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Everything posted by beren88

  1. that is very exciting that all the files have been given the green light. i will start printing them today to move on to next stage of it all
  2. so the text is good. just waiting on final say for the models? did you look at the blaster pics i uploaded too? i didnt see any feedback on the rifle?
  3. thanks, i forgot about the page 1 showing the good to go or whats still awaiting approval i know i was waiting on modeling etc for a bit because i was waiting for my person to make the flight suit, it looks like she is in final stages of the pants, so i will have them in coming weeks most likely. i would love if we could get approval soon so i can start printing actual armour items and actually get this armour built and approved soon after the flight suit. To that end, here is version 1 of the rifle. if this is approved, ia m working on a special item, i saw in the official artwork it says the rifle must attach to the thigh plate, and i am working on a way to mount the rifle to the thigh plate without it being apparent. I have figured out a similar way for a current blaster design, so if it works, we can do it as a level two option for people
  4. awesome on the shins Thanks for getting it all reviewed, now that shins are aprproved, i want to move on to gun, but i want to ensure the whoel armour set is good to go before i move on to gun since that will be the last piece of the set
  5. and can we confirm that other than the shins we looking at now, and the gun which i havent done, all the rest of the pieces are now correct right?
  6. ok, so could you look at the revision i had made for the knee, here is v2 any changes to it? or is it good to go?
  7. if we look at the white on his gauntlet, it matches what the schnee/ knee white has im starting to think the shins and knees are one
  8. can we get a new look at this knee shot. are we sure that the knee cap is seperate? the more i look closely at this photo, the more im wondering if the whiet lines arent painted?
  9. Hello all Whiel teresa is workign on pans, i did a few more modifacations to the chest, belt, and gauntlets. How we looking?
  10. here is the jetpack https://imgur.com/rdwn4n8 and shins https://imgur.com/KIKgwyj
  11. im not being argumentative. Im just concerned about the handplates given the fact the the animation is showing them benton themselves. Ill probably print them in a flexible resin material, so that way i can paint them and they will have flex. the plates are fine as designed i guess, someone will prit in platic, and just have to be very precice with placement of them i have a few more pieces to show, ill do a seperate post
  12. i wonder if the armour coming under the gauntlet is just an animation thing. Armour in real life doesnt typically do that as it limits wrist movement. i think the hard armour hand plates is still best option. I think the armour will just need to be touching the gauntlet for when put on. It might naturally slip under sometimes, btu i think its best to have a 1/4imch gap to create illusion fo coverage, but still allow movement
  13. upcomign a bunch of updated images for perusal to ensure accuracy. Sorry been away for a bit, but i have been working on the costume as you can see let me know oyur thoughts to improve https://imgur.com/QYGd8yw https://imgur.com/vdq40Np https://imgur.com/qu1JlJ0 https://imgur.com/rwBPTi8 https://imgur.com/66a1n39 https://imgur.com/cEk9s9f
  14. yeah, i planned on remodeling the jetpack anyway. I have the one on etsy isnt accurate. Im working on the thighs and gun first
  15. here is the belt and belt pouches. in case some people prefer to have them printed. i figured should be made out of leather, but i will defer to you folks for the belt. what changes were needed for the torso? can you show it to me?
  16. on the plus side, i was looking at teh official artwork, and it says that the gun shoudl attach to the thigh plate, i think i ahve an idea for the gun to do that. you guys cool with me working on the thighs and gun next?
  17. i did have the embossing on the helmet around the eyes and forhead. do you want matchign line details on the chest plates too? Im off as of tomorrow for two weeks, so i cant get it fixed utnil im back, but i can add it if needed
  18. i was thinking of cutting it into parts, front, back, and then have the shoulders cut so they go on last, to act as a seam cover so only visible seam would be on sides. I thought too of making it so that the plating would have spots could install magnets into to keep the back and the front connected when worn
  19. i posted up the newest render. Im just awaiting word on any changes requested. Once that has been reviewed, then we can decide which part to model next
  20. yeah, im just pressing ahead. awesome, i look forward to your review on it. Then we can figure out which piece to work on next. I am up to 5 more in my local area who are building this with me, so there will be 6 imperial super commandos all going for approval around same time. I wanted to roll up to events with a whole squad
  21. i am hopefully in final renders of the chest and back. I have already printed the helmet and am sanding. I have the seamstress working on the pants, and i have the shirt already done. Whatever part is next shouldnt take too long in the modeling phase. It would be an inconvenience to switch detachments at this point to be working with new people around creating designs to 501st standard.
  22. im working on it regardless of where it is, just kind of liked the idea of the spec ops since its a specialised imperial division Ionce everyone looks over the chest, i will start printing it and move on to designing the next piece for the armour any preference what i shoudl do next? gauntlets? jetpack? shins?
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