some 3D work in while away, and came up with this: Haven't built it yet, but will try out some sizing today and post the PDO later today if I'm happy.
  14. For sure! I should be back next Saturday hopefully and will get them put up then.
  15. Some new pictures of the tanks out from the Hot Toys release. Check the Reference Pictures thread to see them. Been working on the brace that goes around the tanks in Lightwave, Now with my traveling season starting, my time is limited to only a few hours on the weekends to work on my build I did my tanks with that heavy weight paper, bristle board? Large 22" x 28" sheets, with 5 inch Styrofoam discs inside and then hardened. 3" discs for the smaller tank.
  16. Here is the new Hot Toys Flame Trooper released through Sideshow Collectables today. Have mine on order, but won't arrive for 6 months or so. They are usually fairly accurate with their figures, and there are some decent pictures - listed as a prototype on the website. Best thing? Finally a front view of the gun. http://i864.photobuc...zpsyefw3xnb.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpsdp1fn9ag.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpsiqroouty.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpseylubw8f.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpsqj42h8ls.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpsn8qfbqfe.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpslhyvkxbl.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zpsnvcgtqgb.jpg http://i864.photobuc...zps8b9g8ibe.jpg
  17. Very nice! Can't wait to see all our Flame Troopers in action some day
  18. Can't start a new topic yet (?) so I will stick this here for now. If some one can make a Flame Trooper Armour topic and move this, please do. Made a new foot guard for the Flame Trooper. Will work with the Snow Trooper as well, but theirs looks to be a little different. The PDO is set up and unfolded to 3.5 inches tall currently. Can't fully test it out until my boots arrive. Download the PDO here from my Onedrive: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=959700F8BBDE4CB3!191789&authkey=!AC5_mUeF6m_IU98&ithint=folder%2cpng
  19. Here are some end caps for the tanks. Note there are left and right ones as they are different. Not having done any 3D work in over 15 years, I just put this together quickly in my old Lightwave setup. There are some errors in the unfold! But it still goes together OK. Only using it as a starting place. Sticking a rolled sheet of really thick craft paper in between the endcaps, 28" long and then going to resin or rondo inside to stiffen it up. I now have some 5" Styrofoam half-spheres that I will be using in place of these. PDO is attached below if anyone wants to play around with it. Updated files in post #90. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/3468-flametrooper-tanks/page__view__findpost__p__57445
  20. Here is the gun from the 12" Hasbro released today. I'm sure it is highly accurate Feel free to browse around. Put more pics of this guy up there as well. http://s864.photobucket.com/user/DeadMan0713/slideshow/Flame%20Trooper%2012%20inch%20figure
  21. What I can't quite figure out is the size of the tubes. Some how I totally missed these displays at CVII so I can only go by the pictures floating around. Measuring the costume as a 6 foot figure for scale, it seems they are a 6 inch tube. Then when I am holding a 6 inch tube it seems massive, so now I am leaning towards a 5 inch large tube, 3 inch centre tube. Every photo has a slightly different aspect. Anyone have a better idea as to what size the tanks are?
  22. Bit the bullet and opened a Photobucket account Attachments fixed.
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