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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by mattnelson521

  1. Im not sure about the ears for your kit if they will work or not but if you need some i know walt trooper factory makes them.
  2. Walt Trooper Factory. I can help with that replacement part shoot me a pm.
  3. Nice. Im hopping some more people with jump on this. Not every day you can get your hands on a Magma.
  4. We are taking orders now. If anyone is interested they can reach out to me.
  5. Hey just a Update on this. Still need about 5 more people to make this happen. if anyone is interested please show your interest.
  6. A couple quick things The Harness in the photo does not match the description using Tri Glides and in the description it also indicates to use 2in black nylon webbing. that should be changed to OD Green. I can take a photo this afternoon with a H harness with the proper clips and Tri Glides you guys can use. Second just throwing it out there. If you wanted to use this photo you can. Its the Telemetry unit used on the helmet in the proposed CRL here, but a closer shot which shows more details. it might help people out.
  7. The Walt ATI helmet is smooth all the way around. He made a new mold just for the Army trooper. If you are looking to Pick the WTF helmet up shoot me a PM. I can help I can assist you with that.
  8. I personally bought the Uvex. I think it was listed as a option in one of the post.
  9. I think if your doing the E-11 holster should work since your doing the basic army trooper. I make the Harness, Bino, Commlink, and Telemetry units if you need any of those.
  10. I dont think it matches the reference photos but it would be nice if it was. I am working on 2 different designs. I really like the comic version. Do you have the comics?
  11. Maybe give it a shot. I also think they are still talking about reworking the CRL it might be something you can bring up to add.
  12. I would think so. Realistically they should be and as long as they follow the mollie look i dont see why they would have a problem with it.
  13. Currently the CRL says H harness so i dont think the Y harness would work, but the Extra pouches i think would be ok. currently the CRL for the Army Trooper states " Any additional OD Green MOLLE style pouches are encouraged to fill out the belt, but are not required." I personally grabbed a couple grenade pouches and a single Mag pouch to add to my costume. I was thinking a couple thermal detonators would be a nice touch.
  14. I make the Harness, Helmet Greeblies, Commlink, and Binos. Shawn can do packs and Walt Trooper Factory should be making the Armor and helmets.
  15. Thanks if you need anything let me know i sell everything.
  16. If im not mistaken its the same pack. Shawn should be making this if your interested. Either way post your progress. I would like to see a engineer with a pack and everything.
  17. Since no one has posted it yet. Cant wait to get more details.
  18. Im going to look for a better insert. For that one i just used a candle. Cardboard would be a good option. Im going to go to the fabric store this weekend to see if i can find some good fabric that i could make skme with.
  19. What are your thoughts on something like this for a Level 1? Granted this is just a mock up. I had to cut 2in webbing in half.
  20. Thank You Izzi for the clarification on this stuff. Sorry for being a pain. Hopefully i can finish the current Officer just waiting on my Hat. That aside going back to the pouches. I think we can all agree there are some small differences with the pouches from the comics and the Molle pouches. But i still think as a level one Molle pouches should be allowed. When the pouch is filled it should hold its shape so from your comment above the real difference is just the center strap. If this is the case I propose as the level one that Molle pouches are acceptable if we add a single strap centered on the pouch. This will allow people to still do the Costume without having to custom make all the pouches. As a level 2 then they should be more accurate to the comics just like we suggested for the comlink. This being said do you have any suggested type of fabric we should be using for the pouches?
  21. I think that the pouches we have already selected will work at the very least for a Level 1. When they are filled they look more accurate. The ones in the comics are more in-likely going to have to to be custom made which i think at that point could/should be a level 2 standard just like we have been suggesting for the Comlink. Having the 2 level options will allow people to have a decent looking costume with the ability to improve it down the road for more accuracy if they want. Personally if i have to buy all new pouches im done with this costume. The Reference photos i posted above where for the Cuffs pouch and Grenade Pouches to suggest they both could i think be used. And not to suggest we start all over from scratch over the pouches. For Example these images show both.
  22. So per tossing ideas out there im going to throw these out there to see what you think. Just as in person notes. The Thermal Detonator fits a lot nicer in the Grenade Pouch Vs the Cuff Pouch. Hard to tell in the photos but the Cuff pouch didn't want to close that well. pouches comparison (left to Right) Mag Cuff Grenade Comlink Handcuff Vs Grenade Pouches 3 styles of Harness Pouches Cuff Grenade Magazine Grenade Pouch with Thermal Detonator Cuff Pouch with Thermal Detonator Note on Thermal Detonator. It fits better in the Grenade Pouch vs Cuff Pouch Side photo with a Dual Grenade Pouch
  23. thank you for your response. As for the first part i think that would be greatly appreciated if we can look into the comlink stuff. I personally feel a Level 2 would be better but at the very least a mention to style after the comics would work as well. as for the pouches. would at least a closed top molle bino case be acceptable? For me the style in the comics i would worry about them falling out or being messed with. a closed top would secure them better.
  24. I can see where the Imperial Style Comlink has some similarities but it's clearly a different design which is why im suggesting a Level 2 for accuracy. At the very least i feel the verbiage should be adjusted to state something to the extent of adding "or style based on the comics." I know and can see someone going for approval of this costume with their interpretation of the commlink based off the comics and not the imperial style and having it rejected. This will allow people to clearly do either or. Also there was no response to the Pouches. I think this should be addressed as well. What are your thoughts? The Electrobinocular pouch is not clearly specified like everything else in the CRL for pouches. Is the Molle gas mask pouch acceptable or should we use a Molle binocular pouch or is there a better option? Also can the Molle Grenade Pouch be used rather then or even in place of the Handcuff pouches?
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