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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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tipperaryred last won the day on September 26 2024

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About tipperaryred

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    Ireland Garrison

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    Jul 2022, Jul 2023

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    Tipperary, Ireland
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    Miniature painting, tabletop gaming, reading, film & TV

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  1. My understanding is that the functional pillbox was brought in to be in line with the JRS Inferno CRLs, though I could be mistaken on that. I am not however aware of any functionality specific to Inferno. I would be fine with losing that unless someone can show clear evidence of it being opened in available visual references. I cannot see much else in the helmet that really needs addressing. Unless it is worth moving some of the finer details into Lvl2? Possibly the requirement for the vocoder to be a separate piece could be Lvl2? If it is painted well, most GMLs would be hard pressed to tell whether or not it is a separate piece anyway.
  2. I too am more than happy to review this. I'd say some of the problem also comes from our underbelt. The CRL currently gives that as: "Approximately 2" (51mm) in width, up to 3" (76mm) is acceptable." (underbelt) Compared to: "The waist strap is approximately 1.5" (40mm) wide." (overbelt) On a 76mm wide underbelt, a 40mm overbelt probably would look fairly close to the in game references (relatively speaking). However 76mm would be very large for an underbelt, and I'd guess most would be closer to 50mm (my own belt included). On a 50mm belt, a 40mm underbelt definitely looks too big. So I would be perfectly fine allowing more latitude on the overbelt exactly as Dennis suggests, changing it to "approximately 30mm-40mm". The important part is that the two belts look correct together. If we allow a range of widths for one, we must do the same for the other.
  3. Like David mine relies on Velcro. A couple of very large pieces on the inside of each side of the front and back plates, and then a thin strip on the front edges of each of the connecting panels. They're not holding any weight, they just need to sit in place, so thankfully it doesn't take too much to hold them.
  4. David summed it up exactly. The CRL gives you the choice of attaching the upper part of the pouches to the rear strap of the tac-vest, or the bottom edge of the pouches to the overbelt. Personally, I have loops attached to the rear of my scout pouches, and simply thread the tac-vest strap through those loops each time to let the pouches hang down from them.
  5. The overall construction looks fine to me. Could you show some details on the left sleeve there? Specifically the compad pocket that you mentioned, and the top pocket with the pen sleeves?
  6. That is a tricky one! I can however think of one possible solution that might satisfy the text of the CRL. The scout pouches can either be attached to the overbelt *or* to the rear strap of the chest rig (which usually sits a couple of inches above the overbelt). If you attach your pouches to the chest rig strap, this might let you position them either side of the detonator (as required by the CRL), but hanging down *over* the ends of the overbelt (instead of hanging between the detonator and belt,where you don't have the space!). This isn't *technically* how Del wears them, but neither is it specifically prohibited in the CRL text. Given that your only other solution would be to source a drastically undersized belt and/or an undersized detonator, I think this would be a fair compromise. However please reach out to your local GML to chat about this and see if they would be happy to clear the costume like this. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Good luck!
  7. That is a very similar chest rig to Del's, and I know a lot of the early clearances used that exact rig. Just keep a close eye on the CRL text if you go with it, as there are some key differences which will necessitate some modifications.
  8. Pouches in general seem hard to find at the moment, I've seen similar issues with them for other costumes too. Even back when I bought mine I had to buy it in a two pack - the second pouch had no oiler pouch so was no use for Del. If there are really none online at the moment, a back up plan might be to find someone who can sew some canvas from a simple pattern for them. If I see or hear of any, I'll post here.
  9. The outermost boxes on each side are also a different shape to the Scout's overbelt.
  10. ⬆️ What he said 🙂 One other small addition, you mentioned you were printing a detonator from Scout files? Please be aware that the regular biker scout detonator is slightly different from Del's, so might need some alterations to be clearable. Great to see you diving into it though, keep up the great work.
  11. It would be great to have you join us Chris, and Del Meeko is a great choice, even if I'm a little biased myself 😉 I wouldn't know of any specific STL files for those parts, but if you find any and would like a second opinion on their accuracy, don't hesitate to throw them up here. Wishing you the best of luck with your build!
  12. Great to see another Inferno in progress, especially one just over the other side of the Irish Sea 😉 Don't hesitate to give a shout if you have any questions!
  13. As a print that looks perfectly good to me for all clearance levels.
  14. Sorry yes, I did check that through and thought I replied already, but clearly not! All looks great on the models you shared. When painted up correctly, that should be perfect.
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