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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by WickerMan

  1. Pics as promised The Range Finder is added to a test pull of the Vac Formed v2 of the Navy Commando bucket, once I add the curved moulding to cover the RF mechanism, I'll make a second buck so both options are available to order. NCO RF 110120 3 by Jim Craig, on Flickr NCO RF 110120 2 by Jim Craig, on Flickr The Backpack was built up to be 100% faithful to the reference images and using the figure to add details lost in the render quality of the game untitled by Jim Craig, on Flickr 2 by Jim Craig, on Flickr & now, the reveal... IMG_3298 by Jim Craig, on Flickr IMG_3297 by Jim Craig, on Flickr IMG_3296 by Jim Craig, on Flickr When I wrote the original Navy Commando CRL, I added the Officer Variant at the bottom of the same page but I'm now thinking the differences are enough to update to a full separate CRL for the Officer.
  2. Been a while since I last dusted off the backpack build, a buddy of mine is helping me complete it in January (he builds Sand-trooper packs usually), and have a prototype vac formed helmet to play with for the Range Finder to attach to. He is also going to build a NC grunt to accompany my new officer. Swift, Silent, Relentless....just slower LOL
  3. Update time The Backpack is almost complete, onto the fishing touches now (pics to follow) Moved onto the Officer variant helmet mods; Range finder on it's way and found some clearer reference images for the mounting 'bump' on the side of the helmet. I had thought it followed the look of Clone Commander Bacara's , but it is quite different. It now looks to be an adjusted version of a TK ear piece (reshaped into a pointed oval) complete with the raised rectangular 'bump'. Easy enough to create from my spare parts box Also finished the vac-forming bucks and the test pull of the helmet came out great...Watch this space for a run
  4. I'm working on the molds for a vac-formed version 2 of my original cast helmet (to make it lighter). Once I have them, I'll post up a sale thread
  5. Well the upgrade didn't pan out for Celebration, but I have received the pauldron today. It was worth the wait!! Officer in da house!!! Backpack is 70% complete, Rangefinder next and we're done.
  6. Yes, the thigh patches are mandatory. They are in every reference image in the game & on the figure. They are essentially Shadow Scout cummerbund pouches with the front flap cut down to a rhombus. Happy to field any questions about this costume ;-)
  7. Hey Brian, the GM chest is shorter and plainer than the Snowy. The Clone Detachment forum is your best bet to get hold of a set, you could probably modify a snowy chest plate but it would mean cutting a couple of inches out of the middle so it's the right length (plus you'd have to change the raised section to the other side and block off the hollow area...not impossible but a lot more work ;-)
  8. Hoping to get this done for Celebration Europe: London I have all the pieces for the backpack and have started the modding & assembly. Just awaiting the custom pauldron (been on order since October!!). Only other element is the rangefinder for the helmet. Pics to follow in the next update
  9. Funny how close the Swamptrooper helmet looks to the beige 'Sandtrooper' leaked pic from Rogue One. Guess someone at Lucasfilm has a soft spot for this lid too ;-)
  10. Been a while since I updated this, real life etc ha ha I've started the frame and been looking at ways of attaching to the backplate so it has no visible means of support etc. I also have the custom shaped and coloured pauldron being made by a fellow UKG member I'll post up some pics soon ;-)
  11. Just needs references, as far as I recall the only Legacy stormtroopers shown were white armoured. No Shadowtroopers featured in the Legacy comics. So any Black/chrome/red variants would be unreferenced. Anyone seen a ref image to support Shadow Legacy Troopers (Male or female)?
  12. As the first cleared and CRL model, it would seem best if I did it. However if a blow by blow build vid is required, it may be better for whoever builds next to video as they go...with my guidance etc
  13. Re: the CRL, we already have the officer variant listed at the bottom, so it should just be a matter of adding pics to the entries (there are just placeholder images at the moment) ;-)
  14. Shins, forearms, Ammo packs and shoes are TK Shoulders are TB Elbows are Clone Chest is modified Clone Galactic Marine Back is modified Clone Hope this helps ;-)
  15. Research part 2 The Pauldron should be dark red rather than orange, a black MP40 pouch will be required for the right hip and I'll need to build a rangefinder The backpack is much smaller than a sandy, simplified in structure and worn much higher, with the bottom edge of the backpack more or less lined up with the bottom of the raised section of the backplate. Furthermore, there are no visible straps, the backpack is supported solely by the backplate, just like on a Republic Commando- See this image; Surprisingly, the Hasbro action figure has actually recreated the structure and positioning of the pack very faithfully So I have a solid base to start from and, as luck would have it, a spare backplate that I can build it on ;-) and so it begins...
  16. Hey there Troopers; At a recent troop in my Navy Commando, I borrowed a pauldron and a backpack from a nearby Sandy to mock up an officer... Obviously, the pack isn't correct but you get the idea. Definitely adds a bit of extra visual interest to the Panda Trooper I've started to research the pack construction proper, so will post up my findings in due course ;-)
  17. Good to see you made it over here Steve, glad I now have company in the Commando world ;-)
  18. If you are doing the 'in game' version mate, the LMO stated that the backplate needs to match the visual ref with the 'hump' coming in straight off the shoulders and taking up almost the entire width of the backplate (so larger than the Clone style), this was the main reason I had to classify mine as the 'Realistic' version Like this;
  19. Yup, separate CRL, separate cossie, new 501st '1st'
  20. Looking really good mate, the CRL was agreed to be separate for in-game versions & Realistic. Your lid looks like it would do for either The Grey stripe on the chestplate could also be interpreted as a raised lip (same as a Snowtrooper chestplate) but the refs are inconsistent
  21. Been a while since the last update, any more progress to report Dizzy?
  22. I think the Armoured Cavalry Detachment have claimed this one already, its an AT-PT pilot or something similar
  23. Thanks man Your research was a big help in my decision to start this build, will be good to see if anyone follows my pioneering by making the 'warts and all' In-Game version
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