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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by WickerMan

  1. Agreed, mine took an age and was butchered from 2 different helmets, a lot of surgery and a ton of Bondo. Really liking the look of this..can't wait to see it finished Love these speedy Pep builds
  2. Excellent, keep the updates coming...and pics! Always pics!!
  3. Looking good, be interested to see the results
  4. Round 2 After the LMO's feedback (through Damian) I have made the changes as requested to the armour. This build is now 'Imperial Navy Commando TFU- Realistic' The helmet has been made sleeker by removing the bottom edge of the trap channel (as requested) and the nose has been rounded off. It has also been cleaned up a lot so has a much nicer finish now. The ankle spats have been replaced with TK power cells per the LMO's suggestion and the belt has been replaced with a TK belt. The Ammo pouches havealso been replaced with leather MP-40 pouches as requested I will be re-submitting for clearance tonight as every change mentioned by the LMO has been made, here are the updated pics (Chef- I've taken pics of the individual armour pieces against a greenscreen for the CRL, let me know how you want them etc) & some action shots
  5. Updated CRL- Go with this one Damian Draft CRL Description: Imperial Navy Commando Prefix: TX Detachment: Special Ops Context: Star Wars- The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii only) Navy commandos were lightly armored soldiers that were trained for patrol, guard and monitor duty. At least some commandos were trained in piloting All Terrain Scout Transports, as one was seen during the Battle of the TIE Fighter Construction Facility. They were typically stationed at key Imperial facilities where they provided accurate covering fire for other units. Squads consisted of five to seven commandos and a sergeant, and sometimes an officer or a medic Source references; The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii versions only) Battlefront 3.75" Action Figure Realistic Version Custom helmet ( Galactic Marine or Snow-clone cowl; with modifications, heavily modified TK faceplate or scratch-build) Balaclava- A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair. TK Neckseal Black Scout or Tie Pilot flightsuit (with padded thigh ammunition pockets). The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets). Cummerbund- Black to match flightsuit, horizontally striped ab section 12†wide and with 1†spacing between each stripe. The sides should be plain Galactic Marine Chest-plate (modified with TK ab detailing). White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & edge of chest plate. 1" wide grey unit stripe detail should be present around all edges of the chest plate apart from the bottom, inset ½" from the edge. Galactic Marine Back-plate (indented modified Clone insert). Insert must be grey. White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & bottom edge of back plate. Level 2- Back-plate insert should have up-lighters to match the visual references TK Shoulder straps Scout Trooper Shoulder plates. Shoulders should be padded to 'float' above the shoulders like a Clone Galactic Marine elbows TK forearms re-cut to match shape of clone forearms ANH hand-plates Stormtrooper belt 2x Black Leather MP40 style Ammunition pouches (one on left chest, one on left side hip) 1x White Flip Top ARC style Ammunition pouch (on right hip) 2x TK Thermal Detonators (One at back of belt, one on front left hip) Level 2- Front hip TD to be half sized with a single control button TK Cod/Butt ESB E11 Holster (on right hip side) looped over belt TK Greaves (Widely spaced with 2" cover strip at front) Custom Knee plates on both knees. Knee plates are directly attached to the greaves (in a similar fashion as the TK Sniper plate) TK Energy Sink ankle spats Stormtrooper boots E11 Blaster Level 2 Armour should be weathered like a Scout or 'Battle Worn' but not weathered like a Clone or Sand Trooper Optional Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) E11 Blaster Laser guided Sniper Rifle Officer Variant (as above with the following differences) Comms antenna on Right temple (use CC Bacara as ref) Command Pauldron (custom shape- Red in colour) A third Black Leather MP40 Ammunition pouch replaces white hip pouch on the grunt Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) – compulsory for officers In-game Version- Differences Custom backplate, Box is so large it travels directly into the neckline and takes up almost the entire backplate Animated Clone Belt Thermal detonators are square to match PSP Screengrabs Animated ARC Trooper flip-top pouch sized custom Leather MP-40 style pouches Custom ankle spats in style of Animated Clone belt
  6. Good to have some feedback Damian Yes, now I'm committed to the realistic version, I am happier about the changes. The leather pouch works for this version, with the smaller one reserved for the In game version. I'll tidy the CRL to a final draft & post up for you
  7. ##Updates time## Helmet version 2 is complete.All sanding, bondoing, Sanding and painting is finished, just need the detail painting in, then weathering etc. Below are a sequence of comparison shots of the Version 1 and the Version 2, I'd appreciate if Damian and the LMO team can cast their eye over them while I update the armour elements next Side by side- Front Side by side- Side Side by side- Rear Face to face- Snout detail
  8. Progress report: Version 2.0 'Realistic' route Moved on with the feedback from Damian and the LMO team and started to make the changes. The palm sander came out to play and the flat nose & bottom edge to the traps have been sanded away I actually prefer the look of the helmet now (as previously stated I had initially considered this look but ironically put these down to rendering shortcomings),so with the Bondo drying and a bit more sanding, helmet version 2.0 will be ready to paint. The leather MP40 pouches arrived and, while I still think they are too large for the chestplate, they actually look pretty damn good (& who doesn't love the smell of leather? eh lads?) Then, for context, I test it with the version 1 helmet and holding the ARC pouch for scale. Looks like it will work ok ;-) Once the TK belt arrives and the V2 helmet is finished and painted up, I'll kit up for a test fit before re-submission.
  9. Well that went a bit weird and the editing software seems to be on the blink, so I have edited the source file instead, so here it is again..readable ha ha Draft CRL Description: Imperial Navy Commando Prefix: TX Detachment: Special Ops Context: Star Wars- The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii only) Navy commandos were lightly armored soldiers that were trained for patrol, guard and monitor duty. At least some commandos were trained in piloting All Terrain Scout Transports, as one was seen during the Battle of the TIE Fighter Construction Facility. They were typically stationed at key Imperial facilities where they provided accurate covering fire for other units. Squads consisted of five to seven commandos and a sergeant, and sometimes an officer or a medic Source references; The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii versions only) Battlefront 3.75" Action Figure Realistic Version Custom helmet ( Galactic Marine or Snow-clone cowl; with modifications, heavily modified TK faceplate or scratch-build) Balaclava- A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair. TK Neckseal Black Scout or Tie Pilot flightsuit (with padded thigh ammunition pockets). The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets). Cummerbund Black to match flightsuit, horizontally striped ab section 12†wide and with 1†spacing between each stripe. The sides should be plain Galactic Marine Chest-plate (modified with TK ab detailing). White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & edge of chest plate. 1" wide grey unit stripe detail should be present around all edges of the chest plate apart from the bottom, inset ½" from the edge. Galactic Marine Back-plate (indented modified Clone insert). Insert must be grey. White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & bottom edge of back plate. Level 2- Back-plate insert should have up-lighters to match the visual references TK Shoulder straps Scout Trooper Shoulder plates. Shoulders should be padded to 'float' above the shoulders like a Clone Galactic Marine elbows TK forearms re-cut to match shape of clone forearms ANH hand-plates Stormtrooper belt 2x Black Leather MP40 style Ammunition pouches (one on left chest, one on left side hip) 1x White Flip Top ARC style Ammunition pouch (on right hip) 2x TK Thermal Detonators (One at back of belt, one on front left hip) Level 2- Front hip TD to be half sized with a single control button TK Cod/Butt ROTJ E11 Holster (on right hip side) TK Greaves (Widely spaced with 2" cover strip at front) Custom Knee plates on both knees. Knee plates are directly attached to the greaves (in a similar fashion as the TK Sniper plate) TK Energy Sink ankle spats Stormtrooper boots E11 Blaster Level 2 Armour should be weathered like a Scout or 'Battle Worn' but not weathered like a Clone or Sand Trooper Optional Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) E11 Blaster Laser guided Sniper Rifle Officer Variant (as above with the following differences) Comms antenna on Right temple (use CC Bacara as ref) Command Pauldron (custom shape- Red in colour) Black Leather MP40 Ammunition pouch replaces white hip pouch on the grunt Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) – compulsory for officers In-game Version- Differences Custom backplate, Box is so large it travels directly into the neckline and takes up almost the entire backplate Animated Clone Belt Animated ARC Trooper flip-top pouches in place of MP-40 style elements Custom ankle spats in style of Animated Clone belt
  10. So here is CRL draft version 2, let me know what you think guys Draft CRL Description: Imperial Navy Commando Prefix: TX Detachment: Special Ops Context: Star Wars- The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii only) Navy commandos were lightly armored soldiers that were trained for patrol, guard and monitor duty. At least some commandos were trained in piloting All Terrain Scout Transports, as one was seen during the Battle of the TIE Fighter Construction Facility. They were typically stationed at key Imperial facilities where they provided accurate covering fire for other units. Squads consisted of five to seven commandos and a sergeant, and sometimes an officer or a medic Source references; The Force Unleashed (PSP & Wii versions only) Battlefront 3.75" Action Figure Realistic Version Custom helmet ( Galactic Marine or Snow-clone cowl; with modifications, heavily modified TK faceplate or scratch-build) Balaclava- A balaclava is a black head sock/hood that is worn under the helmet and is used primarily to hide any view of the wearer's skin and/or facial hair. TK Neckseal Black Scout or Tie Pilot flightsuit (with padded thigh ammunition pockets). The undersuit is a one or two-piece black textile suit, such as military flightsuits, motorcycle racing suits, industrial work clothing (Dickies), or similar suit modified appropriately. Suit must not have any visible labels, logos or zippers (including built in flight suit pockets). Cummerbund Black to match flightsuit, horizontally striped ab section 12†wide and with 1†spacing between each stripe. The sides should be plain Galactic Marine Chest-plate (modified with TK ab detailing). White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & edge of chest plate. 1" wide grey unit stripe detail should be present around all edges of the chest plate apart from the bottom, inset ½" from the edge. Galactic Marine Back-plate (indented modified Clone insert). Insert must be grey. White U-Shaped gasket should be present around neck, arm openings & bottom edge of back plate. Level 2- Back-plate insert should have up-lighters to match the visual references TK Shoulder straps Scout Trooper Shoulder plates. Shoulders should be padded to 'float' above the shoulders like a Clone Galactic Marine elbows TK forearms re-cut to match shape of clone forearms ANH hand-plates Stormtrooper belt 2x Black Leather MP40 style Ammunition pouches (one on left chest, one on left side hip) 1x White Flip Top ARC style Ammunition pouch (on right hip) 2x TK Thermal Detonators (One at back of belt, one on front left hip) Level 2- Front hip TD to be half sized with a single control button TK Cod/Butt ROTJ E11 Holster (on right hip side) TK Greaves (Widely spaced with 2" cover strip at front) Custom Knee plates on both knees. Knee plates are directly attached to the greaves (in a similar fashion as the TK Sniper plate) TK Energy Sink ankle spats Stormtrooper boots E11 Blaster Level 2 Armour should be weathered like a Scout or 'Battle Worn' but not weathered like a Clone or Sand Trooper Optional Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) E11 Blaster Laser guided Sniper Rifle Officer Variant (as above with the following differences) Comms antenna on Right temple (use CC Bacara as ref) Command Pauldron (custom shape- Red in colour) Black Leather MP40 Ammunition pouch replaces white hip pouch on the grunt Field backpack (Cut down/stylised version of a Sand-trooper pack, to match visual references) – compulsory for officers In-game Version- Differences Custom backplate, Box is so large it travels directly into the neckline and takes up almost the entire backplate Animated Clone Belt Animated ARC Trooper flip-top pouches in place of MP-40 style elements Front hip TD should be square to match PSP render Custom ankle spats in style of Animated Clone belt
  11. Cheers Rob, I found some Leather MP-40 style pouches on Ebay last night, they look thinner and longer in proportion than the cloth ones so may work better. I've also started sanding off the bottom edge on the helmet trap channel so the cowl sit's under the upper trap ridge with no bottom edge and have ordered some extra TK bits to change the belt and the ankle spats to make it fully realistic. I've already written up the CRL so I'll tweak it to show the differences between 'Realistic' and 'In Game'
  12. Thanks for the response Damian, that actually makes a lot more sense now. So what you are saying is that you consider my build to be a 'realistic' interpretation and it needs to be submitted as such, that is fine and does make sense now. I see what you are saying about the leather versions of the MP-40 pouch, I'll try and get some as I object to having a square TD so will follow the realistic path per your breakdown. What's the verdict on the flat nose? most refs show it but if it's an issue I can sand it rounded
  13. Well, I've had the lowdown from Damian a few weeks ago but it hasn't really clarified anything The helmet may need a tweak as a new reference image has surfaced that shows what he's talking about, the cowl actually sits under the dome with a top edge but no bottom edge to the traps channel. So I'll sand the bottom edge down & bondo it smooth. This was something I actually considered originally, but I put the blurry images to be a rendering issue. The flat strip across the nose is also being contested, Damian feels this is a rendering issue (ironically) while it is CLEARLY visible in the references, including the higher ref examples. This is 2 mins sanding so if it comes down to that I'll just amend but for now I have challenged it. The MP-40 thing is still being bandied even though I have shown that the refs do not match the size or shape of a true MP-40 pouch. ALL the refs in the game clearly show an ARC trooper flip top pouch. The dimensions are the same as the one on the front hip (which Damian has agreed is a flip top not an MP-40) So 3 months on from submission, we are a little nearer but still needing some battles to be fought!! Oh..and we are also still in silly land with talk of square TD's !!!!!! Oh well, where's my sander? ;-)
  14. There are some fullpage shots of the armour of the grunt & spec Ops in the Old Republic Visual guide, should help a lot
  15. Thanks Damian, in that case can you clearly state what changes are needed for the resubmission as I'm a bit lost as to what you are suggesting. The armour is all based on the 'in game' PSP/Wii screengrabs (therefore the 'Movie Canon' so the animated style pouches are correct. Rather than allusions to the swamptrooper (I understand that your approach is the same but it's muddying the message somewhat),can you clarify what specifically you feel needs to be amended to complete the 'In game' version. I have supplied my GML with my reference book, which consists of screengrabs with annotations & side by side comparisons with the armour as I have built and he feels it accurately captures the source. As an aside, your comment that the front of the helmet shouldn't be seen when viewing the helmet from the rear is incorrect as these screen grabs show (My helmet looks exactly the same from the same angles by the way)
  16. Hi Damian, thanks for the info on the behind the scenes processes The costume was based entirely on the screen grabs from the PSP & Wii versions. The PSP has a lower resolution (hence the square TD) but the Wii has a higher resolution and correctly shows the round TD. I also discounted the figure as it deviates from the ref pics in many areas (Backpack on the grunt, clone forearms/blaster etc), all my research was on the PSO & Wii versions. The helmet is not a Vader base as it does not have the compound curves, it is more like a Snowtrooper cowl but cut differently as it's shorter at the front and more steeply angled. The MP40 ammo pouch is massively oversized on the chestplate and does not match the proportions of the reference pics, whereby the animated ARC style does. I have both so it's no problem switching it over but it doesn't look right. see here Let me know what you think after this post mate, keen to get this cleared (I've already written up the CRL- with refrences noted to save time)
  17. My plan worked ha ha Looking forward to the inevitable WIP thread now Ty ;-)
  18. Now that the McQuarrie concept TK's have been realised I have taken another look at this armour...it's Concept TK armour with screen TK thigh attachment (the power cells bit). Maybe Kev could be persuaded to pull a set in mirrored PVC? Only issue I can see is that the concept TK's (& this suit) have to be assembled seamless (no cover strips) so would be difficult to get seamless without ruining the Chrome finish So, if anyone fancies trying it, I'd say you'd need... A set of KW Designs McQ Concept TK in Mirror PVC A Clone Republic Commando neck seal A scratch built helmet 2x TK holsters Mirrored TK boots Sooooooooo tempted
  19. On the plus side, a UKG buddy helped me to make a mould of the helmet so if anyone is interested I may just have some for sale in January. By then it will hopefully have cleared and have a CRL, so consider this an interest thread ;-)
  20. Got word a fortnight ago that the LMO wanted some extra shots of the undersuit on it's own (which I sent in 2 days later). UK Garrison have cleared the suit for trooping but still waiting for official 501st clearance....drums fingers!!!!
  21. Happy Halloween guys Your Treat is the knowledge that the Navy Commando is done ;-) I posted it up on the UK Garrison boards for final comments by our Armourers before submission, now here we are. Submitted to the GML for approval..and now the wait begins...
  22. Thanks Ty, just need it to stop bloody raining so I can spray the ammo pouches!!!
  23. Quick update KW Designs ARC Trooper ammo pouches arrived today ;-) Helmet is in molding process Putting finishing touches to the E-11 So close I can taste it now
  24. Thanks mate, Just the ARC Trooper ammo pouches (On their way from KW Designs) then we are done. I'll post up when the submission goes in, that way we can all hold our breath together ;-)
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