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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by bensid39999

  1. Your officer hat looks a little wonky; the bill seems to small and the crown a little tall. Does the CRL stipulate if the rank bar has to be metal like the IOC? Otherwise the jumpsuit and rigs all look great man!
  2. Kerry is that the CDC Elbeco jumpsuit? Is all you had to do is make the mandarin collar?
  3. This is awesome, I am now officially stoked to see Solo!
  4. Are these tabs you're talking about title rockers that go above the standard IAT patch? Is it just a duty title like ENGINEER or SAPPER, or would units be allowed to create a unit title like ROUGHNECKS or what have you?
  5. I noticed in the Specialist section of the forums, there are no requirements listed for an Imperial Army Trooper/Officer yet. Is this because the L2-L3 requirements of the CRL still being ironed out? I'm starting my build and like to go 'full retard' right out the gate if I can!
  6. Looks great! Plus I'm excited about the patches, mine are on order too!
  7. I recommend Runya Jade. I have 3 of her hats for my IOC uniforms. You can find her in the Ongoing Projects section of the Imperial Commissary thread at IOC, or look her up on Facebook as Gina Canady.
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