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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by therealtotty

  1. Nearly 6 years later it arrived! The Anovos (right) helmet is pretty tight and probably doesn't even have room for fans for my head. It looks great and lights are cool, but Idk if it'll see a troop anytime soon.
  2. Hey! Been away from the forums for a while, so if you've already made a decision, feel free to ignore. I have Imperial Arms blasters (E-11D and SE-14r), and I am very happy with the prints. I ordered prints and did the work myself, so I spent a lot of time getting any print lines filled and finished cleanly. Also, the owner is very friendly and helpful. He is based in FL last I knew, so he might not be available at the moment due to the weather conditions. The E-11D is great proportionally and the detail is awesome. I think the SE-14r is a little large (maybe 2-5%), BUT the bolt and trigger function. Which is very cool. Hope this helps! -Michael
  3. I'll be open about my experience of Denuo Novo "Anovos." I make the silly mistake of ordering a $800 helmet from Anovos before I joined these forums. It was 'delayed' until 2020 (Covid) and then they stopped communicating. It has been 4 years (almost to the day) since I was supposed to have my helmet. Denuo Novo has taken over their orders and has claimed that they will fulfill my order, but has been delayed for over a year now. I just want to caution anyone when ordering from Denuo Novo. I hope that they get it together, but I can't in good conscience not say something when hundreds of dollars are involved. The remaining of your list has worked well for many people. Take a look at Endor Finders' gloves too!
  4. Welcome! As a DT who has almost all ArmoryShop pieces for my kit, I would typically recommend anyone to go that direction. I give high praises to Dennis and his team. Sadly, they are not in business at the moment (due to world issues, and hopefully back someday). So many people have great advice around here and can help you with any questions. It's a detail driven armor kit, but it is so worth it once it's finished and fits just right. Best of luck!
  5. Looks awesome! One of my favorite troopers. -Michael
  6. It does! I had completely forgotten about this trooper until now. This is awesome @Fivezero! -Michael
  7. Hello! Like @Lt. Dan said, pics are hard to tell some details. From what I can speak on, it's good for a first suit up. 1. The belt pouches need adjustment; that's an easy fix of just sliding them to correct position. They shouldn't move THAT much while walking. I would agree with Dan on the box placement. They shouldn't be behind your kidneys. 2. The biceps should have "...two black elastic cord straps." It's dark, so they may be there, but I couldn't see any evidence of them. 3. Strapping shouldn't show in your midsection. (This actually led me to my next discovery) 4. I think your midsection (ab, kidney, butt, cod, belt) is sitting too low, causing your thighs to be low and the sniper knee to land weird on the shin (This is where Lt. Dan's comment comes in). I would recommend finding a way to secure your midsection higher so that the rest falls into place better. 5. (Being picky on this one) I would check the color of 'metallic grey' on the accents (chest and ab). It seems a little bright in my opinion. Tamiya TS-40 is ideal. -Michael
  8. TX-72557 reporting for duty! Will still be adding blasters and work on specialist equipment over time. -Michael
  9. Personally, I don't like 'paint and primer in one.' It takes more time to prime, sand, paint, and coat, but I think it's a better result. Best of luck! I remember when I was at that step and it was so exciting and nerve-racking. -Michael
  10. I'm glad that you were able to get it sorted out. It is so sad that they have been hit so hard by this. Denis was always great and responsive to anything I needed or questions I had. I hope that they are able to move and get started back up. -Michael
  11. Alrighty! I got some more shots today with everything done! Will be waiting on approval. https://imgur.com/a/E3yWtIo Now onto blasters and to finish the stormie. -Michael
  12. Got some better shots today in the sun! Still repainting the shin-top... https://imgur.com/gallery/ZXe8Pb6 Also, got some fans and padding installed in my helmet. Trying to find a good placement for the second fan. https://imgur.com/a/YMJkKms -Michael
  13. Please pick it apart! I am aware of the left shin top "missing." I had a painting problem and will have to redo it... Otherwise, have at it! https://imgur.com/a/gipHHvs Thank you all! -Michael
  14. If you are using the Tamiya paints, they will adhere beautifully. I used a ridiculous amount of tape to get the recesses right haha Just take your time. I did one section at a time so that I did have to worry about bleeding or tap covering spots I wanted painted. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVRHCr4sezY/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= -Michael
  15. I am very surprised that they have not gotten back with you on Instagram or email. I know for a month or so, they didn't have access to outside comms, but I believe they are back. As Hector said, they have had major issues shipping with DHL because of the 'situation' I hope that they are able to ship to you. I love their armor and the helmet is pretty good, so I am rooting for you! -Michael
  16. So everything is in (minus guns and specialist additions)! I am adjusting the thighs for strapping, and then I think I will be ready to submit. I'll send more photos here soon for advice and things I may have missed. https://imgur.com/a/8rogkty -Michael
  17. Congrats! Looks great! I wish I could get my act together that fast ? -Michael
  18. Welcome! I'll be interested to follow your build! I have a mostly Armory Shop Props set up (undersuit, helmet, armor, pauldron, belt) also! -Michael
  19. No, I hadn't received my undersuit yet. Took a few months off from my build (work and life haha). Your undersuit looks good! -Michael
  20. I did not go with a finished set of armor from ASP, so I can't speak on any adjustments that would have to be made after paint (which sounds like a nightmare). I typically would check sizing and then finish with painting. I feel like I was very fortunate in not having any issues with sizing (not approved yet, so I could be wrong). The upper body and legs have fit nearly perfect for me. Only assembling the midsection (belt came in last week) remains, and I am a little nervous about the midsection and the belt because I am so slim (29" waist), and I will try to update you with any issues that I run into. -Michael
  21. Helmet and belt came in last week! So I will be getting the midsection done soon (I hope), but here is the upper body and helmet! https://imgur.com/a/FYh1wSf -Michael
  22. Hey @MKE-Trooper! So sorry about the late response. I have found that most everything on the upper body can be attached to my ASP undersuit or to the chest/back plates. The midsection and thighs are going to mostly be attached to the belt and have snaps on the upper body to secure the placement. The shins just sit on top of the shoes. I haven't had any issues so far and had multiple upper body suit-ups. I hope that helps! -Michael
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