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Everything posted by tgreen0626

  1. I use Imgur which is free and I can hide my pics, then share with who I choose. Congrats my friend!!! This inspires me to get back to mine.
  2. Making progress and I need to greatly update my pics. I just realized, I do not have the back clips for the TD. Where does everyone get them from? Thanks Tom
  3. I am making my own suit, but it looks like the WW suit does not have any suede on it. The Biker TB suit is identical to the TX Scout suit from what I have seen so far. Thanks Tom
  4. Also I see you got extra Bells, not sure what deal that way, but that is interesting. Depending on what level you want to go to, you will need to order stickers for the bucket and possibly replace the bolts for the side of the bucket. Tom
  5. Hi there!!! I am also working on a WTF kit, along with @CrookKnight, let me know how I can help. Just working out the last bit of armor, then building all my soft goods in hopes to make an event at the end of the month. Also their are some videos on the WTF FB page to help guide the bucket and back build. Gets lots of sandpaper, primer and Canyon Black paint, then prepare to san prime paint, sand, paint and enjoy it!!!!! The trimming is not to bad, just take your time and have lots of fresh blades handy for your knife you use to cut with. Tom TS/DZ 62609
  6. Working on my build and I did the same as nanotek above. Lots of sanding prime, sand paint, sand paint again.
  7. Hey all!!! Been a while but I moved from IL to NC and been grinding on my Scout lately. Hoping to somehow complete it in like 2 weeks!!! Big question, Clear coat? what brand, I used the Satin Canyon Black and I want to protect it, also did you put all the greeblies on first, build the bucket, etc, then clear coat. Or clear coat the raw painted, then assemble everything. Thanks again to all who posted a build thread, or helped with advice on my thread. The big challenge is the boots and making the vest etc next. Thankfully wife and I make a great team of seamstresses. Tom TS/DZ 62609
  8. I am also building a WTF kit and Walt has some videos on Facebook now of assembly of a scout kit. Good reference to get started along with Crookknight as well.
  9. @Rowen I will see if I can get the videos grouped and shared here. I have a folder I saved all my Scout videos in from Walt's Build processes. Thanks Tom
  10. That looks good. Walt did a video on the tank trimming and notching. I think I have some pics on my imgur of my back and tank, if not I will take some. I am slowly trimming it to have no gaps between. you are also correct on the single river and angled plastic or whatever material you use for the top half.
  11. @Raider you said concave, but when I look at the CRL for Level 2, there is nothing about the bolts being concave. just 22mm. Can you verify this for me?
  12. The WTF bucket is almost to tight on my head. I do not know about the others. I do have a rather large head though and I still fit the bucket.
  13. so sounds like maybe a little more bondo and then sand, primer, sand fill primer, sand, primer, oh did I say sand some more... Thanks. At least I know I am going in the right direction.
  14. Been working on the bucket. Any ideas on best things to finish those last gaps. The bondo feels like it just wants to crack and I have E6000 with some ABS on the inside seams to keep it. Just not certain on what else I can do to ensure the cracking does not happen and that the bucket will hold up. I am hoping to get to some priming on it soon but want it to be solid before I do that. Prep work is so worth it to make it right. Bucket update pics are the bottom 2 added. https://imgur.com/a/ajuO5Ez
  15. Just checked and Trooperbay has the mirror and also the decal set for the scout. I am waiting to see if Walt sent me a set since the basic Shadow does not require the stickers but the specialist does.
  16. A friend of mine shared a link with me from the Mando Mercs on how to make them. More less clear face mask with mirrored tint on it. http://mandalorianmercs.org/forum/index.php?topic=68927.0&fbclid=IwAR0ECOIB2m3f5Nahd1dpzoYWb-g3BbMsohUJ2brJzRHBZ61AYJfz4Y10RNw
  17. I ended up calling them and that is how I got any info.
  18. Yes, all of my greeblies are being painted matte, with the armor in the Canyon Black Satin. Also I am still waiting to order the bolts as with the lockdown they said they could not order for a month and that should be up soon.
  19. I found a vendor in the US that is listed in my build thread for the bolts that are specialist level. Also I am having issues with the printed items also in they are not sized to fit bucket or some of the other pieces they attach to. I am looking at potentially printing my own parts as replacements to scale to my armor. Or I may reprint some of the armor. My bicep pieces are not formed large enough for the T-Bits to fit without some major sanding etc.. Thanks for all the pics of your bucket. That has helped me to get mine ready and smoothed.
  20. Thanks @Raider I will pull the strapping out and look at doing that this weekend then if I am still locked down and locked in. LOL.. I had to shift to my 3d printers e-11 and working on finishing that up. This Scout will have the holdout, e-11 and DLT-19
  21. Did some more updates to the build thread on Imgur. Can someone advise if I trimmed to much on the knees. If I did, I can just print some or get some new ones, if not, then yeah for me as I was worried I just hacked them to much. Thanks Tom https://imgur.com/a/ajuO5Ez
  22. @CrookKnight That bucket looks good and I can see better how I will need to fill and sand on mine as well. That is the goal for this weekend, to have the bucket done. Got lots of small parts worked on over the weekend.
  23. @Raider Here is that vendor: https://www.fairmontsupply.com/1105343/Product/Speedglas™ 051131-37141 Replacement Headband Mounting Hardware, For Use With Speedglas™ Utility Helmet Thanks for the update on the drop box, I will get to trimming that one and start initial painting and sanding.
  24. Some more work on the Scout this weekend. Lots of painting, trimming and now a lot of wet sanding to be done. Found a vendor for the 22mm bolts in the US but it is special order and they cannot order them for another month. https://imgur.com/a/ajuO5Ez Can someone give me some advice on the last couple of pics for the drop boxes. One of them looks decent and I was able to trim it up. The other to me looks like the pull of the ABS was not clean and I may need to get it replaced before I can trim it. If everyone thinks I can trim it ok, then please advise as I would rather get this all done and not have to go back to the vendor to get a drop box and wait. Thanks for the suggestions and help so far. I am very excited to get this done, approved, and then approved as a Specialist.!!!
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