Figured I'd go ahead and start logging stuff here. No photos as of yet, but I'll hopefully be correcting that soon(ish).
For starters, the gear list overall. Green is complete, yellow is awaiting assembly/modification, and red is to be acquired.
Jumpsuit, Black, Imperial Army
Patches, Imperial Army(x2)
Harness, Black, Web
Belt, Black, ALICE
Pouch, Black, Handcuff (x2)
Pouch, Black, Grenade(double)
Pouch, Black, AR15 Magazine(triple)
Pouch, Black, Utility(Large)
Pouch, Black, AR15(Single)
Holster, Black, E-11
Rifle, Blaster, E-11
Jackboots, Black, Imperial Army
Cap, Fatigue, Imperial Army
Gloves, Black, Short
Goggles, Welding
Once I get home and can pull out the bin of what I have, I'll add photos for everything. I did go ahead and get the 2" hooks from Strapworks, rather than the 1" and webbing to transition from them to the 2" webbing. I'm also debating between doing a Doopydoos conversion on the Hasbro E-11 I have, or buying a 3D printed one. Either way, that'll probably be one of the last things I finish on this project.
As far as the pouches go, do we need to have anything in them to make them appear full, or no? Ideally, I'd like to leave at least some of them free to carry water and other necessities of life while trooping.