Looks pretty good. Ultimately, you'll want to try and level off each side so they are about even. The SC helmet is a bit wonky so I realize it won't line up perfectly. You'll also want to trim a bit more off the visor in the face plate. Get a little closer to the nose and a little more on the top portion.
Yeah, no height requirements. I know plenty of Vaders in the Legion who are 5'8" or shorter. I'm 6'2", but don't plan to do this one. It is an awesome and menacing trooper, though!
You are correct, it's the bottom piece. I believe the top part would be for a Sandtrooper variant, although there are no shadow sandies at this time. Check out the image below for guidance on trimming the part. The kit you have is a little more generous with the outer edges, but that's still okay.
Looking really good! You definitely want to lower the biceps a tad and shorten the space between the forearm and bicep armor. This should be an easy approval though, well done!
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