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Everything posted by smoszer

  1. Ryan, the shin armor outline was what I wrote based on my kit. After talking with Brent on Facebook messenger we determined that the armor I have wasn't accurate and Brent's was. So I've reprinted it so it's accurate. I think the FBFX outline that you have should be correct to use. I'll be taking new images of the shin armor when I take the rest of the picture that we're still missing.
  2. I think that if we're going to add in a size for the strap, it should say something to the effect that the strap is roughly 1.5 in. or 40 mm. 1 inch seems a bit narrow from what I see on the FBFX image. I'm also guessing that a person's physical size could be considered to scale it appropriately. I would rather say something to the efrect that the straps should be no wider than the protruding flat area that they attach to.
  3. All of the references that we've been basing our decisions on, it looks too smooth, and I can't see any texture that would indicate that it's fabric. The raised edges on the top and bottom look like it's made from one solid piece. The elbow and knee straps look like the same design and material.
  4. Do we need to outline the material that is used for the knee strap? It looks to be rubber or silicon. Would it be okay for someone to use just black plastic or fabric? Should the material in the outline be set for just the level 2 approval? I don't know if we talked about this for the elbow strap too. But they should be written the same way since they both look like the same material/solution.
  5. I'm redoing my helmet, which is the exact same one as Brent's. I also am redoing the shin armor. It wasn't accurate on the back of the heel. I can have both done in the next 2 weeks. I'll have to figure out what other detail photos we have to take so I can get them shot and clipped out. Will that work for where we're at in our timing? Otherwise I can shift my focus. I'm currently wrapping up building my Patrol Trooper for approval submission.
  6. The amazing thing is that Brent and I have very similar kits that have come from different studios. Mine from Yosh and his from Jinta. Brent has had an incredible eye for detail and we've been scouring the internet, and I've watched Kenbi scenes with the pause button wearing out. Lol. Our backpacks are exactly the same in every way but the control panel on top. We both have a large, short antenna on the left as your looking at the back. The other knobs and switches are different. Mine are similar to the hot toys scaled toy. This is where we'll have to either dig deeper by contacting the 501st members that were on the show (that we worked with on the helmet) or see if we can get verification from someone at FBFX. Otherwise what would be our options?
  7. I am so jealous of this fabric. I wish I would have been able to make it for my kama. My solution will work, but definitely not close to the same level of cool.
  8. Hey Ryan, I'll post a few references of the Kama and the slit/opening on the back. Since I've had input into writing or contributing into all of the pieces, I've stepped back a little during the review. All of your input has been spot on and has definitely made it sound consistent with all of the standing CRLs I've worked with as a GML, so thanks for all of your work so far.
  9. I'm in Central time zone so I can gather that up over lunch in about 3 hours. The live display and the toy since tried to gather any source I could when I was building my kit.
  10. @IcyTrooper I could supply the hot toys display images that were taken in Japan. There was also a video that did a pan from helmet to boots of the front as well. We don't have much in the way of images for the back. I have some marketing pictures for the hot toys scale model. I've also watched the Kanobi scenes a ton, but the lighting is low and the back is really only shown in the hanger scene during the escape. There are some side shots in clips on their way down to the aqua tunnel that are helpful, but they are not very tight shots. .
  11. I'll let Brent respond for the text that you are removing. It was his addition to the requirements.
  12. Sounds good. We'll wait to hear back from you on how you need us to support.
  13. Can you touch base with Tipperary (Daniel) and verify what we've already approved with him or do we need to revisit everything? For the most part we had all of the soft parts reviewed and approved, including the helmet and we were just starring on the armor itself.
  14. It's all good. We're happy that we can all work together and continue to keep this moving. I appreciate everyone's time. I know we all have our day to day lives, so anyone who is willing to take time for this is truly amazing. Brent and I have written alot, so I know it's going to take a little while for the team to go through it. Just let us know what you think is the best next steps for breaking this down and how, and when, we can help.
  15. I may need to add a second photo for the knee and elbow pieces to show the straps. I think I had the rigging straps in mind qhen I read your update and not the costume straps. I'll have to go back and see if we can make this a little more clear so there's not confusion for the approval teams.
  16. As far as the backpack. We'll need an image or on set verification of the design. The pack I have was based onthe Hot Toys 1/16th scale action figure. I haven't found any other references, so this will have to be discussed in more depth. If you have any references, that would be great.
  17. I agree with you on the back of the shin armor. Yours is more accurate. Mine was developed by Yosh Studios and obviously wrong. I'll have to modify mine to be more accurate or see if Yosh has newer files. As far as outlining how a member builds or strap their armor isn't our call and shouldn't be in the CRL It should only contain a description of how each piece should look when the costume is completed and an approval is requested. Also, all references to any other armor are not used in CRL listing outside of clone armor describing other clone CRLs. The Purge Trooper is not a clone and unless the Legion approves this language from my experience as a GML, this needs to be removed.
  18. We need one of the CDMs to start working on this project so that we can get this wrapped.There has been no support for months. I'm going to give them a another week before I reach out to the legion to figure out how we can get the support we need to complete this project. This has taken way too long to complete. I know we're all volunteers, but as a GML myself, this would be unexceptable from our Garrison Commander there was this much time between responding to our duties.
  19. Lower Leg Armor • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • Lower legs are mirror images of each other. • The front of the armor has a triangular detail at the top of the leg and a hard ridge line down the front of the shin. • Back of the lower legs have an indentation just under the calf that travels down to the ankle. • The outside of the calf is closed. ○ Calf can have an access area on the inside of the leg. • Calves are seamless and have a trap door access through the indent in the rear of the lower leg. Bottom of backside has an arched recessed area.
  20. Knee Armor • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • Knees have a protruding flat area in front oriented towards the top of Knee. • Knees bend around the front and connect to white detail clips that connect the strap on each side. A black strap, about 2 inches wide, wraps around back of leg.
  21. Thigh Armor • Front of thigh armor has a flat triangular area near the knee. • From the top of the triangle a ridge line travels up the front of the thigh to the top edge. • There should be a visible seam down the inside and outside of the armor Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor
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