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Everything posted by usmc03
Ok, had to add to this. I was having issues with my shins moving around. I saw on FISD a thread about stirrups. So today, I went out got a sewing machine. Yeah, I'm shocked too. Joanne's had them on sale for under $100. So this old dog learned a new trick. Now, it did take an hour or so to figure out how to thread the damn thing. I think my end product turned out ok. Tried them out and shins don't seem to move. Real test will be next Saturday at a troop. The machine: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is what I trimmed. I suited up the lower half of kit and went up and down my stairs in house. Will need just a tad more trimming to make perfect. My other thigh has a clamp as I fixing a spot on the front shim. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't sit at all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If I trim a by more of the return edge on top of thighs it will move up. I need to trim some off the bottom as the outsides are pinch points. I only need to do a small amount of adjusting. I can walk, just not real fast. Hard to keep up with Lord Vader. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm not the most savvy with forums and seem to have limited luck searching topics. I know I have seen a post or a picture here on recommendations for trimming shins and thighs for mobility. As is, my kit has me waddling if I try to move faster than a walk. Just wanting to make it a tad easier to move around. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have you tried getting in touch with Walt from WTF? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I saw yours. I think mine is more a width issue. They sit straight and even. I think I may try and heat them up a bit and then pull them in. Will see. Now that I have approval, I'll tinker and see what works. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just wanting to paint them so they blend in better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The shoulders stay in place. It's more wanting to get the gap between them and the chest/back armor closed a bit. Problem is the width of my shoulders. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No straps on under suit. I'm gonna ask someone to make the stirrups from the FISD thread for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I got my approval this morning. A few things I will be doing after wearing armor for three hours yesterday: I'm going to paint the TD clips black. Work on a stirrup system for the shins so they don't move and trim the back of thighs/shins at the knee so I can walk. I had no armor bites, just mobility issues. Vader walks really fast and I had a hard time keeping up. My shoulders, well not much I can do. They are wide naturally so I can only shape the bells so much, but have an idea on how to move them in more. Thanks for all the tips and advice. I will be working on my kit continuously to improve it.
I just looked at that thread and I think that will stop the moving for mine. Gonna work on making that. Thanks
Thanks, I will take a look at a strap for the shins. It was only my left one that wanted to move. I am 5-9 and the parts fit pretty well. I had trimmed the top of thighs return edge enough to get them above the knee cap. It's just that the back of knee couldn't bend. I thought of a chin strap but couldn't visualize on how to rig it. Would industrial velcro on the inside of shin and attached to undersuit in that area work? Thanks
I did a troop with the outpost today. Things held up but I had some mobility issues. I waddled more than I walked. I didn't have any armor bite, just the walking issue. Also, due to how my chest and back sit, and my unconscious habit of wanting to look down the bucket would tip up a bit. Any tips on this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got the TD done. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
After taking a break, I had an idea on how to get all that stuff into the bucket. It all fits and is comfortable to wear. The dog doesn't know what to think though. Helmet is done. All that's left is main belt, shoulder straps and a final polish. Helmet sound test. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6g9ETTGWq12aHlRTGNtYXluQVU Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here is a link to the video. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6g9ETTGWq12dk9peHZTMVBXRVE Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Worked on helmet today. Put fans in and installed the hovi speakers I got from Ukswrath. Try as I might I can't fit all the modules for sound system in helmet. My melon is too big. I'm currently running a battery test on fans to see how long my battery back will last with two fans running. One thing I noticed is, I can't hear anything but the fans when they are on. Even with one. Not that that's a bad thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not sure the color. It's an anovos bucket. I'm making changes to it based off UKswrath build. I just got his sound system yesterday and will be installing it Friday morning along with fans. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm prepared to trim a lot off some return edges. Wasn't sure about the shins. All the strips were made based off Anovos instructions as I couldn't find any other reference at the time. The arms and biceps strips are 1.5cm and even that seems a bit small. I'm going to be trimming the biceps return edges a bit more as that is what is making them look huge and it is interfering with the straps Still have a few more minor things to finish up and should be complete by Friday night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So, tonight competed the arm straps. Needs some minor adjustments but they are done. Still have to shape and install the shoulder straps and complete the main belt. My magnet idea is working, however I used some with the holes in center and they are not strong enough. Shin keeps popping open. Will replace those with solid ones. After all that, all that's left is installing the fans and sound system in the bucket and shining her up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'd recommend Walts Trooper Factory. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have the same kit and am researching where/how to install in helmet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another work session done. I found I'm getting better with the exacto. Today we fine tuned the thighs and added straps. Got the body strap system done and tuned. Started placement of chest and back pieces trimmed, sanded and glued forearms and biceps. Started on TD and trimmed shoulder straps. Need to form them as they are straight. All that's left is final glue of arm parts and build strap system for them. Sniper plate and ammo bandolier is getting attached tomorrow. Belt and holster ready to assemble. Having seen the pros and cons of Velcro, I tried something different with the shin/calve armor. I used earth magnets and will paint them black so they won't be noticed. They work real good Going to do some more work Sunday and should be 99% complete then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk