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501st SpecOps[TX]
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  1. Thanks! I'll talk with the GML who will be handling my submission and let them know your thoughts. I appreciate it!
  2. Hey all! I need some advice. I'm working on a Del Meeko build and have run into a snag involving the belt. I know the two "scout" patches are to go on either side of the thermal detonator, but looking at my existing setup on my Biker Scout... I have all of like an inch of room between the ends of the belt and the detonator. I can maybe gain an inch of space if I drop the belt further down my hips, and a bit more if I cut the detonator down a bit, but short of custom making my own belt (which I would rather not 3D print one) I'm not quite sure what to do in this instance. Any thoughts or suggestions? Reference picture, my old Scout submission photo showing the complete lack of space.
  3. Awesome, thank you! Now to get to measuring 50 times and braving up for the cuts!
  4. I'm currently in progress--- if you can call wasting painter's tape and cursing up a storm "progress"--- of building a Shadow Stormtrooper to fit my towering 4'11 frame. I've built a TK before using Walt's kid kit, but honestly it does not give me much wiggle room and no matter how hard I've gone back to re-form the ab/butt plate, it digs into my hip bones. So I'm undergoing the ultimate challenge (for me, anyway)-- converting an adult TX kit to fit without looking stumpy or a kid who's running around in their dad's kit. I did make some *slight* alterations and requested the kid-sized arm pieces and shins, because those fit very well on my TK, and the shorter adult thighs. I've been digging around trying to find information on the requirements for any return edges, due to how heavily I'm going to have to trim the body pieces down just to be able to move. I'm thinking I'm going to need to cut (to start) the blue taped areas off in order to move-- as of right now, I cannot move my forearms forward with the chest piece on. Also with current positioning, the buttons on the ab plate are covered up by the chest by about 30%. (ignore the Porgjamas, I know they're totally awesome) Will I be able to get away with completely removing the return edge and part of the plate to fit? Or will I need to re-do the return edges for approvals?
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