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Everything posted by TheSwede

  1. The brackets crackt the returnedge so I had to "go-anovos" for the front for the moment and possibly the entire thing as I spotted some more soon to be cracks...bummer oh well..carry on...glued in canvas-straps for the front-to-back connexion, masking-tape shows where to put the snaps in the front Snaps done in the front And now the snaps in the back are in place, the "lonely ones" connects the shoulders Shoulderbridges all glued in Behold! shadow-chicken...those heavy squats has really paid off!! did some push-ups and beefed up quite a bit Brothers in arms It´s getting there..torso almost complete Ohh its shiny!!
  2. Hi guys I know it looks funny laying flat on the floor but I promise you, there`s no overlap when it wraps around the body (maybe I have a funny bodyshape ) and ...I´ll try to get those photos for you a.s.a.p meanwhile I´ll show some of the progress AND misshaps from last session...
  3. Moved the pouches and removed the dropboxes, it looks a bit of with the holster but when worn it`s alligned just fine...and I will remove or paint the snaps... Arms and shoulder connection done, I don`t think it will be approved but I added trim to the edges and as a bonus it made sanding obsolete the trim was a bit duller so I gave it all a coat of paint and I think it looks great, the black armor became even more black and it`s more comfortable...I´m not sure it`s to everyones liking but I for one think it gives the armor a more "real-Life-look" And the handplates are the same, made two elastic for a more secure fit.
  4. ahhh..thanks for clearing that up and thats great news! Good decision! :salute:
  5. Thanks for the kind words and yeah they are really cool and it`s kind of sad they aren`t approvable...however..I think I have to relocate mine more to the front and possibly remove the dropboxes in the process and that`s a shame cause I like the dropboxes also....but if I use snaps they can be easily put back for approval or if I change my mind
  6. Thanks and yeah I did some sort of a hybrid between brackets and snaps and it works really well, it has a wery solid fit on my body...Didn't think of snaps for the dropboxes, I'll keep that in mind☺
  7. Thigh fitting done Thighs and calves glued together, time to go to work adding pouches to the belt (got them from trooperbay) and it`s done...fixed the dropboxes so they stay in place with some glue and did the same to the belt to keep it from sagging, just glued it to the plastic and it works fine..didn`t feel like remaking the hole belt so did this instead and left the holster of for now. on to the brackets... marking up where to drill the holes torso done and the back...really enjoying this build and the strapping is done..it`s not accurate but it works for me really enjoying this!
  8. Check out imperial_store on ebay, I got mine the other day and I think they do the job
  9. Just ordered a DLT-19 from diamondstateprops....it`s gonna look sweet with this armor
  10. Yesterday was a big day....BBB-day (trooper should be black ) Laying out the pieces...loving it! Getting some work done right of the bat Heavy trimming going on... Shiny even with the protective plastic still on....too bad there aren`t enough hours in the day to keep working on it...I´m not trimming as fast as I know some of you can...but I´m in no hurry Bicep pieces are to small though....whats best, remove return edge or shim?
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