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Everything posted by smoszer

  1. I would be in the camp that requires the under suit to have the ribbing as the standard requirement. But I wrote the outline for the following reasons: Here is the response to your 3 questions above. 1) If you scroll back in the thread to a picture in the post on June 29th by Dewannawonga, you can see two vertical black rectangles on each side of the zipper. I found this image online in a better resolution and zoomed in on it. It's made of a mesh that is similar to what is used for a scubba diver's bag. I agree that this is for venting to reduce body heat. 2) If the idea is that the level 2 and level 3 certification is to build off of the standard requirements, then I haven't seen that stated anywhere. If you take each level on it's own merit, than the way it's written will help to clarify the areas that are ribbed and the areas that are not. If we don't outline the areas that are not, then someone may make the whole under suit in the ribbed material. If ribbing throughout the whole suit is okay, then I'd be good with removing that information. 3) The outline is based on the already written and approved CRL for this type of under suit. There is already precedent established by the 501st for what is acceptable for if and how the ribbing would appear. The standard level requirement allows for a non-ribbed under suit. I combined the lvl. 2 and lvl. 3 requirements to adjust for the comment earlier in the thread by Ryan last Saturday that said there is no level 3 used in Spec Ops CRLs. I'll be using the level 2 outline in my build.
  2. Under Suit Black non-textured material, either one-piece or two-piece construction with no visible logos/designs. Zippers are allowed but must not be visible. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): All visible areas shall be fully ribbed with horizontal ribbing from shoulder to forearms and across chest, hips and knees. Forearms, waist, thighs and calves may be a black, non-textured material. The center of chest and back may be mesh as long as it is covered by armor. Knee seals are allowed as long as they correctly match top ribbing material, spacing and color.
  3. Thanks Ryan for clarifying that level 2 is the highest available. Does it make sense to keep the standard level as is and add combine the lvl. 2 and lvl. 3 together and edit it slightly? I'd be happy to draft something up and post it for the group to react to. Also Ryan. I'm not sure if you read back through the thread but the Hot Toys Japan display is the actual armor from the series that was displayed with a number of other screen worn costumes. We've been referencing it because it has a number of images and a short video that was taken during the event. This has the best natural lighting and has allowed us to see some better detail.
  4. Yes. I've watched the video of the Japan version of the Hot Toys live action costume and all of the ribbing is horizontal and very much matches the under suit image that Brent posted and follows the CRL exactly. I don't see any need to modify what's already written and being used. My thoughts are we lift and shift it to our CRL and move to the neck seal.
  5. I'll let Daniel speak to this but I'm guessing that the idea is to make it accessible for those who can't find or afford the authentic under suit to still be able to get certified at a basic level. Most people can find black stretch material tops and leggings. That is my guess as to why it could be 2 pieces. The level 2 and level 3 outline show how someone can get the added details of the ribbing to more closely match the screen accurate under suit.
  6. I would agree with Brent that this is the R1 TK under suit with horizontal ribbing. If it's not the exact suit, it would be heavily based on it. I think the easiest thing to do would be to pull the description from another CRL that lists the under suit and review how its outlined so we can use it directly here or modify it, if we feel there are any differences.
  7. Thanks Brent. We can always use another set of eyes in drafting the CRL. We're working from the top down. Once we have the helmet finished we'll move onto the belacova, neck seal and pauldron. We should be able to pick up what has already been written for other costumes with very little changes. Then we'll start with the armor pieces. I have a completed kit that we can also refer to.
  8. I know that we have the bulk of the helmet CRL written but I was wondering about the standard requirements versus the level 2 and optional requirements. Are we going to outline anything to make it more flexible for what's available internationally? My thinking is around the plate being separate from the helmet or it being combined with the helmet as one piece. I'm also wondering about the screen mesh being an option for the channel underneath the teeth. We mentioned it, but I'm not sure if there was a decision on that.
  9. Daniel, I think amber is the perfect word to describe the color. My vote is yes.
  10. The reference picture that we have of the kama show the background as red and the cogs as black. They're about the size you described and basically touching each other so there is very little red showing.
  11. Hey Craig. I think the waist thing you're asking about is the kama. The black and red leather piece worn around the waist.
  12. Welcome. We're so happy to see you join the group and offer up your help. The more expertise and members we have working together, the easier it will be to get this completed so we can all go out and share this incredibly cool armor as we troop. When I saw the Purge armor in Kanobi, I switched from a patrol trooper to building this out. I have everything done accept a way to get it approved. So I'm itching to get the CRL done.
  13. Thanks Craig for joining the forum and taking the time to help us get the most accurate information to create the CRL. Trying to guess what it should be is definitely not the best solution. So having your input will be invaluable in this process and hopefully we can finish building this out that much quicker. So THANK YOU again in advance.
  14. The LEDs are still a challenge. I look at the FBFX image and it's obviously a clear LED diode above a red diode. But they do make clear diodes that light up as a color, so that's not the best way to verify that. All of the Kenobi show screen captures that I've seen show it looking more yellow. The guy that you know, Kenyon, has told you its orange. I may have to go back and watch the Series again and that episode to see if there are any scenes that give us information. Kenyon, If you know someone else who might have Intel, then maybe we can get 2 verifications.
  15. Kenyon, there are 2 areas on your helmet design that I wanted to point out to you to. The first is the small rectangular shape below the vocoder. In the show worn images it is more square and there'e a shallow recessed line running through the center. Your design looks more rounded on the top and bottom edge and I'm not seeing the recessed line. It also looks like it comes out a little further away from the edge of the ridge that runs around the plate. The other area is the small rectangular shape above the visor. It looks to me like the outer edge of that shape actually turn out at an angle and aren't flat or follow the radius of the brow ridge. Take a look and let me know what you see.
  16. I agree that it doesn't have the mesh. But when trooping this is extremely beneficial for venting and not getting so hot. That's why I'm supporting the option. But if it's decided that it has to be solid. I'm fine with that too.
  17. Hey Daniel, I was wondering what we have left to complete the helmet CRL and keep this moving. Kenyon was able to get some great info about the plate and I was wondering your thoughts on adding it. If we should approach this as a standard requirement or as a level 2 option. If we can wrap up the helmet, I think we can pick up a lot of the other descriptions from the other CRLs from similar armor and then outline the differences. Kenyon, can you upload the image of the plate that you created in your 3D software? The image you sent me via Facebook messenger? I think that's a great example of what you're discribing.
  18. I think this is great information Kenyon. It helps explain what Daniel was seeing and trying to figure out with the plate and the helmet looking like different finishes. It also explains why it looks like there is such a deep shadow around the edge.
  19. I think you're really close. I think the black shape is the first raised area (first tier) above the plate. The red shape is the next raised area (top tier) above the black shape. I've looked at a few different angles and the green shape looks to be at the same height as the red shape, but the green and red shapes are separated by a "v" shaped beveled line that cuts down into the red shape about 50% of the height of the red shape. The shorter green line to the left side also cuts to the same height as the beveled line above it. The red rectangle shape with the beveled left edge also looks correct. From what I see it cuts out of the red shape (top tier) and the bottom of that shape ends even with the top of the black shape (first tier). The vertical green rectangle looks about 25-30% higher than the black shape (first tier) and notches into the green/red shape. The top of the rectangle notch is cut out to the level with the top tier. The other thing I noticed, but can't get a close enough view on, is that I'm seeing some type of small shape just to the left of the horizontal green line. It looks to be on the outside edge of the red shape. It almost looks like an extension of the line outside of the red shape. I can't tell if it's just the lighting, if there's a small notch, or there's a small piece sticking out from the edge that's catching the light. If it is there, it's minor to the design, so I'm not sure how critical it is to verify it for the approval.
  20. This is the event that I am referencing for all of the photos and video that I am uploading.
  21. No worries. That's my fault for not making it clear. Hot Toys had a display in Japan of a number of the screen worn costumes and one of the members of the Purge Trooper Phase 2 group on Facebook posted images and a video from when he was at the event. I'm not sure if he's a member of the 501st, but I think he is. I linked the video earlier in the thread in this forum. If you watch it, it has a close up scan from head to toe and from left to right. The only funny thing is the utility belt was put on upside down when they placed it on the mannequin. Let me know if the link to the video doesn't work. I'm also going to reach out to the person who posted everything on Facebook to see if they're 501st. Is so, I'll see if they would be interested in joining this forum to help us out.
  22. Sorry for the delay in responding. It's been a busy week. I uploaded some references from the FBFX instagram photo that I tried to zoom in on. The teeth image is a different capture from the Hot Toys. Otherwise I don't have any other references that I can find from the screen worn helmet.
  23. There is a black hexagonal front plate, with matte black greebles. Very difficult to call colours here. It definitely looks like a different finish to the rest of the helmet. Here is a close up from the FBFX image that I enlarged in Photoshop. What I'm seeing is the plate is gloss, based on the shine of the top edges of greeblies with the screens and the highlights below those same greeblies and highlights below the vocoder along with the shine on the top of the vocoder. It does look like the small verticle rectangles on each side of the vocoder (top of the T) are a flat/matte finish, along with the rectangle just below it. Centre top greeble is rectangular in shape with two clipped dog ears on the top right and left corners. Recessed line follows the outline of the greeble and includes a horizontal intersecting line that runs across the bottom third. One longer line is just below the horizontal line on the left bottom. One shorter line is just above the horizontal line on the right. I'm not sure if this image helps clarify what I outlined. I see two rectangles stacked on top of each other. The bottom makes up the bottom third of the greeblie and the top is a rectangle that makes up about two thirds of the shape with the dog ears at the top corners. The line I see on the lower left of the horizontal line is in the top of that lower rectangle. With this photo, it also looks like there is a small square below it. The smaller line on the top that I mentione: in this picture it looks more like a notch that connects with line that goes around the outside of greeblie. Here is the image of the pill greeblie detail. I'm confused as to why you wouldn't use the hot toys images as a reference. My understanding is that this is a display of the screen worn costumes that they displayed after the filming of the show. Is that not accurate? If this is true, wouldn't it be the best reference images that we have in a good lighting condition? For the LEDs on the helmet, I'm not seeing white, it looks yellow to me. Kenyon said that someone who saw the helmet up close said they were orange. I don't have any great references for this.
  24. Here are the images that correspond with the outline bullet to show what I was referencing to write the requirements. These are all from the Hot Toys display and I just zoomed in using Photoshop to crop them tighter. Agreed that it could also be one colour and just looks darker in the recesses. No clear evidence seems available yet. I was going more by the usual TK/TI convention of having a darker colour in the recesses, or them being cut out completely. More sources/references needed.Can you send on some close up images with front plate, greeble vocoder details? I take it these details are taken from Hot Toys rather than high res screens or set photos? Rectangular metallic silver (screens?) are inset into the greeble in the front of each side tusk. As above, can you post any close ups to help with this? Agreed that it could also be one colour and just looks darker in the recesses. No clear evidence seems available yet. I was going more by the usual TK/TI convention of having a darker colour in the recesses, or them being cut out completely. More sources/references needed. Raised planes run on the top of the muzzle along each side of the half moon greeblie and are the same height as the greeblie. I'm not seeing what you mean here, are you able to show any pictures to explain a bit better? The file that I started with was built with these raised areas being level with the area that the half moon is sitting on. I had to use bondo to raise it to be the same height as the top of the moon shaped greeblie. Top of greebles are split in half with the top half being flat and the bottom half having 4 raised stripes that are level with the flat half. Can you supply any close ups to explain this better? I can't see this in the available references.
  25. Sounds good. I'm working on setting up a Flicker account, then I'll try to figure out how to get the images connected.
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