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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by WickerMan

  1. Wow... okay....officially excited!!!!!! Second your thread goes up, count my order placed & PM me your Paypal Dude!!! Funny that I was trying to fight with myself to not do an Evo just yet ha ha...must be fate!!!!!! [slight overuse of emoticons there!!!!! See ..told you I was excited ha ha!!!]
  2. Hey FiveZero, not nagging or anything but when is my helmet going on sale ha ha!!!!! Can't wait for your sale thread to appear, must have one of those bad boys!!! Consider this me 'registering my interest' Ha ha Awesome work buddy!!
  3. Mate, been speaking to a couple of my UKG buddies and they are wanting to join me in getting a squad of EVO troopers going in the UK, so at the moment there are 3 pre-orders for your lids mate...best cast more than 5!!!!!!!!!!!! Any idea how much you will be charging for them yet? (& shipping cost to the UK) Looks like you have a squad of EVO brothers in the making :smiley-sw013:
  4. Awesome build mate, love those Evo Troopers. Would love to obtain one of your Evo helmets to add to my shelf!!
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