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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Chef

  1. Agreed, Jeff is a good chap. His armour might not be as accurate as some, but it's decent kit, nice and robust. You can't go far wrong with his gear.
  2. As promised... Lid, prepped for painting. Lid post painting. Still needs the snout, bolts and decals etc... The other bits.... Post painting.
  3. Got the lid painted in the main coat of satin, need to add the snout and then pain the snout area in gloss. I am going to aim to have the visor lens removable by embedding a screw thread into the nose area. This is with a view to being able to switch between this standard lens and a red one for my future Weir project (save me having to have two lids!!). Painted the boot holster, one bicep, forearm and a knee plate. The others will be ready to come out of the moulds in the morning. I'll get some more pictures when the lighting is a little better.
  4. Well... time has come to update my Storm Commando (Shadow Scout) armour for something a little more accurate. gone is my old V1 Armour, and now moving on to my V2 armour. here's a few pics thus far and I'll update more when I get there. Here's the new Back/hump. More accurate and detailed than the previous one. it's a bit larger in the hump, and the armour edges has a nice return. Painted in Satin finish as per our GML's instruction. Hump looks massive but this is due to camera perspective (it's ok.... trust me!). Chest plate. Again painted, detailing tidied. Bucket, fresh out of the mould. still to be sanded and prepped for painting. All the helmet parts together, fresh out of the moulds. Started to prep the visor shroud. Tightened the visor flare up over the V1 and corrected some of the gapping issues and surface details up. Still need to add a snout. This is all unglued, so the flare will tighten up when all finished.
  5. ELP is right on this one. Start off with the normal Shadow Scout ( I still hate calling them that..... They are Storm Commandos) . All you will then need to do after that s to get the bandoliers, a new belt and biceps. Admittedly how you get around the bucket lens will be a bit of an issue. Bt nothing is insurmountable.
  6. Ideally you don't want to go heating the dome or the side bit. Forcing the two together will distort the shape to a greater or lesser extent. It may well be that the bucket needs to be painted when it is completed, and if that is the case, then you're better off sticking it all together in the best shape possible, then filling the gaps with either something like Bondo (or what ever your local automotive filler is), or make up an ABS paste using some scrap ABS and Acetone. I'd suggest that the trim line around the back of the dome is going to need filling anyway.... so you might as well keep the shape good and just fill in the gaps you are left with. All depends on how far you want to go with it.
  7. The best way to assemble Scout buckets is pretty much all in one. Sounds odd.... But you need to make sure the visor sits right on the bucket, and the faceplate sits right in the visor, and the faceplate sits right against the bucket. How I achieve this is by drilling the visor to the bucket in the correct place, this securely locates it and stops things flopping about. I then get the faceplate and tape it to the bucket shell (across the cheek area), making sure that all the bits line up nicely. When you're happy with it all, you can then get a blob of glue on the faceplate/visor from inside the bucket to make it nice and secure. then you can take the face/visor off the bucket, and fully glue it all in. There is no where to hide stuff like in the TK lids, it has to be achieved as a whole. As for extra trimming.... the visor need a little around the edges to make them slightly thinner. The inner edge is a bit square in the top corners. And like Jim said, the eye socket could probably do with being a little wider. But not by much. Here's a couple of pics of my Scout bucket, hopefully you can see what I mean....
  8. Ahhhh, I can see the appeal now. That original picture really doesn't do it justice. When it comes to American Muscle, I have to admit I'm a bit of a Charger fan..... You have the Dukes of Hazzard to blame for that one. Good job you didn't go for the European version of the Nova..
  9. I'm curious as to why it's your dream car?? Not having a dig or anything, I'm just interested. Each to their own. Admittedly my dream cars (and there are many) would consist of: Shelby Daytona E-Type Jaguar Porsche 964 (got) Porsche 718RSK (working on it. a replica at least).
  10. Welcome buddy. They are basically a Scout but in Black. Gloves, get the Sith Armour ones, they are just superb and really good for the price. Here's an eBay link (UK one, sorry) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LEATHER-GLOVES-LIKEN-BIKER-SCOUT-BIKERSCOUT-SMALL-/230689184132?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35b6259984 They do all sizes, so just contact them. They are so good, I've used them on my bike with considerable success! Boots, These can be made nice and easily by using the Biker Scout boot tutorial. Just remember to do them in Black! I've just finished a set for another UKG Spec Ops Trooper. Jumpsuit. You can use a boiler type suit, which is nice and cheap, but a really good one is the OMP Mechanic's suit. But that's about £50. It will need the knee pads unstitching and the flaps and straps adding to it. Flak Vest, Cummerbund and Pouches can be made (if you're handy), but there are plenty of people out there that can make them for you at a reasonable cost. Good luck with the build. I'm just updating my own armour to a nicer set. I'll post pictures when I get it completed.
  11. cheers bud... shame. Still going to do it. Back on Topic.
  12. And what was the official word? Sorry for the off topic. I know there was some controversy over the differences between the concept artwork and the released hasbro toy. Personally I'm in favor of the snowie/scout hybrid rather than the plain white scout of the toy.
  13. Weir.... Such a cool bloke. If I find some time between the rest of my projects, I might just knock up some bandoliers. He was my inspiration to do the Storm Commando. But interestingly, our EU GML still does insist on three independent references. We went through hell and high water to just get a standard Storm Commando considered. I'm sure if you scoured the old Spec Ops boards, you'll see my pleading for reference material. All water under the bridge though.... but the same battle for the Snow Scout.
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