A couple thoughts and changes highlighted in green below. To expand I'll give my thoughts here.
To start its unclear what kind of electrobinoculars pouch to use. I think to keep things uniform it would be ideal to specify the Molle Style Binocular pouch should be used for a level 1 Certification. Neal pointed this one out to me last night. https://www.ebay.com/itm/112171994144 I think this would work great. One thing I like about it, is with some modifications. I think it could closely match the comics and be used for a good Level 2 Certification.
Moving on to the Electrinoculars. I think reviewing the comics the one in the pouch is clearly different then the one that they hold in their hands or use. Im unable to find the one in the pouch outside of the pouch and or any multiple angles due to this. For a standard I think since we have the most reference photos of the one outside the pouch the designs should be based off that one more then the one in the pouch. And to be honest the one that's in the pouch looks more like a communication device then binos, but that's just my 2 cents on that. I like the idea of people scratch building their binos, but maybe we could add a Level 2 to for an accurate electrinoculars based off the comics.
This leads me to the commlink. As shown in the comics it's clearly a different style then the Imperial style commlink. Again, similar to above I think there should be a Level 2 for accuracy and have the Comlinks based off the Imperial Army style Comlink from the comics.
The binos and comlinks and a few other items if different I like the idea of referring to them as Imperial Army style vs the Imperial Style.
Belt Pouches
For 501st approval:
· Belt pouches are olive green in color and should be made of nylon or similar material.
· MA47 double handcuff MOLLE PALS belt pouches should be on the right of the belt buckle where the harness meets the belt.
· A gas-mask style pouch sits on the right following MA47 double handcuff MOLLE PALS belt pouches
· A tactical triple AK magazine PALS belt pouch should be on the rear of the belt.
· An electrobinoculars pouch sits on the left of the belt buckle where the harness meets the belt.
The electrobinoculars pouch can be a Molle style binocular pouch.
· MA47 double handcuff MOLLE PALS belt pouches sit to the left of the electrobinoculars pouch.
For level 2 certification (if applicable)
· Electrobinoculars are present
· Electrobinoculars pouch is open top and is half the height of the electrobinoculars.
For 501st approval:
· Imperial Style Comlink to be worn in the comlink clip on the left suspender.
For level 2 certification (if applicable)
· Imperial Army Style Comlink Based of the Comic images Star Wars Empire #16 – 18 To the Last Man #1 - #3 and Star Wars Empire #36 The Wrong Side of the War #1
For 501st approval:
· Scratch built or high end prop replica.
For level 2 certification (if applicable)
· Imperial Army Style electrobinoculars Based of the Comic images Star Wars Empire #16 – 18 To the Last Man #1 - #3 and Star Wars Empire #36 The Wrong Side of the War #1
Also, I think we should use images similar to the Comics style designed. So these are proposed Images that could be used if needed.
Imperial Army Electrobinoculars
Imperial Army Commlink
Not this CRL but also Imperial Army Telemetry Unit