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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. Silver it is then, I'll paint it and send you new pictures👌
  2. One thought though, should the "buttons" on the mags be painted silver och black? they are now gold/brass...I think silver would look cool
  3. Thank you sir and...I`m looking forward having you "nit-picking" my OTTK-build (also anovos) over at FISD when it arrives (expecting it within a month or so)
  4. Thanks and shortening it is...it might be hard to see in the pictures but lower return edge is already removed...and while on the topic, if you don`t mind, do you see anything else I could improve? I am however going to try and raise the left leg up a bit by shortening the elastic and if need be trim the return edge...I dont`t know if it matters or not but I´m 5`9 and 205lbs to give you an idea what I have to "work" with. Thank you for taking the time
  5. Thanks and yeah I agree with you...the bells are a bit on the narrow side so I was thinking about shortening the elastic or replace it to webbing (for extra strength) and if that doesn`t work, use a heat gun to try and reshape them a bit. What do you think?
  6. Had a little fotosession..let me know if any of these will do
  7. Thanks and yours look great to, supershiny
  8. And a "mug-shot" to make you jump! (for the love of God! keep the helmet on! keep the helmet on!)
  9. as I said, the quality isn`t good.....but here it is
  10. Pre-drilled the holes for the magnets....taped the shins firmly together and used a drillpress and a small drillbit and slowely pushed through the plastic...then I rotated the shin to make the holes bigger...ones the magnets arrive I´ll dremel the holes to size.
  11. Struggled with the pictures as I was on my one ....I got some shots of rather poor quality but hopefully they at least show how it looks suited up
  12. Finally it works......and..here`s the sniperknee
  13. Glued on the sniperknee but photobucket decided to stop working....
  14. Getting a little work done.... Thigh strapping and ammo belt done Getting the shins in shape with a heatgun and it worked pretty good....gonna use magnets for the closure.
  15. Looking at the "hot toy" they are straight, I´ll try to take some shots wearing it this weekend....haven`t finished the shin closure (waiting for the magnets) but I can just tape them shut and aim to finish the thigh strapping today.....so...fingers crossed I have some pictueres for you by the end of the week
  16. Thank you sir! I took them with my phone but they should be in HD-quality....I´ll send them to you and hopefully they are up to specs.....how will I go about it? should I PM you or...?
  17. I know it`s not the photo you ask for but I didn`t have anyone tho take the picture (and also it`s not ready for a full suit option) but I just wanted to show that there`s no overlap...they are close and almost touching and in my opinion it`s exactly like the pictures and I´m NOT trying do be a "know it all" or anything, this is just the way I prefer it. So...in conclusion, if this isn`t the direction to go for approval then it`s fine with me. Side: Front:
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