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Everything posted by MisterxM

  1. I'm sure we can do something with that all together. Maybe is still a chance to made a next, fifth pair, for me ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Thanks for info ๐Ÿ‘I asked because I would like to start my build. Some of the files i would like to buy from Beren88 and maybe people from Polish Garrison could help me with the rest of them. But I agree, it's time to check all very thoroughly. So I can wait, no problem ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Wow! I'm impressed๐Ÿ‘ So which parts of this costume is fully accepted now?
  4. In "Rebels" movie Sabine took her jetpack from ISC grunt, but Saxon is commander, so his jetpack could be little bit different.
  5. If we talk about jetpack i found something on etsy, but he need to be modified: https://www.etsy.com/pl/listing/1033512796/sabine-wren-imperial-super-commando-gar?click_key=5ffb8f44ced8b9cd02df7e9de59aa5ef476a3794%3A1033512796&click_sum=db7d6c4d&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Imperial+super+commando&ref=sr_gallery-2-16&organic_search_click=1&cns=1
  6. I dont know if this pouches is leather made, it's hard to decide, they can be printed in my opinion. I'm thinking about giving up the project. I don't have any experiences with 3d modeling. I also don't have equipment or facilities to finalize this. Beren88 have all this things. I don't have a big chances to join the Legion, so maybe i will go with my own project - Nihil pirate from High Republic era, only as a cosplayer.
  7. Seven commandos, don't forget about me Of course in whole world. But it's great that this topic are so hot now. I don't think is a good idea to change a detachment now. Gar Saxon never was a bounty hunter, but it's not my decision, I'm only a newbie here & I need only the accurate costume. But maybe the Bounty Hunters will have some good ideas, every help could be important. I also need to talk with polish mandalorian groups, maybe they could help me with 3d modeling. I wanna be more active with preparation of this costume.
  8. It's clear that you'll be the first. Of course I offer my help with consultations, just like i said couple pages ago. I don't need to be first. Or maybe i'll go with realistic version. But I need to talk with someone who can help with 3d models. Soon i will know that.
  9. Hi guys! I have plans for printing Saxon's helmet (i know great guy who makes fantastic helmet's) but i can't find a files. I was looking in Etsy but without success.
  10. So we have accepted helmet for Saxon? If its ok, I will need the files for printing this helmet. Of course I will pay for all. And it's great that Imperial Super Commando is more popular than ever ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Maybe a little bit more tight in arms. Saxon's undersuit looks pretty tight, fitted in the photos.
  12. Very nice! In my opinion it's great shirt. Nice colour, good shape. So I think that you have next part of costume & I can also buy this shirt for my Saxon's costume ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. In my opinion all this colors looks good but british "wooly pully" looks little bit to dark for me. It's good that the sweaters can be returned so we need to examine the colors in "real life". That's the only one option i think.
  14. Of course I'm still interested in buying this model if we will have final version.
  15. Hmm interesting...you may be right. This upper & lower "chest sections" looks like one piece & then we have two pieces, not three. So this type of construction will be easier to assamble.
  16. In my opinion it's a Stormtrooper type construction - 3 pieces, just like its written. And we must use the same techniques with velcro & snaps. This is the best option. I never prepared this armor before, but I hope i can handle it๐Ÿ˜€
  17. I think that classic, oval type of neck should be easier to rework as the "V-neck". And i also preffer reworking, that option will be more comfortable.
  18. I saw a lot of British military style sweater's & most of them don't have a turtle neck. This is the biggest problem with them. So if we will go in this way we will need the special neck seal.
  19. In my opinion this is very good CRL text. So now it's time for looking the accurate fabric. When you will made the order for sewing this suit please include me in this plans. Of course I will pay for everything ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. I think that red text is absolutelly correct, it could be weathered white color, even is more possible then grey. I think that i will use two piece undersuit, british commando style sweater, of course with reworks & separated trousers. Maybe it will be easier than looking for special material for this upper part. I'm open for suggestions, if there's a different options like sewing this sweater with matching neck seal.
  21. It's ok, I see it as a collaboration. I dont have any 3D modeling skill's & you're good in this. But I can share my feedbacks & I could help with CRL. Everyone can help. I don't care about being first, i care only about the best possible costume. We can help each other here on this forum. Honestly, i think it's a great idea to invite someone who have experience in sewing great, approvable Legion costumes.
  22. I agree with you guys, undersuit looks more tight, especially trousers. Of course it must bee a stretchy material. Wearer's comfort is also important, we must walk almost whole day in this costume ๐Ÿ˜‰
  23. They looks pretty good in my opinion & similar to Stormtrooper type boots. But the soles shouldnโ€™t be black? Or maybe i was wrong.
  24. I saw many photos & it's hard to say... On the front view looks like that could be recessed, but if we look at the details from the different angles - painted option is more possible. Same situation like with the hand plates. There we have the same triangles as on the helmet.
  25. I think that we need better front view of helmet but this "cut out" section should be absolutelly more wider. Great job & i didn't notice any other issues except this details.
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