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Everything posted by beren88

  1. more updates on the helmet. i only have the triangle there for illustrative purposes only. the final model wont have it since we have said its painted on. Let me know if any changes needing to be made. Im open to all critiques..
  2. that super commando captain you pointed to in your post, i have an approved super commando captain. Thats part of why i am wanting to do this costume. I want to do all three armours of Gar saxon through his live action appearences. if that flight suit is grey, its a grey very very diluted. it looks white on my monitors. we talking stone grey which is lightest grey shade i can think of top of mind
  3. yeah, i posted another wip in the other threads. feel free to critique t and poke out any curves or things im missing. the beauty of it being modeled as we write the crl is, we can ensure its flawless before it goes to print
  4. postign in here for my WIP on the Costume. Very early draft of the helmet. Still work to do around pulling in cheeks etc, but sharing wip so everyone knows i am working on the costume
  5. very early early stages of the model. still have to pull in the shapes, but wanted to share some of the progress on the helmet model
  6. i liek that analogy. Its like a soft cotton right? i would agree on that for the top, btu then what would the bottom material be, i imagine the same material woudl be too soft for pants
  7. sounds great. I am back at work on the helmet model. Been doing Star wars troops for last 4 days straight, so wasnt modeling during that time. Hopefully will have first WIP by wednesday
  8. im cool with all of what you said. gaps can be interpreted many ways, and doesnt detract if either colour are chosen. i like the grey ear caps with weathered white antenna.
  9. you got me there. my feeling is grey with weathering. spaces liek that naturally collect dirt and dust faster and the shadows make it darker. but black would certainly make painting it much easier. so iw ill defer to the higher ups on making that decision. As for the cut line, i am going to overlay my model over the picture so that it matches references exactly
  10. i think the flat section is very light grey, but the antenna piece is weathered white. it seems like the side piece is two colours, which is odd to me aesthetically
  11. im torn on the answer to that. I was originally thinking white with weathering given the feathering we see on the grey, but that feathering might be just the animation. In the first pic, i would say the part over ears is grey, but the antenna sitting on the grey is white. the antenna look white in all the images to me. the second image still looks white over grey. its the third image where the flat part under the antenna looks white, so two of three appear grey flat part with white pice sitting on grey with white antennae
  12. i might also see if i can make an svg file of the triangle, and then can just cut it on my cricut, to act as a paint guide as well, so the triangle goes on perfectly
  13. perfect, i agree it is painted.. This photo very much affirms that. I will continue modeling. as long as things keep going as they are this week with nothing stopping, i should have first version of the helmet modeled up. doing a may the 4th give away of the new imperial commando blaster, so trying to bang that out first.
  14. yeah, skylu and do3d have the indent. but i personally dont think they are correct. The flaking in the triangle makes me think paint.
  15. i would say the raised parts should be painted. decals makes stuff look cheap fast i feel. I also feel like it wouldnt be decals. They are still mandalorians, they take pride in there painting of armour
  16. i feel its a slight raise to it, but minimal, we talking .5mm to 2 tops. i feel like 1mm is best
  17. yeah, i agree, i thought it was white on the back with just grey or weathering in the recesses, but you migth be right its grey not weathering. i wuld say they are raised, but like a mm or 2 tops
  18. in this pic, if you look on the bottom front portion of the ear cap, it has a similar line. i feel liek its just a design aesthetic, to give shape and depth in 2d animation. not raised, just lines in the design yep, totally ok with that. we are inline on same thoughts
  19. that top yellow throws off what i was going to say originally, but when i think about that top yellow and follow the line, yeah, i would say that its recessed. the blue i dont get the sense of raised, i get the vibe of it same height as around it, but the lines are cut around the pieces inside. kind of like the lines inside din djarins mohalk
  20. ok, i liek that better. Then people can just paint as they see fit. the grunts looks the same to me when i look at it, only paint seems different
  21. im currently working on creating the 3d models to match these same photos. can we discuss the trianle on his forhead? in some photos, i feel like it is indented, and others i think its painted on. hwo should i model the helmet? with or without the indent?
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