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MahXPrime last won the day on February 16 2018

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    French Garrison

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  1. It looks great, good job on this final touch ! Happy to see all the work ends up into this clean & sharp conclusion, really, it feels nice, proud to see that !
  2. Wonderful model and flat texture !! We'll be able to have precise measurements !
  3. Okay guys I've some very cool HQ screens of the BF2 in game actual texture, so we know how to describe paint markings (edited a silly marking out. xD and obviously white texts are to be ignored)
  4. I agree with that ! It looks like a mate finish, not much reflections The text looks good and it's well detailed, average measurements can be provided by checking 3d file maybe ? I really don't know if you can extract this specific item Maybe I would leave electronics for L2 as an upgrade for perfectionists Also for L2 our traditional " made from 3d file " for as close proportions as game's ones ( ONLY if we find the 3d file...)
  5. Yea I agree, it's really just a bonus and it was perfect for a L2 option
  6. No Droid at all indeed so it's one thing that can be fully removed Concerning the DLT, I suggest adding a line in L2 about the scope : adding reflective lenses (glass / plexi..) to the scope is a GREAT final touch it really is an option but it instantly looks more " real " with lenses rather than grey paint over "solid" 3d print for example
  7. ALL CLEAR for both hoses & E11, simple yet effective text, I like the line talking about proportions in hoses as I've seen far too much messy and out of proportions hoses I can only approve on ROTJ E11 text harmonization, no specific details to be seen at all ( FOR ONCE ).
  8. Ok I think we could ask again for a size comparison of both regular TD & Del TD with 3d files ? The main problem here is fitting between the pouches, if regular TD appears too big for a correct fitting it will appear misleading to people, so better check it From my personal experience : I've bought a regular TD at 1st and it ended quite too big to fit between my pouches, I know I'm quite skinny but well ...
  9. So basically not quite much to change, just to decide the texture, I would allow both smooth & textured (at least in level 1) I'm the 1st one pointing out that Inferno have very specific elements design not taken from other uniforms but concerning belt it appears consistent it's just regular ROTJ belt. And it does make sense to say they've used same texture for every leather parts, not really bothering with actual regular belt render.. This is one of the element where we can keep a certain "unity" & "harmony" between different imperial uniforms
  10. Oh yes we will, keeping my word If I have troubles regarding that I'll inform
  11. I fully agree on wearer's choice as long as the render is clean & fine ! Let's be flexible for this matter as it can't be settled, both options seem to work, on mine I've got them on main belts and it's just fine, not too low as the loops have a nice placement Anyway from 3d files we can't objectively say anything definitive really, both straps/belts go through the pouches but at different spots so it's all magic & random
  12. Agreed on ABS stripes Agreed on texture, anyway as mentionned earlier they've used the same likely.. everywhere, so they spare game's ressource Concerning the pouches I believe far more in a 3d model collision issue (objets going through another one, "ghost/noclip" mode) than an actual attachment of these on the tactical vest strap They are actually, just like the holster, just like the MP40 pouches, simply " stuck " or "dropped" over the other elements with no actual attachment system (no loops either, it all holds with magic) So we have to choose what does make sense. It's not an ultra detailed 3d model so we also have to adapt it to Real Life by assuming logic stuff. It's not because we don't see loops there should be none, the pouches are not held on belts with glue or rivets, the logic here would clearly be loops.. Simple, convenient, logic, I mean, let's not over-amplify difficulities on an already quite complex uniform IMO it doesn't make sense to attach pouches on the tactical vest strap, as IRL, they will likely hang from it and won't fit closely onto the body as they look in ref pics, which won't give a clean render. It will also obstruct the quick release buckle of the tactical vest strap
  13. I currently don't know about anyone making them strictly accurate, according to the new details being discussed here The best option for now is to modify/make a custom version from a good base ! I can only agree with another " design specific to Inferno Squad " line (BEST taken from 3d files!! :DDD) I confirm shiny/metalic base paint, it's all consistent with main parts being glossy
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