Yeah I can get some pics of the helmet model in a minute, we've been working on it for about three months now as there's so many small details that haven't been noticed by anyone that he let me know about the helmet. but also yes he confirmed the top led was orange and the bottom was red. the camera just made it look white in some angles.
he said the purge actor was awesome and one day on set the actor let him hold his blaster and my friend said without even thinking he said can I try on the purge helmet, and the actor said yeah but lets go somewhere more private (as only he was supposed to have the helmet on) so he took my friend and two other troopers somewhere and let them hold and try on the helmet!
My friend who was on set and I are both building the armor and i have my top torso done with the chest led installed and he's waiting to start until we get a CRL but we are both using my new Resin Helmet Casts for ours. I Know of one other guy that's building the armor but he's using some helmet files that he tried and modified but they aren't 100% screen accurate so maybe my model can help resolve that problem!