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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by heartstopper85

  1. Sadly I have kinda wish it was coming here instead just because I don't like dealing with them and I'm probably gonna be only Mountain Trooper now that everyone is in love with the Sith Trooper. Oh well pretend to be nice I suppose
  2. Going to take the plunge build a first order mountain trooper. It is basically part death trooper, part shoretrooper part first order trooper. I know spec ops has developed CRLs from comics figures and other non screen related references so hoping I'll find the most support here. Going to try to write the CRL and do as much ground work as I can to make it so someone accepts this into the legion KB Has a run going for the armor and helmet and I'm working with Geeky Pink on soft goods.
  3. Bit delayed on this build as I got the thinking to turn my shed out back to a shop. So starting to work on that. Was thinking about solar powering it so I don't have to run many wires across the property. Anyone have any tips on running a shop on solar? Don't think I need a lot of juice, just enough to use the dremel mostly. Did start trimming. And I've started backing everything with a rubber spray to protect the skin and such
  4. SGB does take some work have a shore and tie lid from him and might get the flame later.] Just make sure you sand the seam down before filling. I use small batches of bondo, I prefer it over the glazing putty. I get my primer layer all close to perfect and sand the primer layer all the way up to 3000. Helps first time around to use like a yellow or bright colored primer to find all the pinholes and imperfections. That and good lighting, or a flash light
  5. BBB Day Yesterday; well Box 1 of a few Shawn is still working on few parts but this gives me a chance to start working on other parts This is a fiberglass kit that still needs cleaned up, filled, primed and sanded. By the time I'm done with this I will be even more of a master of sanding than I was from working on my Tie Pilot. Might start working on this today, need to clean the shop up and get organized. Will update as I go
  6. Well looks like my dream of finally joining spec ops is taking one step closer to reality. Just made a trade with Shawn T&A Armor to get his flametrooper in kit form. Bucket: T&A for now, but will be trading or selling for SGB pending how his new version looks Armor: T&A Tanks: T&A Softgoods: Need to research Boots: Need to research Guess I need to start digging through the build threads to see how much of my other first order stuff I can use. The boots and gloves look similar, not sure about the undersuit. I saw gaskets on the knees of my big cardboard cut out. Will keep ya'll updated, certainly not my first rodeo.
  7. Any word on if the Mudtroooper which I think is Imperial Army will be going Spec Ops?
  8. I probably already know the answer to this, but Elite Tie Pilots are still regular JRS correct? Signed up for access on that board, but got my hopes up I could come over to this detachment after I got stolen away with my shoretrooper.
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