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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Chef

  1. I don't see why they wouldn't be suitable.... You may find that (as with all boiler type suits) you have to take it in to remove the bagginess. Because it's an overall, they do tend to carry a bit too much around the thighs and arms. if it were me.... and it has been on the Storm Commando front... I'd add the extra bits in anyway. I know they are not part of the CRL, but if you're going to all that trouble, then you might as well add in the extra detail for the little extra work it entails at the time. Trust me, it's a dog of a job to add the detail in after you've made it all. But it's actually reasonably simple and a lot less hassle to do it as you build it. And the final costume is so much better for it.
  2. As with all the comic artworks, there is always a discrepancy in the level of detail that you see. The artists (especially with older comics) never really consider that a bunch of anally retentive nerds with OCD are going to scrutinise their work in the minutest detail in order to build a costume from it, so there will always be differences, omissions and inconsistencies. So we just have to live with this as best as we can. If it were me, I'd use a standard scout bucket, add in the O2 pipes to the faceplate and the detail section to the forehead of the bucket. Depending on how anally retentive I was feeling at the time, I'd be tempted re-adjust the detail on the visor shroud, to the upright one, rather than the slightly slanted one that's on the normal scout bucket. Visor bolts??? er. Undecided. They are certainly useful in keeping a scout lid together.
  3. The CRL has been taken mostly from the Scout one (in fact its verbatim, just changing the word white for black), but used the visual references from the comics/toys to make any amendments. The CRL does state Cotton, and I'd have to say that you are a little bit bound by the wording of that to be honest. But that said, there is nothing in the visual references to sway the argument one way or the other. They just don't carry that amount of detail. It would be a debate you'd need to take up with your GML, but for sake of conformity with the rest of the world I'd stick to Cotton. I can see your point, I like the contrast that the Faux Leather gives against the cotton bund, which does help to break up what can otherwise be a really bland costume. With mine, I used a really heavy weave Duck cotton, that had a considerable textural difference to the quite close weave of the cotton bund.
  4. Oh, I am fully aware of this situation, and that's a debate for another day. I was just voicing a concern that once they have made a 'licensed suit' and charging above the odds for it, then I wonder if they will start to be more aggressive on their IP rights breaches (choosing now, to do something where they have not before) with those unlicensed 'cheaper' suits, kicking those people in the bollocks who have effectively made the 501st what it is today, in order to secure more revenue for themselves. I'm not saying that this isn't a valid business tactic, or that they are not well within their rights to do so, I'm just saying that if this action does come to pass, it stinks, like my socks after a weekend in wet boots. I'm all for them producing accurate stuff (because the rubies stuff is not worth wiping your bottom with), it's just where it leads....... Anyway, that's enough of my nay-saying. I'm off to pack, I'm off on holiday for a week. I may pop in occasionally if I can get an internet connection. have fun chaps.
  5. This does sound like a great opportunity and I'm stoked for you bud. I have to admit I am also a bit of a cynic and wonder 'why'. LucasFilm have avoided this area for pretty much time immemorial so why suddenly are they up for making proper costumes? Have they finally realised they are missing a trick? And what effect will this have on all those fan based builders? Are LFL going to start getting heavy because this is going to be direct competition. It also makes me wonder why LFL just doesn't contact the top fan-based armour makers (such as TM or RS) and just come to some arrangement with them. All the hard work has been done, and to be perfectly honest, those chaps deserve it for what they have done. The best thing LFL could do is to just allow the community access to the bits of information they need. The great machine that is the 501st will do the rest! Like I said, this is just me with my cynical head on. No corporation does things for the fun of it, they do things for the money of it, and with such things as the IP argument with Andrew Ainsworth, I can only say "I have a bad feeling about this".
  6. Here's a couple of pics of the tank set up on my new backplate. I think the size is pretty good. I can move the tank up a touch so the bottom of it sits directly along the bottom detail line of the back. The top then sits just shy of the neck aperture on the back. The perspective on this picture does make it look a little bigger than it is in real life. here's a shot from the side, you can see what I mean about moving the tank up a touch. I need to trim the sides of the tank body, so it sits flush with the back.
  7. Those air canisters are empty, but are still relatively hefty. The whole thing is just shy of 600g. The intention is, when complete, to cast the finished piece and then make them out of GRP. I'd estimate they should end up weighing 200-300g tops. You'll probably never even notice you've got it on. The bit I can see being the most issue to wear will be the pipes attached to the helmet, going over the shoulders to the tank.
  8. Well, amongst many other things, I have been bullied into making a SeaTrooper. here is my Tank at it's current stage. Still early days at the moment. The tank is a bit bigger than a standard hump, and has been designed as a direct replacement to the original hump without having to modify the back-plate. Still got some small bit's of detailing to do I think, then it will be a case of filling, painting and then casting for a proper mould.
  9. Bit of an Epic Fail on the embedded foliage idea. They have started to brown..... so that's that particular idea out of the window. Oh well, had to be tried. The other avenue I had on this one, was 'real tree' camouflage material, and a similar process, clear gel coat as the top coat and then embed the material behind it. When I can be bothered to get some material, I'll give this a go.
  10. well, looking at the reference material, you can see that the areas between the chest and shoulder armours is Black, so I'd go with the vest being black. Might be worth consulting one of the CRL team Dartoftruth or Torisempai or the likes.
  11. well, in the whacky world that is my life, I've always fancied doing a Camo Scout. The Forest trooper seems to fit that bill. Now, to make something different, my idea is to embed real foliage into the base armour, so it looks more 'natural'. This may or may not work, so today in order to test the theory, I've encased some leaves in resin to see whether they retain their colour, or whether the chlorophyll will still degrade without the presence of oxygen. Don't fancy spending all that time laying in leaves only for them to all go brown after a few weeks (the autumn trooper). Wish me luck.
  12. Very likely. All of the Spec Ops type Scout based costumes haven't had the 'updates' done to the CRL like the Scout has. And from what Izzi has said in the past, this is unlikely to be the case either. It's the difference between Expanded Universe and Canon material. In the films the flak vest, riding patch and thigh straps can clearly be seen, where as because the EU stuff tends to be game footage, or artist drawings, the minute detail is sometimes omitted. So these are not a 'must have' in terms of the CRL, but if you can include them, it's a nice touch (in my opinion anyway).
  13. You're not the only one who's been pushing for that, Steve. One of the chaps over here has been pestering me to do it. I've got some tanks on the way (just in case). I was originally against the idea, but the more I look at it, the more I am being taken with it. I'll be doing a WEG version (if I do one), so will need to resculpt some of the moulds. So this will probably be the middle one in terms of difficulty to complete. I'm still very set on doing a Camouflaged Scout, as this was a personal mission of mine for many years after reading about it in a book. And this one is probably the easiest for me to complete seeing as it's just a camo job on a standard scout. Then there is the Hoth Scout. Now, I really like this one (and I've made a duster and got my mukluks already), and it's probably my favourite, but its the one that is going to take the most time in terms of making the new parts. As I understand it, none of the above three are actually Legion Approved yet, so will be looking to do a good job so I can push for approval. at least that way, it opens up more stuff for everyone else to do, rather than having to take the plunge with possibly no 'useable' outcome.
  14. Mainly because I have never applied. My Scout costume does go a little beyond Lancer in terms of detailing, but I have had serious reservations about the whole process for many years, so never bothered applying. Marcel and Andy know exactly why (I was talking to Andy about this very thing about an hour ago). Just to illustrate my point. You'd fail a Lancer application if you didn't have the T-Bits both facing forwards when mounted on MonCal Biceps, yet if they were both facing forwards but on SC biceps you'd pass. Yet the shape of the SC biceps is clearly not the same as what is seen on screen, and there is no screen evidence to suggest that both the T-Bits face forward anyway! Food for thought! But hey, I do the costume as well as I can. Tags don't concern me too greatly. But the IMPORTANT questions is..... Forest Trooper, Hoth Scout or Aquatic Assault Trooper next??
  15. wicked pictures.... loving the 3rd one down.
  16. Yeah, SC/KS and the such likes all have seam lines in some form or another. Like Jim says, your GML may be kind and you might be good to go. I know mine wouldn't be! If you do have to go the filler route, fear not. We can give you a run down on what to do. Good spot on the CRL though. nice one.
  17. Hi Matino, KS helmets generally need filling and painting to be of an acceptable standard. I know that's probably the last thing you want to hear, but that's normally the case.
  18. it's a satin finish Mike. We did have loads of discussion about it over in the UKG forums about what colour we should do it. Satin was decided in the end, so that's what colour all the UK ones are. Thanks for the comments... I know the pouches are squiff... I'd just come in from a hard day's trooping I'm surprised more wasn't hanging off. I'll try and get some pics from the weekend. There's a classic one of me getting some random punter to the show doing press-ups. He turned up in one of those really bad Storm Trooper fancy dress costumes, so I punished him for being "improperly dressed".
  19. I think there is... (maybe wrong... but if not... now's a good time to start!!) things I can think of. ribbed bund (7 stitch lines)- check curve on crotch (rather than V) - check 2" strap up the back of the bund - check single rivet on one piece belt - check Belt velcro secured - check new greeb on TD (concave end caps) - check flak vest with ribbed sleeves - check crotch patch - check bum flap - check thigh straps - check T-Bits (opposing directions, so both face forward when worn) - check knee plates with rivets and two straps (one 12mm, one 25mm) - check Boots with soles cut (really should do the front section too) and dog bone with stitching - check Rivet on bottom of tank - check Accurate tank topper (all black) - check Sith Armour gloves - check Know what you mean about the picture quality... iPhone sucks for that. I'll see if I've got any half decent ones in the library.
  20. well, it's completed, and had the nod from the GML, and then trooped in long and hard over the weekend. Here's a few pictures I had taken in the changing room, It's a bit lopsided after beasting myself senseless all weekend in it, and I'm probably going to take out the hard pouch boxes on reflection. But it held up well, no malfunctions. I'm sure some of the guys will have action shots from MEM, but I shall have to wait and see. Apologies for the quality, damned iPhone. Good enough for specialist?
  21. if you ask Mike, he'll do the same as mine... he's actually interested to know if people prefer the straight black ones, or the 'textured' ones like mine? Here's a couple of pictures of the decals on the lid. excuse the odd lighting, but I've tried to get it so you can see the difference on the decals.
  22. Well... another update, one so earth shatteringly good I thought it deserved a post of its own. I have just had my SC decals through from Mike at TrooperBay, and I did a request for an adaption on the normal Scout theme that he does. I asked for them to be all black, with the main detail being gloss black (the same as you'd find on a normal scout bucket), but the grey parts (as should be) being a satin black. I got them through the post today, and they are AWESOME. exactly what I was after and I have to say, they are just superb. Thought I'd share, because they are well worth using. I'll stick them on my bucket tomorrow as I am just about to go to bed.
  23. It's alright chaps... we're a bit eccentric over our side of the pond. Back when the whole Storm Commando discussion started up a few years ago, we had a major conflab about how the costume should look. All the source material that we could find was then considered by our GML and it was decided within the boundaries of the CRL that we would all adopt the same 'scheme' to create uniformity amongst us all. So, from here on in, when a new chap decides to do a Storm Commando, we have a set of guidelines in which to get them to build their costume (and my own). The system works amazingly well, and we get real consistency across all the costumes. So I'm just updating my armour to a more accurate version (better fitting, better shape, more accurate detailing etc...), but will be keeping the same scheme as the other Commandos in the G (and as my previous armour). But thank's for trying to help. It's much appreciated. It just shows what a top place this is. well, I've got my TD out of the mould. Just flat and paint it, assemble all the bits and make the belt. It's going to be tight for the weekend.... (as I've got to make another TD as well...) But I'll make it. Hopefully I'll get some pics of me suited and booted before the weekend.
  24. Hey Kevin... It's our GML's instructions. The UKG's Storm Commando's are all black. No grey, no silver lenses, no details. The Armour is Satin finish and the detailing such as decals and striping is in gloss. We just fade into the background!
  25. Some previous pics that I haven't uploaded yet. Bicep, complete with accurate detail bit. The other side has the t-bit reversed as per Scout Lancer spec. Knee plate, complete with extra rivets and now has top strap too. Boot holster attached. Backplate with accurate tank topper attached, and rivet on the underside. Helmet completed barring the decals. Most of the other bits are all now painted and strapped up ready to go. Just got to stick some gloss on the rivets. Need to get some 2" webbing for the belt, so I can finish that and the drop boxes. Then it's just the Thermal Det to go and I'm done!
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